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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:191 题号:11077889

Could bike share programs lead to greater cycling safety?

In April 2015, Philadelphia introduced a bike share program. By 2019, there were more than 1,300 bikes and 400 pedal-assisted electric bicycles available. People used them for about 50,000 trips a month.

Before the introduction of the bike share program, the rate of bicycle-car accidents had been gradually increasing. By May 2015, the month after the introduction of the program, the rate was twice that of January 2010.

But the researchers, writing in the American Journal of Public Health, found that from that time through the end of 2018, the rate decreased by an average of 13 percent a year, despite the increases over those years in the number of bicycles on city streets, and even though Philadelphia made no major basic construction changes, like adding many protected bike lanes (自行车道).

The lead author, Ghassan B. Hamra, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said it appeared that there is safety in numbers: the more bikes on the road, the more car drivers adapt to their presence, and the safer cyclists may be.

“We all know that bike riding is a healthy activity, physically and mentally,” he said, “but there might be concerns that if you introduce a bike share program there will be negative consequences. We saw no evidence of that in Philadelphia.”

1. What has happened to the number of bicycle-car accidents with the introduction of the bike share program?
A.It has increased.B.It has reduced.
C.It remains the same.D.It is unknown.
2. What is the result of more bikes on the road?
A.Many protected bike lanes have been added.
B.Car drivers are more used to their presence.
C.More people take up bike riding as a healthy activity.
D.Negative consequences have appeared.
3. What happens between Ghassan B. Hamra and the bike share program in Philadelphia?
A.He is in favor of it.B.He disapproves of it.
C.He brought it in.D.He is concerned about it.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Sharing bikes, cutting accidentsB.Problems with sharing bikes
C.Basic construction changesD.Share program in Philadelphia


阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Everyone looks forward to progress, whether in one’s personal life or in the general society. Progress indicates a person’s ability to change the way he is living at the moment. Progress must lead to a better way of doing things. All these, however, remain true only in so far as people want to accept technology and move forward by finding new and more efficient ways of doing things.

However, at the back of the minds of many people, especially those who missed the “good old days”, efficiency comes with a price. When communication becomes efficient, people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish to. The click of a button allows people miles apart to talk or to see each other without even leaving their homes. With the communication gadgets, such as mobile phones and ipads, people often do not take the effort to visit one another personally. A personal visit carries with it the additional feature of having to be in the person’s presence for as long as the visit lasts. We cannot unnecessarily excuse ourselves or turn the other person off.

With efficiency also comes mass production. Such is the nature of factories and the success of industrialization today. Factories have improved efficiency. Unskillful tasks are left to machines and products are better made and produced with greater accuracy than any human hand could ever have done. However, with the improvements in efficiency also comes the loss of the personal touch when making these products. For example, many handicrafts are now produced in a factory. Although this means that supply is better able to increase demand, now that the supply is quick and efficient, the demand might fall because mass production lowers the quality of the handicraft and it is difficult to find unique designs on each item.

Nevertheless, we must not commit the mistake of analyzing progress only from one point of view. In fact, progress has allowed tradition to keep up. It is only with progress and the invention of new technology that many old products can be brought back to their old state. New technology is required for old products to stay old.

It is people’s attitude towards progress that causes the type of influence that technology has on society. Technology is flexible. There is no fixed way of making use of it. Everything depends on people’s attitude. The worst effects of progress will fall on those who are unable to think again about their attitudes and views of society. When we accept progress and adapt it to suit our needs, a new “past” is created.

1. According to Paragraph 1, progress can benefit people when they are willing to ________.
A.live a better lifeB.look for better methods
C.accept technology and advance steadilyD.change ways of living
2. The author explains “efficiency comes with a price” by ________.
A.describing a processB.making classification
C.following time orderD.using examples
3. Compared with home-made handicrafts, machine -made products ________.
A.lack great accuracyB.lack the personal touch
C.are of high valueD.are quite welcome
4. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?
A.Progress can suit the needs of daily life.
B.People review the past with great regret.
C.People’s attitude decides the use of technology.
D.Technology should be introduced in a fixed way.
2022-02-13更新 | 163次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约650词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Freedoms challenge in the Digital Age is a serious topic. We are facing today a strange new world and we are all wondering what we are going to do with it.

Some 2, 500 years ago Greece discovered freedom. Before that there was no freedom. There were great civilizations, splendid empires, but no freedom anywhere. Egypt and Babylon were tyrannies, one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses.

In Greece, in Athens a little city in a little country, there were no helpless masses. And Athenians willingly obeyed the written laws which they themselves passed, and the unwritten, which must be obeyed if free men live together. They must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert. The Athenians never thought that a man was free if he could do what he wanted A man was free if he was self-controlled. To make yourself obey what you approved was freedom. They were saved from looking at their lives as their own private affair. Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens, not because it was forced on him from the outside, but because the city was his pride and his safety. The essential belief of the first free government in the world was liberty for all men who could control themselves and would take responsibility for the state.

