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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:87 题号:19761500

When storms come rolling in across the ocean, they struck coastlines with tremendous force. Luckily, for thousands of miles of tropical coastlines, nature has provided a remarkable form of protection: coral reefs.

These colorful wonders are best known for their diversity of life, their plentiful seafood, and their draw to scuba-diving tourists. But they are also astonishingly durable and firm structures, built by tiny animals with calcium carbonate skeletons (碳酸钙骨架), which provide an important service to the coastlines standing behind them — they can absorb up to 97% of wave energy.

A new study estimates that reefs offer protection to up to 5.3 million people and $109 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) per decade. The maps in the study scientists generated are at a much finer resolution (分辨率) than previous analyses, which allows users to view coral reefs with more details and see where reefs provide the highest degree of protection for people, GDP and infrastructure (基础设施). “This level of detail means we can use this information in practical ways, like in the marine spacial planning we do to inform conservation strategies around the world,” says Dr. Spalding, the co-author of the study. More accurate data on where reefs protect people and infrastructure from destructive waves can help improve decision-making about which reefs to protect.

We have already lost half of the world’s reefs, and scientists predict we could lose up to 90% if actions are not taken to protect them. Effective management strategies are vital to supporting reef health and recovery.

Coral reefs are often selected for conservation based on their ecological significance, which may mean they are located in remote places, away from the more direct effects of human pressures like development and pollution. “We are failing ourselves as well as nature if we don’t also consider protecting the reefs that are located closer to humans,” says Spalding. “These are the reefs that protect us and provide for us in abundance. Let’s look after them.”

1. Which function of coral reefs is mainly discussed in the text?
A.Nurturing diverse living things.B.Offering plentiful seafood.
C.Attracting scuba-diving tourists.D.Reducing the forces of waves.
2. To which field can the findings be applied?
A.Eco-tourism.B.Urban planning.
C.Reef recovery.D.Deep-sea exploration.
3. Why should we protect the reefs near to humans according to Spalding?
A.Because they protect and provide for humans.
B.Because they are more beautiful than remote reefs.
C.Because they are of higher ecological significance.
D.Because they provide better habitats for marine life.
4. What may be the best title of the text?
A.Coral Reefs as Coastal DefendersB.The Secrets of Coral Reefs
C.New Ways of Coral Reef ConservationD.Coastlines behind Coral Reefs


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】For years I hadn't known much about gardening. I grew up in the countryside but got hooked on music and drawing and put a great deal of effort into books. As a teenager, the fields beyond my home became a green barrier to the big city I so longed to be part of.I was always full of life,free from worries.

Breaking up with Josh changed everything. I felt so lost and alone. Yet I didn't turn to gardening for recovery straight away. That summer I went to a dozen festivals,danced my way through sleepless weekends and relied on kind friends. But none of them worked for long.

Then one day I walked to the balcony,seeing sunflowers blooming brightly in the wind. They made me realize that plants always carried on. “How small my heartbreak is in the grand scheme of things," I said to myself. I had no idea where I'd end up living, but I could rely on those cycles of growth,decay(衰退)and renewal. There was something enormously comforting in that.

Gradually,the need for green space became a habit that changed my life. When I was staying with friends, I'd hunt out parks. Within a couple of months, I'd signed up as a volunteer at a local community garden and would get there early on Sunday mornings, as if it were my own kind of church.

It's not surprising that being outdoors and surrounding myself with nature helped me through this difficult time. Studies by the Royal College of Physicians have found that gardening can lower blood pressure,relieve anxiety and depression, boost mood,and burn calories.

Fifteen months later, I found a new home,nestled in a patch of south London woodland.I have 30 houseplants in total and my balcony blooms all year around,so it feels like both an oasis(绿洲)and somewhere to think.

Life is still sometimes frustrating.Difficult things still happen. But these days I know how to treat myself: I make sure I go outside, breathe in, look at what's growing, and I always feel better.

