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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:11450915

When you enter high school this fall, you’ll find yourself immersed (沉浸) in traditional Chinese culture.

In January, the Ministry of Education worked out a new set of curriculum standards (课程标准) for high school students, People’s Daily reported. One of the biggest changes will be a greater focus on traditional Chinese culture.

According to Professor Han Zhen from Beijing Foreign Language Studies University, the new standards echo (回应) President Xi Jinping’s call for strengthening education. “The standards help students build cultural confidence,” he told People’s Daily.

The new standards call for students to be able to recite 72 ancient poems or articles. The number used to be 14. Recommended classic literature from ancient China includes The Analects of Confucius, Records of the Grand Historian and more.

Apart from Chinese language, other subjects such as fine arts, music and physical education will also focus more on traditional Chinese culture. For example, fine arts will include new lessons on Chinese alligraphy and painting.

China has also seen a growing interest in traditional culture in the private education sector. According to Southern Metropolitan Daily, since 2004, more than 3,000 traditional private schools have been built. They mainly teach traditional Chinese classics.

According to Fu Yan, a Chinese language teacher at Hangzhou Xuejun High School, learning about traditional Chinese culture is a good thing for students.

“At their age, the students may be too young to understand some classics,” Fu told Qianjiang Evening News. “However, as their life experience builds up, they may develop their own thoughts about the wisdom of the classics, which could be a driving force for their growth.”

Ancient Chinese culture is gaining popularity in China. This is reflected not only in the new curriculum standards, but also in the increasing interest in cultural TV programs.

For example, the weekly show National Treasure has become a big hit. It was first aired on China Central Television (CCTV) last December. The show uses dramatic performances to present some of China’s finest cultural treasures.

Other cultural TV programs such as The Chinese Idiom Competition and The Chinese Poetry Competition have also made more people fall in love with traditional Chinese literature.

Throughout China’s history, scholars and authors have written many classics worth studying. Those classic writings also interest people.

Here are some of the country’s most well-known works:

● Three Character Classic ● Tao Te Ching
● The Book of Poetry   ● The Great Learning
● The Four Books   ● Mencius
1. Which of the following is TRUE about the new curriculum standards?
A.They came out last year.
B.There will be no change for students.
C.They focus more on culture worldwide.
D.They will help students develop cultural confidence.
2. The new standards require high school students to ________.
A.be able to recite 72 ancient poems or articles
B.introduce classic works to their classmates
C.spend two hours a day learning about traditional Chinese culture
D.take extra classes on Chinese calligraphy and painting
3. According to Fu Yan, _____.
A.learning the Chinese language is a good thing
B.students are too young to learn about classics
C.students need to develop their own thoughts
D.the classics could help students with their personal growth
4. How many aspects does the author describe to show ancient Chinese culture is gaining popularity in China?
5. What is the main idea of the story?
A.High school students like learning about traditional Chinese culture.
B.The new curriculum standards focus more on traditional Chinese culture.
C.China is making efforts to become an educational power.
D.People’s interest in traditional Chinese culture is growing.


阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)
真题 名校

【推荐1】In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors is very important.     1     While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can arise. Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑) of each to their particular circumstance.


    2     Questions about subject content are generally welcomed. Before asking questions about the course design, read the syllabus(教学大纲) and learning management system information to be sure the answer isn’t hiding in plain sight.

• Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open-ended forums for dialogue.     3     Be sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant information. Make a point, and make it safe for others to do the same.


• Don’t share personal information or stories. Professors are not trained nurses, financial aid experts or your best friends. If you are in need of a deadline extension, simply explain the situation to the professor.     4    

• Don’t openly express annoyance at a professor or class.     5     When a student attacks a professor on the social media, the language used actually says more about the student. If there is truly a concern about a professor’s professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments.

