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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:52 题号:11366942

On the first day of school, all the excited students walked into the room expecting to start: everyone but David.

He had had a hard summer. His father was in jail (监狱). His mother had to work nights, so she wasn't at home in the evening and was sleeping when he woke up.

As the weeks went on, David slowly gave up doing his homework and staying on task, and began to get into more troubles out on the playground. He was going downhill quickly. It was clear that he was looking for any kind of attention—even if it was negative. I also knew that he was not getting much support at home. If David was going to pass the fifth grade, I need to come up with a plan.

One day, David and I sat in the library and just talked. I told him that I knew that he was not an “F” student and that I was not going to let him fail. It was my job to teach him, but his job was to try. We talked about home and what he did after school. He knew what I expected him to do and that I respected him as a person. As a result, his behavior in my room improved. From then on David and I periodically sat in the library and just talked. He told me that his goal was to pass the fifth grade and not be suspended (停学). Finally, the last day of school arrived. David had met his goal.

During Teacher Appreciation (感谢) Week, the students had written about any teacher they wanted. In my booklet, on a wrinkled piece of paper, it reads. “You never give up on me and focus on the silver lining because you know I am smart. And for that I not only appreciate you, but admire you”, signed David. After reading that, I sat down with tears rolling down my face. We, as teachers, never know when or how we affect our students. But it's the note like this that makes all we do worthwhile.

1. According to the passage, we know the writer is_____________.
2. Why did David like to make troubles in school?
A.Because his father was put into prison.
B.Because he was disappointed to the society.
C.Because he was laughed at by classmates.
D.Because he wanted to attract attention.
3. Which of the following quotes can express the writer's feeling?
A.Teachers appreciate being appreciated, for teacher appreciation is their highest award. —William Prince
B.Teach the children so that it will not be necessary to teach the adults.—Abraham Lincoln
C.What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.—Karl Menninger
D.The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education.—Plutarch


阅读理解-阅读表达(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

Dad’s Perfect Package

A few years ago, my father arranged to send me a mail-order fruitcake at Christmas time. Although I had a good job and owned an apartment in Manhattan, he feared my refrigerator might be empty.

He ordered me a particular brand of fruitcake made in Texas. “It reminds me of my mother’s,” he told me, which I later learned was a cake typical of the Great Depression (大萧条), made without milk, sugar, butter, or eggs. On most Christmases, he received two gifts from granny: a pair of homemade socks and a small bag of oranges.

Born in 1932, Dad grew up during the Great Depression, and he believed everyone was always hungry and needed to eat. Even when we visited him in the hospital, he would ask whether we had eaten and remind us the café would be closing soon. “At least get a cup of coffee,” he’d say. “Don’t worry about me.”

Ordering the fruitcake was his way of trying to take care of me from a long distance away. Although I was 44, I was still his son. A fruitcake, in his mind, was a perfect Christmas gift: the fruitcake can fill my belly (肚子) and has a long shelf life.

The first week of December passed with no sign of his fruitcake. Delayed (耽搁) by holiday mail, I guessed. My father remained hopeful the fruitcake would come by New Year’s Eve. Yet, January, February, and March came and went with no fruitcake.

Though my father kept asking about it, I never once considered lying and telling him the fruitcake had finally arrived and was delicious. Instead I said, “That cake is orbiting (沿轨道运行) earth, and sooner or later it will land and taste even better.”

Early last December, nearly a year after my father died, I got a call from the front desk of my apartment building., “You have a package.” I went downstairs to pick it up. The brown box had a FedEx label (标签) with a return address in Texas.

