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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:35 题号:11296443

PM2.5 refers to fine particles (2.5 micrometres or smaller in diameter ), which are produced by combustion (氧化),including motor vehicles , power plants , forest fires, and some industrial processes .

The WHO tracks air quality ( how much PM 2.5 is in the air ) at 1622 locations in 92 countries -- but all are urban areas , while Pakistan , Egypt and Mongolia are among the most polluted countries according to the report , this only refers to pollution in its cities . Air quality in the Karakoram mountain range or the Gobi Desert will, of course , be fresh .Similarly ,Russia appears to be among the worst performing countries -- but its ranking is based only on air quality in Moscow . Of the 92 countries to feature , Australia has the least polluted urban areas , followed by Brunei and New Zealand. Estonia is Europe’s top performing nation ,followed by Finland and Iceland .The UK just misses out on the top 20, coming 21st. .

London’s annual PM2.5 mean is 12μg/m3. That puts it below the WHO target and behind a lot of world capitals. Of those countries for which the WHO had data ,Madrid , Oslo , Dublin, Montevideo, Helsinki, Ottawa , Washington DC and Canberra perform better than London .Top of the table are Stockholm and Tallinn, with an annual mean of 5μg/m3, followed by Edinburgh ,with 6. London exceeds Paris and Berlin , however ( both 16), and is the same as Lisbon (also 12).

Stockholm was the first city to be crowned European Green Capital in 2010---and it clearly hasn’t rested on its great honors . Since taking the accolade (荣誉),the Swedish capital has continued to keep on with eco-initiatives and has successfully decreased carbon emissions by 25 per cent since the Nineties. The city aims to be fossil-fuel free by 2050 , a target it hopes to achieve by improving public transport ,decreasing waste and increasing biodiversity, among other things . The city also has a strong culture of cycling , which has kept many residents out of cars .

1. What is the WHO air quality report probably about ?
A.PM2.5 in the air.
B.Quantity of polluted air.
C.PM2.5 in the dust.
D.Quantity of combustion air.
2. Which country is the least polluted for the urban areas of 92 surveyed countries ?
C.FinlandD.New Zealand
3. What can we conclude from Stockholm was crowned European Green Capital ?
A.The trees are the most in Stockholm.
B.There is no air pollution in Stockholm.
C.PM2.5 in Stockholm is the lowest in the world.
D.Eco-environment in Stockholm is better protected .
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The definition of PM2.5.
B.The findings of air quality study.
C.The importance of protecting nature.
D.The WHO air quality report in 92 countries.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When storms come rolling in across the ocean, they struck coastlines with tremendous force. Luckily, for thousands of miles of tropical coastlines, nature has provided a remarkable form of protection: coral reefs.

These colorful wonders are best known for their diversity of life, their plentiful seafood, and their draw to scuba-diving tourists. But they are also astonishingly durable and firm structures, built by tiny animals with calcium carbonate skeletons (碳酸钙骨架), which provide an important service to the coastlines standing behind them — they can absorb up to 97% of wave energy.

A new study estimates that reefs offer protection to up to 5.3 million people and $109 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) per decade. The maps in the study scientists generated are at a much finer resolution (分辨率) than previous analyses, which allows users to view coral reefs with more details and see where reefs provide the highest degree of protection for people, GDP and infrastructure (基础设施). “This level of detail means we can use this information in practical ways, like in the marine spacial planning we do to inform conservation strategies around the world,” says Dr. Spalding, the co-author of the study. More accurate data on where reefs protect people and infrastructure from destructive waves can help improve decision-making about which reefs to protect.

We have already lost half of the world’s reefs, and scientists predict we could lose up to 90% if actions are not taken to protect them. Effective management strategies are vital to supporting reef health and recovery.

Coral reefs are often selected for conservation based on their ecological significance, which may mean they are located in remote places, away from the more direct effects of human pressures like development and pollution. “We are failing ourselves as well as nature if we don’t also consider protecting the reefs that are located closer to humans,” says Spalding. “These are the reefs that protect us and provide for us in abundance. Let’s look after them.”

1. Which function of coral reefs is mainly discussed in the text?
A.Nurturing diverse living things.B.Offering plentiful seafood.
C.Attracting scuba-diving tourists.D.Reducing the forces of waves.
2. To which field can the findings be applied?
A.Eco-tourism.B.Urban planning.
C.Reef recovery.D.Deep-sea exploration.
3. Why should we protect the reefs near to humans according to Spalding?
A.Because they protect and provide for humans.
B.Because they are more beautiful than remote reefs.
C.Because they are of higher ecological significance.
D.Because they provide better habitats for marine life.
4. What may be the best title of the text?
A.Coral Reefs as Coastal DefendersB.The Secrets of Coral Reefs
C.New Ways of Coral Reef ConservationD.Coastlines behind Coral Reefs
2023-08-02更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文为说明文。文行介绍了世界经济论坛预测,到2050年,海洋中的塑料将比鱼类更多,世界著名的环保倡导者Alexandra Cousteau提出濒危物种的栖息地可以受到保护或开发,受污染的溪流可以被清理,也可以让它们恶化。现代环保主义不再是少数人的工作,我们要一起努力,重建我们的海洋。

【推荐2】If we continue at our current production rate, the World Economic Forum predicts that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Today, there is a garbage island three times the size of France floating in the Pacific Ocean. However, in her presentation last week, Alexandra Cousteau, a world-renowned environmental advocate, offered a small sign of hope.