A.That’s what they are for.
B.Turn to an online instructor for help.
C.If more information is needed, they will ask.
D.Remember that online professors get a lot of emails.
E.Below are some common do’s and don’ts for online learners.
F.Everyone has taken a not-so-great class at one time or another.
G.Ask questions, but make sure they are good, thoughtful questions.
2019-06-09更新 | 7701次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】80% of the students who take our courses are mature students who have not done any formal study for several years. The courses at Westley Business School (WBS) require a good knowledge of various skills. If you need some extra preparation before your course, look below and see if any of our preparation courses suit your needs. All courses take place in August and for registered students, the courses listed below are free.


A grounding in statistics is a must for any would-be business student. This one-week course consists of one lecture every night. The tutor will ensure that you will have had a thorough introduction to all the statistical skills you need to start your course at WBS. Each lecture runs from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Essay Writing

This is a self-study pack containing guidance, practice and tests. After 10 hours of self-study, you will receive a one-hour tutorial with the essay writing tutor who will go over your work with you.

Basic Math

This is a one-off lecture of 3 hours aimed at reviewing the basic math you will vaguely remember from school! This course is run on a first-come, first-served basis and there are only 20 places (the first Monday in August from 5:45 pm to 8:45 pm), so don’t be late.


This two-week course (Mon — Fri from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) will give students all the basic computer skills needed for their courses at WBS. There are two courses running at the same time with only 10 places in each, so book early!

        Unless otherwise stated, you must book in advance for these courses at the WBS reception.
1. What can be known about the preparation courses at WBS?
A.They require many different skills.
B.They are free for registered students.
C.They are intended for adults.
D.They take place on weekends.
2. What is special about Essay Writing?
A.It needs you to pass some tests first.
B.It will be given on Monday evenings.
C.It takes 10 hours to improve your writing.
D.It requires students to study on their own.
3. Which course takes the least time?
A.Statistics.B.Essay Writing.
C.Basic Math.D.Computing.
2022-09-22更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Conner Wright is carrying a demanding course load in his final year as an English major at UC Berkeley. But Wright, who is anticipating his graduation, has the self-awareness to know he needed a little something extra to prepare for his launch into a post-college world, and that a superior ability to interpret classic literary works may not be enough.

So he signed up for a class on “adulting”, where he is learning to create and stick to a personal budget, build a resume (简历) and apply for jobs and handle workplace relationships. The class is led by two Berkeley undergraduates who plan discussion topics and schedule guest speakers to fill 90 minutes each week.

Neither Belle Lau nor Jenny Zhou felt fully prepared for life away from home when they arrived at Berkeley two years ago. Lau moved out of the dorm and into her own apartment during her sophomore (大学二年级的) year. She was working and attending classes and, for the first time, had to plan her own meals, put money aside and cover her expenses. She quickly realized that she was spending too much money eating out all the time.

Lau and Zhou noticed that many of their peers were having similar struggles. “We’re thrown out into this world and have little idea about what we’re supposed to do,” said Lau. “I think in general we all feel a little bit lost and don’t know where to start.” To improve that, Lau and Zhou decided to create their own class.

When it was first offered last spring, every one of the 30 spots was filled. Seventy students had to be turned away. Lau and Zhou added a second session this term. More than 200 students filled out applications explaining why they wanted to take the 12-week course. Those accepted into the class, mostly seniors, have regretted that many of the things they were learning weren’t taught by their parents.

1. What does the underlined word “anticipating” in Paragraph 1 mean ?
A.Participating in.B.Looking forward to.
C.Putting off.D.Turning down.
2. What did Lau say about living by herself during the sophomore year?
A.She took good care of her personal finance.
B.She was almost stricken by loneliness.
C.She planned her meals skillfully.
D.She felt at a loss initially.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The students are enthusiastic about Lau and Zhou’s class.
B.Lau and Zhou call on students to apply for the class.
C.The students hope Lau and Zhou can invite their parents as guest speakers.
D.Lau and Zhou set strict requirements for their class applicants.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Being good at your major matters a lot now
B.Two UC Berkeley graduates share their life lessons
C.Parents’ duty — prepare your college kids for society
D.Adulting is hard — UC Berkeley has a class for that
2022-01-23更新 | 63次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般