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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:45 题号:11170645

Michael Surrell had just parked around the corner from his house when he found the house next door was on fire. He went immediately to investigate and he heard a woman crying* "The baby's in there!" Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, then 64, with lung disease, instinctively (本能地)ran inside. "The baby" was 8-year-old Tiara Roberts, the woman's granddaughter.

Entering the burning house was like " running into a bucket of black paint," Surrell says. The thick smoke prevented him from seeing anything, burned his eyes, and made it impossible to breathe. After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house, he came outside to catch his breath. "Where is Tiara?” he asked desperately. "The second floor," the woman shouted back.

The darkness was overwhelming. Yet because the house had a similar layout to his, he found the stairs and made it to the second floor. His throat and lungs burned as if he'd been taken in fire instead of the smoke.

Every blink stung his eyes. All he could hear was the crackling and popping of burning wood. Then a soft but distinct moan (呻吟声)emerged. Still unable to see, Surrell fell to his knees on the hot wood floor. He crawled toward the sound, feeling around for any sign of the girl. Finally, he touched something. A shoe, then an ankle. He held her into his arms and made his way out.

Surrell hugged her tightly and said, "Uncle's got you. ” Soon after, his throat closed off. Surrell spent over a week in the hospital. Tiara was released from the hospital after a few days.

The fire damaged Surrell's lungs and throat. "It's a small price to pay,” he says. “I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Wouldn't give it a second thought. "

1. What did Surrell do after he saw the house on fire?
A.Parked his car.B.Called the police.
C.Went at once to help.D.Run to save the woman.
2. What is the biggest challenge in getting into the house?
A.The smoke.B.The heat.
C.The stairs.D.The fear.
3. What can we infer about Surrell from the last paragraph?
A.He lost a lot of money.B.He had a heart attack.
C.He hesitated before action.D.He thought it was worthwhile to do so.
4. How do you like Surrell?
A.Brave and selfless.B.Fearless and skillful.
C.Faithful and honest.D.Considerate and confident.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约810词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I was puzzled! Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse(树丛)which was of no use to anybody? She had written letters to the local paper, even to a national, protesting about a projected by-pass to her village, and, looking at a map, the route was nowhere near where she lived and it wasn’t as if the area was attractive. I was more than puzzled, I was curious.

The enquiry into the route of the new by-pass to the village was due to take place shortly, and I wanted to know what it was that motivated her. So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door, being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods.

“I’ve always loved this place,” she said, “it has a lot of memories for me, and for others. We all used it. They called it ‘Lovers lane’. It’s not much of a lane, and it doesn’t go anywhere important, but that’s why we all came here. To be away from people, to be by ourselves.” she added.

It was indeed pleasant that day and the songs of many birds could be heard. Squirrels watched from the branches, quite bold in their movements, obviously few people passed this way and they had nothing to fear. I could imagine the noise of vehicles passing through these peaceful woods when the by-pass was built, so I felt that she probably had something there but as I hold strong opinions about the needs of the community over-riding the opinions of private individuals, I said nothing. The village was quite a dangerous place because of the traffic especially for old people and children, their safety was more important to me than an old woman’s strange ideas.

“Take this tree,” she said pausing after a short while. “To you it is just that, a tree. Not unlike many others here.” She gently touched the bark, “Look here, under this branch, what can you see?”

“It looks as if someone has done a bit of carving with a knife.” I said after a cursory inspection.

“Yes, that’s what it is!” she said softly.

She went on, “He had a penknife with a spike for getting stones from a horse’s hoof, and I helped him to carve them. We were very much in love, but he was going away, and could not tell me what he was involved in the army. I had guessed of course. It was the last evening we ever spent together, because he went away the next day, back to his Unit.”

Mary Smith was quiet for a while, then she sobbed. “His mother showed me the telegram. ‘Sergeant R Holmes... Killed in action in the invasion of France.’…”

“I had hoped that you and Robin would one day get married.” she said, “He was my only child, and I would have loved to be a Granny, they would have been such lovely babies’—she was like that!”

“Two years later she too was dead. Pncumonia(肺炎), following a chili on the chest’ was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. A child would have helped both of us.”

There was a further pause. Mary Smith gently caressed the wounded tree, just as she would have caressed him. “And now they want to take our tree away from me.” Another quiet sob, then she turned to me. “I was young and pretty then, I could have had anybody, I wasn’t always the old woman you see here now. I had everything I wanted in life, a lovely man, health and a future to look forward to.”

She paused again and looked around. The breeze gently moved through the leaves with a sighing sound. “There were others, of course, but no one can match my Robin!” she said strongly. “And now I have nothing—except the memories this tree holds. If only I could get my hands on that awful man who writes in the paper about the value of the road they are going to build where we are standing now, I would tell him. Has he never loved, has he never lived, does he not know anything about memories? We were not the only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did. Yes, I would tell him!”

I turned away, sick at heart.

