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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:52 题号:10929195

Crosstalk, a traditional form of comic storytelling, is making a comeback in China's tea houses and theaters.

Audiences can laugh the night away every Saturday at the Qianxiangyi Teahouse in Tianjin, entertained by the students of Hou Baolin, Ma Sanli or Yin Shoushan—all leading crosstalk artists of years past-for only 20 yuan. The success in Tianjin has also caused the comeback of crosstalk in Beijing and other places.

Although the art form began in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty (1644﹣1911), Tianjin became a place where rising stars formed their styles and new pieces were tried out. The city was well﹣known nationwide for the quality of its crosstalk performances.

Known in Chinese as xiangsheng (literally, “face and voice”), crosstalk was the chief form of comedy throughout most of the 20th century. In the old days in Tianjin and elsewhere, temple fairs and markets were the main places for crosstalkers to perform, although they occasionally also appeared in teahouses or theaters.

The Crosstalk piecesdraw onevery aspect of Chinese culture, from history and folk tales to social issues of the time. Although there're hundreds of traditional pieces, they're constantly rewritten to suit the times and the audience, while new works are written as well. It's one of the characters that have made crosstalk a public art form throughout its history.

“Crosstalk was in the doldrums (萎靡不振) with competition from other art forms, especially TV,” said Wang Xiaochun, headmaster of the Northern Storytelling Arts School of China (NSAS). “But it has regained its popularity with crosstalk fans, especially young people, realizing its rare qualities.”

“More and more students are coming to NSAS to study crosstalk, including some girl students,” said Wang. “They're sure that crosstalk will have a strong market.”

1. What does the underline phrase "draw on" mean in paragraph 6?  
A.keep away fromB.make use ofC.think little ofD.turn their back to
2. What can we learn from the text?  
A.Crosstalk first arose in Tianjin.
B.Crosstalk was mainly performed at teahouses in the past.
C.Crosstalk was the most popular art form in the 20th century.
D.Crosstalk didn't appear until the Qing Dynasty.
3. Crosstalk has been a public art form partly because  .
A.it is a popular traditional art after all
B.the pieces contain some famous folk tales
C.the crosstalkers make it return to teahouses
D.the pieces are made to suit the times and the audience
4. We can learn that the future of crosstalk first lies in  .
A.setting up more storytelling art schoolsB.beating TV and other arts
C.young people's understanding of its valueD.a strong market
19-20高一下·广西柳州·期中 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】The spirit of Christmas isn’t always so cheerful. Here are four unusual and a little scary Christmas traditions from around the world.
1. Guatmala: Burning devils
In order to make houses free from bad spirits for the New Year, Guatemalans do a full house clean in December. The dirt and dust is gathered from every home and each neighborhood creates a large amount of garbage. A devil statue is built and placed on top of the dirt, and burned. The bad luck is said to burn up with the devil.
2. South Africa: Don’t eat Santa’s cookies
To keep kids from stealing on Santa’s cookies, parents tell children a story about a boy named Danny who ate all of Santa’s cookies and really angered his grandmother. She killed him and now his ghosts visits houses during Christmas time.
3. Iceland: Fear the Yule Cat
Children who don’t receive new clothes by Christmas Eve will be eaten by the Yule Cat, a large and angry cat, which is said to hide in the snow. The strange tradition comes from farmers who used the myth to encourage their workers to finish making the autumn wool before Christmas.
4. Ukraine: A spooky tree
If you find yourself in Ukraine around the holidays, you may be wondering: Is it Christmas or Halloween? Trees here are decorated with artificial(人工的) spider weds and decorative spiders. The unusual tradition comes from a story where a spider wove a web around the tree of a poor family. When morning came, the white strands(线) turned to precious metals and the family became rich. The webs today show good fortune for the next year.
1. To celebrate the New Year, what will people do in Guatemala?
A.Clean their houses.
B.Show their respects to the devil statue.
C.Buy a devil statue.
D.Move to new houses.
2. Which country has a tradition that might cause kids’ fear of eating Santa’s cookies?
A.Guatemala.B.South Africa.
3. What can we infer about Christmas in Iceland?
A.The Yule Cat usually hides in the grass before Christmas.
B.All the children will receive new clothes on Christmas.
C.New clothes are popular Christmas presents for children in Iceland.
D.The Yule Cat would eat the farmers who don’t finish their work on time.
4. Why do Ukrainians like spiders on Christmas?
A.Spiders are pretty insects.
B.Spiders are believed to bring good fortune.
C.Spiders always help poor families out of pity.
D.Webs of spiders are suitable for decoration.
2017-07-08更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Festivals are celebrated all around the world. They have a wide range of origins, such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous figures, and important events. Every festival has its different customs and unique charms. However, no matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals.

Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. This important agricultural festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in. People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food. In ancient Egypt, the harvest festival was celebrated during the springtime — the Egyptian harvest season. It featured a parade and a great feast with music, dancing, and sports. Today, in some European countries, people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and get together to celebrate over a meal. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious moon cakes.

Customs play a significant role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time. With the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas, some traditions may fade away and others may be established. One example is the typical Chinese Spring Festival custom of lighting firecrackers to drive away the evil spirits and celebrate the new year. Nowadays, many big cities have given up this custom in order to avoid air pollution. Another example is Halloween, which slowly became an exciting festival for children, in spite of its religious origins.

Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations. Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones. Some believe festivals should not be commercialized, while others believe the increase in spending is good for the economy and public happiness.

Festivals are an important part of society. They reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes towards life. They are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while. They help us understand where we came from, who we are, and what to appreciate. And if you study festivals carefully, you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.

1. Why do people in different cultures celebrate the harvest festival?
A.It’s tradition in their religion.
B.It’s a only custom in their culture.
C.It’s a way to express their appreciation and cheers.
D.It’s a chance for people to enjoy themselves together.
2. How did some festivals change over time according to the passage?
A.Fireworks can’t drive the evil spirits away.
B.Festivals play an important role in commerce.
C.People share information faster than before with society developing.
D.People get gifts easier than before due to the increase of the economy.
3. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the commercialization of festivals?
4. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Almost every culture celebrates harvest festival.
B.Festivals are a reflection of people’s outlook on life and values.
C.Festivals have something in common with each other in different cultures.
D.The religious origins of Halloween have disappeared.
2023-02-19更新 | 258次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Christmas in the United States is traditionally a time of gift-giving and family gatherings. But small towns across the country have their own traditions.

Middleburg, a small town in the state of Virginia, is known for its horses. For more than 50 years, Middleburg has organized a yearly Christmas parade(游行). Men and women ride horses through the woods and fields. They follow hunting dogs as they search for a wild fox. But first, these hunters ride in the yearly parade, wearing their bright red hunting clothes and hats.

John Hale, a citizen of Middleburg says many city people visit his town. “We have a lot of people from an urban area that come to visit, but it incorporates a lot of the o1d traditions.” The nighttime hay ride is one such tradition. Small groups gather under the moonlight on an open wagon filled with hay. The passengers sing as farm horses pull the wagon slowly across the fields.

There are some newer traditions, too. Trey Matheu works at the nearby Salamander Resort. He says a visit to Middleburg is a chance to slow down for a day. He says Middleburg can be a calming, peaceful place without tension.

“Middleburg is an opportunity to take a step back, to take a deep breath, and understand that   even though life is moving on at a very fast pace, there’s really an opportunity where you’re allowed to step off for a little bit.”

Parade organizers say more than 13,000 people attend even in below-freezing weather. But if you ask, you will hear many different reasons why people come to watch the parade:

“I come here because I’m from a small town. I like how everybody comes together. ”“I live right down that street; right there. And that’s my dog.”

Middleburg looks its best at Christmastime. That may be why so many people return each year.

1. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Middleburg Christmas parade
B.A small town known for horses
C.Christmas traditions in Middleburg
D.Newer traditions at Christmastime
2. At Christmas, people in Middleburg usually ___________.
A.visit friends and families
B.feed farm horses with hay
C.hunt for dogs in the woods
D.ride in the yearly parade
3. According to Trey Matheu, why do people visit Middleburg?
A.To relax themselves.
B.To enjoy the fresh air.
C.To escape competition.
D.To challenge themselves.
4. What do we know about the small town Middleburg?
A.It makes a large profit from tourism.
B.It attracts many people each year.
C.It is a good place for family gatherings.
D.It doesn’t respect Christmas traditions.
2016-11-25更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般