But discovering freedom is not like discovering computers. It cannot be discovered once for all. If people do not prize it, and work for it, it will go. Constant watch is its price. Athens changed. It was a change that took place without being noticed though it was of the extreme importance a spiritual change which affected the whole state. It had been the Athenians pride and joy to give to their city. That they could get material benefits from her never entered their minds. there had to be a complete change of attitude before they could took at the city as an employer who paid her citizens for doing her work. Now instead of men giving to the state, the state was to give to them. What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them; and with this as the primary object, ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were neglected to the point of disappearing: Athens was more and more looked on as a cooperative business possessed of great wealth in which all citizens had a right to share.

Athens reached the point when the freedom she really wanted was freedom from responsibility. There could be only one result. If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free. Responsibility is the price everyman must pay for freedom. It is to be had on no other terms. Athens, the Athens of Ancient Greece, refused responsibility; she reached the end of freedom and was never to have it again.

But "the excellent becomes the permanent," Aristotle said. Athens lost freedom forever, but freedom was not lost forever for the world. A great American, James Madison, referred to the capacity of mankind for self-government. No doubt he had not an idea that he was speaking Greek. Athens was not in the farthest background of his mind, but once man has a great and good idea, it is never completely lost. The Digital Age cannot destroy it. Somehow in this or that man s thought such an idea lives though unconsidered by the world of action. One can never be sure that it is not on the point of breaking out into action, only sure that it will do so sometimes

1. What does the underlined word "tyrannies" in Para2 refer to?
A.Countries where their people need help.
B.Powerful states with higher civilization.
C.Splendid empires where people enjoy freedom.
D.Government ruled with absolute power.
2. What does the underlined sentence "There could be only one result?" in Para 5 mean?
A.Athens would continue to be.
B.Athens would cease to have freedom.
C.Freedom would come from responsibility.
D.Freedom would stop Athens from self-dependence.
3. Why does the author refer to Aristotle and Madison?
A.He is hopeful about freedom.
B.He is cautious about self-government.
C.He is doubtful about Greek civilization.
D.He is critical of Greece's loss of freedom.
4. What is the author's understanding of freedom?
A.Freedom can be more popular in the digital age.
B.Freedom may come to an end in the digital age.
C.Freedom should have priority over responsibility.
D.Freedom should be guaranteed by responsibility.
2021-07-01更新 | 180次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Emerging economies struggled to grow through the 2010s and pessimism covers them now. People wonder how they will pay debts during the COVID-19 and how they can grow rapidly as they did in the past in an era of deglobalisation (去全球化).

The freshest of many answers to this issue is the fast-spreading digital revolution. The digital revolution is already as progressive in emerging economies as developed ones. Among the top 30 nations by income from digital services as a share of gross domestic product(GDP), 16 are in the emerging world. Indonesia, for example, is further advanced by this measure than France or Canada. And since 2017, digital income has been growing in emerging countries at an average annual pace of 26 percent, compared with 11 percent in the developed ones.

How can it be that poorer nations are adopting common digital technologies faster than the rich? One explanation is habit and its absence. In societies filled with physical stores and services, customers are often comfortable with them and slow to abandon the providers. In countries where people have difficulty even finding a bank or a doctor, they will jump at the first digital option that comes along. Outsiders have a hard time grasping the impact digital services can have on underserved (服务不足的)populations. Nations lacking in schools, hospitals and banks can quickly bridge these gaps by establishing online services. Though only 5 percent of Kenyans carry credit cards, more than 70 percent have access to digital banking.

It’s early days, too. As economist Carlota Perez has shown, tech revolutions last a long time. Innovations like the car and the steam engine were still transforming economies half a century later. Now, the fading era of globalisation will limit the number of emerging markets, but the era of rapid digitisation has only just begun. This offers many developing economies a revolutionary new path to catch up with the living standards of the developed world.

1. What can we know about the digital revolution?
A.It increases people’s debts in deglobalisation.
B.It prevents emerging economy from developing.
C.It advances in emerging and developed economies.
D.It develops most rapidly in Indonesia in terms of GDP.
2. Where are people more willing to accept digital services?
A.In economies lacking in online services.
B.In countries short of basic physical facilities.
C.In nations with adequate stores and services.
D.In societies easy to access doctors and banks.
3. What does the author think of the future of digitisation?
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Digital technology saves emerging economies.
B.Deglobalisation limits technology revolutions.
C.Emerging economies struggle in the pandemic.
D.Digital revolution grows better in globalisation.
2022-09-05更新 | 158次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般