1. The main purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.draw attention to the damage that wars cause
B.persuade people to give up private memory
C.arouse the awareness of being environmentally friendly
D.introduce a touching but sad love story
2. Which of the following words can best describe Mary Smith?
3. The underlined sentence “I felt that she probably had something there” means ________.
A.I thought there might be something hidden in the woods by Mary Smith
B.I guessed there might be a story related with Mary Smith
C.I thought there might be some reason for Mary Smith’s protest
D.I guessed there might be a secret purpose of Mary Smith
4. What was probably the carving on the wounded tree?
A.The date when Robin Holmes would leave for army.
B.Their wish that this place and tree would last long.
C.Their names and a heart with a sign of arrow through it.
D.Their protest against the war which tore them apart.
5. In Mary’s opinion, which of the following might have caused Robin’s mother’s death?
A.Pneumonia.B.A chill on the chest.
C.A heart attack.D.Severe sorrow.
6. Mary Smith protested about a projected by-pass to her village, most probably because of ________.
A.her romance story with Robin
B.her decision to protect the environment
C.her sadness for Robin’s mother
D.her dream of having a big family
2019-06-12更新 | 201次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位音乐治疗专家Sarah Rose Black如何通过音乐帮助一位癌症患者走出困境的故事。

【推荐2】There’s one patient that Sarah Rose Black still thinks about. Back in 2019, the nursing team at Toronto’s Cancer Center called to ask if she could reach out to a patient who had been there for about a week. The man was struggling, and unwilling to communicate with workers or be part of any activities.

Black isn’t a doctor or a nurse. Since 2013 she has played an important role for patients at the center as a music therapist (治疗专家). On any day, she might see one person who’s anxious about an operation, another who’s in need of a calm moment.

So, Black walked into the patient’s room and introduced herself. She asked if she could sit and offer to play some music. In an effort to persuade him, she said, “If you don’t like it, you can just tell me to leave.” After some gentle urging, the man in his 70s, who had lung cancer, told her a few musicians he liked and then turned away to look out the window. But as she started to play one of his favorites, a change came over him. He turned towards Black and started to cry.

She stopped playing. “Do you want me to continue?” “Certainly,” he said through tears. “It was as if the music went places that nothing else could,” recalls Black. The music showed up at a moment when it felt like a hug.

As Sarah Rose Black says, people have been connecting with music for their whole lives—she is just helping them use it again at a time when they need it most.

“We have a heartbeat, so we have a drum (鼓) inside us; we are wired to be musical people,” she says. She smiles softly as she reflects back on the experience.

1. Why did the nursing team call Black?
A.A struggling patient hoped to meet her.B.She worked as a nurse in the center.
C.They wanted her to help a patient.D.They wanted to enjoy her music.
2. What happened when Black played the patient’s favorite?
A.The patient was moved to tears.B.She gave the patient a warm hug.
C.She was asked to stop playing.D.The patient looked out of the window.
3. What does the underlined sentence “we are wired to be musical people” mean in the last paragraph?
A.We are born to be musicians.B.We like playing the drum.
C.We can live without music.D.We need musical instruments.
4. Which of the following can best describe Black?
A.Strong and talented.B.Clever and honest.
C.Thoughtful and helpful.D.Hardworking and humorous.
2024-02-27更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Due to a disease, Cillian Jackson, 2, can't walk. But the boy now motors around in style, thanks to some students at his local high school.

It all started when Cillian's doctor told his parents about a program called Go Baby Go, which provides modified (改进的) toy cars to children with limited mobility.

They looked into it, but there wasn't a Go Baby Go branch near the Jackson family's home in Farmington. And motorized wheelchairs can cost more than $1, 000. So the parents turned to the robotics team at Farmington High School and asked if the students would be willing to take on the project.

The students accepted the challenge. Using plans and models from Go Baby Go, they got to work, modifying a Power Wheels toy car to fit little Cillian and give him more freedom in his movements.

“Everything that we've been doing for robotics competitions could be directly related to this challenge,” robotics coach Spencer Elvebak said. “The students did the programming. They did all the wiring. They did all the work.”

“In education in general we tell students we're giving them the tools to apply in the future and do something with this,” Elvebak said. “Here's a perfect example. Students do have the skills to wire, code, program and approach an engineering challenge.”

The robotics students met Cillian last week after presenting him with his car last December. The toy car has been a success. Cillian's parents usually carry him around, they said. Now Cillian has more control over where he goes. “When he gets in his car, he can stop and look at all of these things he's never had time to explore.” said Cillian's dad, Tyler Jackson. Cillian's mom, Krissy Jackson, added, “It really helped with his sense of discovery and curiosity. Having the car has really given him the ability to make choices on his own.”

“The modified car allows Cillian to practice for when he finally qualifies to get a motorized wheelchair, which he will need to attend school.” his parents said.

1. What did Cillian's parents ask Farmington High School to do?
A.Collect money for Cillian.B.Join the program Go Baby Go.
C.Make a modified car for Cillian.D.Allow Cillian to attend the school.
2. What do we know about Farmington High School's students?
A.They won a prize for the project.B.They gave up the project halfway.
C.They carried out the project as requested.D.They had their teachers help with the project.
3. What did Elvebak say about the project?
A.It was a waste of time.
B.It was too difficult for students.
C.It had nothing to do with what students had studied.
D.It was a golden chance for students to apply what they had learned.
4. How did Cillian's parents feel about the modified car?
A.It needed to be improved.B.It was much too expensive.
C.It helped a lot in Cillian's life.D.It would be a hit in the market.
2021-08-16更新 | 41次组卷
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