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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:44 题号:11526360

I began working in journalism when I was eight. It was my mother’s idea. She wanted me to “make something” of myself, and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of keeping up with the competition.

With my load of magazines I headed toward Belleville Avenue. The crowds were there. There were two gas stations on the corner of Belleville and Union. For several hours I made myself highly visible, making sure everyone could see me and the heavy black letters on the bag that said THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. When it was suppertime, I walked back home.

“ How many did you sell, my boy?” my mother asked.

“ None.”

“ Where did you go?”

“ The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues.”

“ What did you do?”

“ Stood on the corner waiting for somebody to buy a Saturday Evening Post.”

“ You just stood there?”

“ Didn’t sell a single one.”

“ My God, Russell!”

Uncle Allen put in, “Well, I’ve decided to take the Post.” I handed him a copy and he paid me a nickle(五分镍币). It was the first nickle I earned.

Afterwards my mother taught me how to be a salesman. I would have to ring doorbells, address adults with self-confidence, and persuade them by saying that no one, no matter how poor, could afford to be without the Saturday Evening Post in the home.

One day, I told my mother I’d changed my mind. I didn’t want to make a success in the magazine business.

“If you think you can change your mind like this,” she replied, “you’ll become a good-for-nothing.” She insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me.

My mother and I had fought this battle almost as long as I could remember. My mother, dissatisfied with my father’s plain workman’s life, determined that I would not grow up like him and his people. But never did she expect that, forty years later, such a successful journalist as me would go back to her husband’s people for true life and love.

1. From the dialogue between the boy and his mother, we learn that the mother was __________.
2. What did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up?
A.She forced him to continue.B.She punished him.
C.She gave him some money.D.She changed her plan.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The early life of a journalist.
B.The early success of a journalist.
C.The happy childhood of the writer.
D.The important role of the writer in his family.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】K2 is nicknamed "savage mountain". You hear tragic stories: For every four people who reach the summit, one dies. I was too afraid to even think about skiing down it. Even the best ski mountaineers thought it impossible.

But that changed after a training expedition to Broad Peak. I got a clear look at K2's massive face, and it inspired me. Over time, my skills improved and, by 2017, I didn't feel the fear anymore. I began preparations. To be the first to do it just adds to the challenge. Fear is an important element of life, but to ski down K2, I had to stop being afraid.

At the base camp, I felt calm and prepared. There were no emotions or doubts — I just knew I could do it. But there were challenges. In total, it took about three days to reach the summit. For many climbers, getting to the peak of K2 would be the defining moment of their lives. For me, it was where the real challenge began.

The most dangerous part was the Messner Traverse. It's pure ice, up to a 75-degree angle in places, with drops on either side. You need to keep your turns and movements smooth and confident. No one had attempted it before, so it was a relief to cross it.

In total, going down the mountain took about seven hours. When I eventually skied into camp, I simply lay in the snow, emotionally and physically exhausted. I'm so proud of what I achieved. No one thought it could be done. It taught me the value of patience and that nobody else can make your dreams come true.

1. What is the purpose of paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the origin of K2's nickname.B.To show that K2 is very hard to be conquered.
C.To explain why the author wanted to ski down K2.D.To describe the author's first impression of K2.
2. What was the most important factor in challenging K2 according to the author?
A.Advanced equipment.B.Skilled safety guards.
C.An overall knowledge of K2.D.A positive attitude without fear.
3. Which word best describes the author?
4. What did the author learn from his experience?
A.One should always dream big.B.Support is needed to realize dreams.
C.It takes patience and effort to succeed.D.We should always have self-confidence.
2022-01-21更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I first met Charlie in the community soon after buying my apartment. He was a relatively short man around his mid-70s. At first, Charlie was very friendly and got along with people in a rather relaxing way.

But a few weeks later, the first time I joined the community meeting, things became difficult. The hot topic was to take control of the community gardens from Charlie and employ a professional gardener to do the job instead. All but Charlie agreed with the suggestion. Charlie had been doing the gardens as if they were his personal belongings. The problem was that his efforts weren’t what the rest of the owners seemed to want, and this led to a debate. As the meeting developed into a slanging match (互相谩骂), I decided to say something.