1. What gifts did Dad get on most Christmases?
2. Why did Dad think the best Christmas present was a fruitcake?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
>When my father kept asking about the delayed fruitcake, I told him that the fruitcake had finally arrived and was delicious.
4. Among the gifts you’ve ever received, which is the most memorable one? Why? (In about 40 words)
2023-01-05更新 | 161次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】It was the beginning of the school year a few years ago and I had a little boy in my class who came from a non-English speaking home. He was very quiet and shy. I wasn’t sure how much he understood during the school day and I was especially concerned that he just stood by himself at break time and did not play. If I tried to talk to him, he would turn away and tightly shut his eyes to hide from me.
After a day or two of this, I decided to seek the help of one of my outgoing and friendly little girls. I called her over and she ran to me, ready to help.
I immediately began a long speech about what I needed from her. I asked her if she would try to get him to play, and I started talking quickly about all these suggestions on how she could start communicating with him. I explained she could do this, she could do that, she could try this idea, she could try that idea. She touched my arm to stop my talking and looked up at me in that wise and special way that only a six-year-old can, and said, “Don’t worry. I speak kid.” And she ran off.
I stood there all alone, silently watching her. It took less than a minute for the two new friends to run off, hand in hand, happily joining agame of tag(捉人游戏) taking place all over the gym.
I often think of that small moment, about what I learned and how important it is for all teachers to speak kid—big kid, little kid and middle kid. I knew my focus must be on teaching students how to think, how to approach problems, and how to figure out solutions and never take the opportunity away. We must be ready to learn from our students because those “teachable moments” during the school days are for us, the teachers, as well as our kids.
1. Why did the author worry about the boy?
A.He didn’t dare to look the author in the eye.
B.He couldn’t speak English as well as other students.
C.He failed to understand what the author taught.
D.He was unwilling to communicate with others.
2. After the girl agreed to help, the author .
A.taught her what to do in detailB.thanked her for her willingness to help
C.sent her to make friends with the boy at onceD.reminded her of what she should be careful about
3. By saying “I speak kid”, the girl meant that she could .
A.speak the language that kids understandB.speak the boy’s native language
C.understand what kids are thinkingD.speak well like a little kid
4. The underlined words “the opportunity” refer to the chance to     .
A.play at break timeB.learn from students
C.solve problemsD.speak kid
2011-06-03更新 | 392次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】My son was a second-grader. He went to school by bus every day. He was the first student on in the morning, as we were farthest from school, and the last student off in the evening. I was a teacher myself and it was a comfort to realize the school staff (职员) were all working as hard as I was to provide a safe learning environment.

One day I came home from work and waited for my son to get home for a long time. Then I called the school. “Perhaps he’s just a bit late,” said the secretary. “I will call the driver to see if those children are home.” A few minutes later, I answered the phone to hear that the other students were home. Then I called his friends’ parents, to see if perhaps he had gotten off at their stop to play. The answers were all “No.”

By that time, it was dark and I was scared. My home was in the mountain areas, and it was said that a wolf had come up somewhere. My husband wasn’t at home, so I forced myself to calm down and decided to go out to look for him. I was about to go out when the telephone rang; it was from the driver. “He’s okay,” I heard. “He was asleep on the seats in the back, under a couple of jackets. Since it’s dark, can he spend the night with my family?”

I was relieved and agreed. Since my son had a great adventure, the school started giving a copy of the list to the driver, so he could check off the children’s names when they got off the bus. I think highly of the school for taking the cautionary (警戒的) step ahead; it is a sign of their concern for students, parents, and staff.

1. From Paragraph 1 we learn that ________.
A.the author’s son went home by bus every after-noon
B.the author’s son came to school earlier than other students
C.the author’s home was farther than that of any other student
D.the author was a teacher in her son’s primary school
2. At first the secretary thought ________.
A.the author’s son was still at school
B.the author’s son was at his friend’s home
C.the school bus would arrive in a while
D.there might be something wrong with the school bus
3. The author’s son probably spent the night _________.
A.in the busB.at his own home
C.at the driver’s homeD.in the secretary’s office
4. The author wrote the text to ________.
A.praise the school for its thoughtful action
B.thank the bus driver for his kindness
C.complain about the secretary of the school
D.show her concern for kids safety
2020-08-05更新 | 100次组卷
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