Cousteau’s talk, titled “Telling the Story of Our Water Planet: Innovation in Filmmaking and Social Media to Effect Environmental Change”, focused on using innovation and technology to create environmental solutions with a focus on restoration rather than preservation. She described our current approach to conservation as a “zero-sum game” between environmentalists and economists. An endangered species habitat can either be protected or developed; a polluted stream can either be cleaned or left to deteriorate (恶化). Both teams are on the defensive, yet playing a losing game.

In the 1970s, the environmentalist movement focused on conservation efforts. Cousteau said, “It was an effective tool then when plastics were young. But we have lost 50 % of our oceanic ecosystems since 1950. Conservation is no longer enough. “Cousteau urges us to create biological richness for the creatures still living in the sea.

Throughout her speech, Cousteau discussed the challenges facing our oceans and the solutions lying at our fingertips. She explained the power of seaweed farming to sequester (隔离) carbon. She talked of 3 D printing coral reefs rather than painstakingly growing. Most of all, she focused on the youths and our amazing power for driving practical change.

Cousteau said, however, there are challenges in the mission. Ocean conservation has inequalities (不平等) in its approach and implementation. Though the science exists, lawmakers need to employ these solutions efficiently and equitably, which is far easier said than done. Despite these obstacles, Cousteau’s message gave hope.

Modern environmentalism is no longer the work of a few, but the work of many dedicated individuals with a common vision for change. Together, we can regain hope and rebuild our oceans.

1. Why is the World Economic Forum’s prediction mentioned?
A.To share environmental solutions.
B.To tell the content of Cousteau’s talk.
C.To show the serious result of oceanic garbage.
D.To show our current dangerous living condition.
2. What does Cousteau want to express through the “zero-sum game”?
A.The failure of protecting the environment.
B.People’s awareness of protecting the Earth.
C.The success of the environmentalist movement.
D.People’s creative solution to protecting the Earth.
3. What does Cousteau think of the environmentalist movement in the 1970s?
A.It should be continued.
B.It should be prevented now.
C.It was useful for biological richness.
D.It was good but then had little effect.
4. What can we know about Cousteau from the text?
A.Her goal is difficult to achieve.
B.Her focus on the youths’ efforts is wrong.
C.She will rebuild the ocean by herself in the future.
D.She believes in the present ways to protect the ocean.
2022-11-20更新 | 191次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The "30 by 30" campaign to protect 30% of the world's oceans by 2030, supported by more than 70 nations, is known mostly for ambition and few achievements so far. Just 7% of the seas are protected and only 2.7% are highly protected.

Setting aside nearly a third of the oceans, the fishers say, is an idea developing nations in South America and elsewhere can hardly afford. That argument against a large expansion of sea protected areas is heard around the world, and the gap between conservationists and fishers has grown wider as fish population declines and the appetite for seafood grows along with the global population.

Research published recently aims to dramatically change that situation. The study suggests that protecting 30% of the oceans not only could restore biodiversity to ocean habitats, it could also increase the annual global catch by eight million tons about 10% of the catch today. After all, the only way to get more food from the ocean is to protect more. And, as a bonus, it would provide a "cheap, natural solution" to climate change by reducing the amount of seafloor carbon emitted (排放)into the seas by fishing trawlers (拖网渔船).

In the study, an international team of 26 scientists analyzed the world's unprotected ocean waters to calculate which are threatened by overfishing, habitat destruction, and release of carbon. The team then mapped locations globally where protections would provide the greatest benefits to fish resources, biodiversity and climate.

The findings can be used by nations to address the three related aspects separately or in combination. Fully addressing all three will require that at least 30% of the oceans be protected, but nations can still realize significant protections by focusing on key areas, and global cooperation to strategically locate protected areas can be nearly twice as effective as individual nations working alone.

1. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?
A.The wide support for the campaign.
B.The challenges of protecting the oceans.
C.The worldwide efforts to resist illegal fishing.
D.The achievements in reducing ocean pollution.
2. Which is not the benefit of restoring oceans?
A.It keeps sea species stable.
B.It improves the global climate.
C.It helps to increase fish population.
D.It removes carbon from the seafloor.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To discuss the methods of fishing sustainably.
B.To stress the importance of biological balance.
C.To appeal for building ocean protected areas globally.
D.To introduce the background of the "30 by 30" campaign.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2021-05-22更新 | 289次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般