“Look! As a new owner, I have no interest in what happened in the past. I’m interested in how to solve the present situation. The problem is that I can’t even open my garage door properly because there’s a tree planted too close to it. Finding a professional gardener to solve the problem sounds like a great solution to me.”

Most of the other owners appeared relieved, but Charlie was annoyed. Finally, at the request of everyone, except Charlie, a professional gardener was hired to manage the community gardens.

From that day on, I became Charlie’s enemy. Later, I learned that he always lived in his own world. He was lonely because he had no friends, and he managed to alienate everyone in his life.

Suddenly one day, Charlie fell down the stairs, breaking his leg. Out of pity, I went to the hospital to care for him. During the three months we spent together, I gradually accepted this stubborn old man. After Charlie left the hospital, he became kind not just to me, but to the rest of the community. Since then, the friend lines s of the whole community has raised a lot.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Charlie lived in harmony with all the neighbors.
B.The gardens in the community belong to Charlie.
C.Charlie’s efforts weren’t recognized by the rest of the owners.
D.All the owners agreed to find a suitable gardener to do the job.
2. Why did the author mention the tree?
A.To say something.B.To show his anger.
C.To make new friends.D.To support the proposal.
3. What does the underlined word “alienate” in paragraph 5 mean?
A.Give way toB.Stay away fromC.Keep track ofD.Be concerned about
4. Which of the following best describes the author?
A.Fair and kindB.Helpful and creativeC.Brave and curiousD.Lonely and stubborn
2024-03-02更新 | 40次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,本文讲述的是一位四肢瘫痪的年轻人Mike Henderson向一位经验丰富的老飞行员Pat Patterson学习开飞机的故事。在学习的过程中,二人克服了Mike Henderson因身体残疾所带来的种种困难,最终取得了成功。

【推荐3】Pat Patterson, a pilot for 25 years, had never met anyone like the handsome young man in the wheelchair who faced him at the Medford, Oregon, airport on July 28, 1976. Mike Henderson, a quadriplegic (四肢瘫痪者), wanted flying lessons.

As a 22­-year-­old Coast Guardsman eight years before, Henderson had fallen off a dock and landed on a floating log, breaking two of his bones. Doctors said that he would probably never walk again, let alone fly. “Here was this doctor telling me how it was going to be,” he says, “but no one was going to limit my freedom to try.”

Henderson parked his wheelchair next to the airplane and began to climb up onto the wing. He injured his elbow on the way, and after a great struggle, finally managed to pull himself into the airplane’s pilot’s seat. In the flight office, Pat Patterson watched in disbelief. “He crawled his way up that wing!” he says. “It took him 45 minutes. When I went out, he was sitting in the pilot’s seat, bleeding from his injured elbow all over the place. When I saw him go through that much pain, I knew nothing could stop him.”

Now everything was up to the instructor and the student, and together they set about solving each problem as it arose. A small piece of carpet gave Henderson traction (摩擦力) to climb the slippery wing. A headset freed his hands from the radio microphone, and the two men developed a moving bar that enabled Henderson to operate the airplane more easily.

Three weeks and eight flying hours after the first lesson, Henderson and Patterson happily phoned Dr. Stoddard — Henderson’s physician. At the airport, as the physician looked on, Henderson quickly wheeled himself around the airplane, doing a thorough, professional ground check. With Patterson and Dr. Stoddard on board, he went through his preflight instrument check. Minutes later, engine starting, the plane rolled down the runway and took off into the gray sky.

1. When did Mike Henderson become disabled?
A.At the age of 25.B.In 1968.
C.At the age of 30.D.In 1976.
2. What did Pat Patterson think of Mike Henderson when they met first?
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.How Patterson and Henderson overcame the difficulties together.
B.How Patterson helped Henderson overcome the difficulties.
C.How Patterson taught Henderson to fly with difficulty.
D.The difficulties Henderson faced before flying.
4. What do we know from the text?
A.Patterson didn’t want to teach Henderson at first.
B.Henderson finally succeeded in flying alone.
C.Patterson was very strict with Henderson.
D.Henderson went through a lot of difficulties.
2024-02-01更新 | 121次组卷
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