1. Which can best describe the author in her teenage years?
A.Stubborn but innocent.
B.Diligent and carefree.
C.Productive and optimistic.
D.Ambitious but selfish.
2. What actually drew the author to gardening?
A.It reminded her of the childhood.
B.It helped her ease negative feelings.
C.It broke down the barrier to the big city.
D.It relieved the symptoms of sleeplessness.
3. The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably refers to
A.praying to God in the church
B.the need for green space in life
C.hunting out as many parks as possible
D.the voluntary work in the community garden
4. What does the text focus on?
A.Cure of nature.
B.Curse of fate.
C.Obstacle to peace.
D.Openness to change.
2021-01-18更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要描述了作者访问法尔肯伍德蜜蜂农场时与养蜂人Kant Kaye的互动和交流。通过作者的观察和Kant Kaye的自述,展现了Kant Kaye的个人经历、工作方式和对待养蜂的独特态度。

【推荐2】When I arrive at Falconwood Bee Farm, Kant Kaye in already deep into checking hive (蜂箱) boxes, unaware of my presence. I overhear her chatting with the bees, their soft hum (嗡嗡声) filling the air between words of encouragement and negotiation.

Kaye was born with extreme deafness. While Kaye is able to hear with the assistance of hearing aids she usually removes them when she’s working. “Sounds aren’t natural to me,” she explains, “I just love the peace and quiet. When I’m with the bees, I don’t need to hear, I can focus better when I’m not constantly disturbed.”

Equipped with only her hood (头巾), hive tool, and smoker, Kaye moves at a steady and calculated pace. I’m overdressed, having borrowed a full protective suit for the occasion. She instructs me to remove the gloves I brought and tells me where to stand so as to avoid stressing out the bees. Kaye’s gentle, careful style makes me feel at ease around her insects. The more time we spend together, the more I come to appreciate Kaye’s passion for bees, as well as the ways that being hard of hearing has influenced her unique approach to the craft.

In her practice, she emphasizes natural beekeeping techniques that employ minimal chemical interventions. And she’s able to get all the information she needs to tend to the hives by relying on her other senses. Perhaps above all else, what makes Kaye an exceptional beekeeper is almost philosophical. Excelling at her job has everything to do with adaptation, managing the countless variables that arise on any given day. Is there too much rain? Too little? When will the flowers bloom? Will they produce enough honey? She responds accordingly, making sure not to disturb the bees’ rhythm and balance.

“There is a spiritual side to beekeeping,” she said. “You can’t fully control them, like with anything in nature, really. Some years you get a great honey season. Some years are horrible and you lose 50 percent of your hive. There’s a lot of heartbreak but a lot of joy, too, in just working outside with these creatures—a living super organism.”

1. Why does Kaye work without hearing aids?
A.To feel at ease.B.To better concentrate.
C.To reduce dependence on them.D.To avoid the humming noise of the bees.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.Kaye knows the bees very well.
B.A protective suit is necessary for Kaye.
C.Losing hearing brings trouble to Kaye’s work.
D.The author is too frightened to follow Kaye’s instructions.
3. What matters most for Kaye to become an exceptional beekeeper?
A.Her remarkable honey production.
B.Her natural beekeeping techniques.
C.Her knowledge on weather conditions.
D.Her capability of handling daily uncertainties.
4. What is Kaye like?
A.Creative and brave.B.Passionate and skilled
C.Deaf but ambitiousD.Heartbroken but determined.
2024-06-07更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Rainforests are a very important part of our planet, giving us oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide and giving a home to 50% of the animal and plant species of the planet. Not to mention the medicines and cures that are made from the plants that grow there.     1     .

What is deforestation? Deforestation is the name given to the damage toe rainforests. This is being done by burning them down, cutting down the trees or flooding the areas.     2     It’s reported that an area, the size of one football pitch (足球场), is being destroyed every minute! If this carries on at this speed, it will take less than a hundred years to destroy all the rainforests on Earth.

    3     People clear the rainforests to make space for producing food, including cattle to be farmed for cheap beef and also growing large crops, such as soya beans. In addition, other causes of deforestation, which are also related to making money, include cutting down and using the wood from the forest, building roads for mining metals, gold or diamonds and something like that.

How can they be saved?     4     Also, you could think about the reasons why the forests are being destroyed and how you could help. For example, the cheap beef farmed in the areas that used to be rainforest land is often used in fast food chains.     5     You could also check on your supermarket food labels-is it farmed in an area where deforestation is taking place? Besides, you could use rainforest-friendly wood which is not a product of deforestation.

A.This is happening so fast.
B.Why are they being destroyed?
C.What can they provide for humans?
D.You could avoid eating that to save some rainforests.
E.However something unpleasant like deforestation is happening to them every day.
F.You could help by raising money for a charity that protects rainforests.
G.As we destroy forests, we lose their ability to change carbon dioxide into oxygen.
2021-12-02更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般