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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:74 题号:11530598

Do first impressions matter? A colleague thinks so. As each semester (学期) begins, he greets his students wearing a jacket and tie.

“You make only one first impression,” he says. So while the rest of the semester he teaches class in his usual, more casual clothes, during the first week he presents a different image.

Looking professional and trustworthy on the first day, he believes, will carry over through the rest of the semester, when he goes back to the work clothes until he meets new students.

His thought is that students will remember their first meet positively and more willingly give him the benefit of the doubt as the semester goes on because they have been prepared to respect him through that pleasing first impression.

The effect of first impressions is related to the halo effect (晕轮效应), by which the belief in positive qualities in one thing or part leads to the belief in similar qualities in related things or in the whole.

Here is an example: You meet a friendly person at a party and later are asked to get support from others for a worthy career. You contact that person because you think he or she will make a contribution. In reality, there is no inbuilt connection between being pleasant and being generous. Yet the halo effect leads you to believe that the two are related. Most conclude that if she was good in one kind(sociable), she will also be positive in another (generous).

First impressions matter, for good and bad. They are fine when you like someone on first meeting; they are not so fine when the first meeting is unpleasant. Good first impressions lead to social connection; bad first impressions lead to social prejudice (偏见).

1. How does the author’s colleague dress at the beginning of school year?
2. What does the underlined phrase “give him the benefit of the doubt” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.To charge him.B.To choose him.
C.To blame him.D.To believe him.
3. What can be known from paragraph 6?
A.A kind person is usually generous.
B.A good quality is not necessarily linked to another.
C.An easygoing person always goes together with good luck.
D.A professional image is helpful in getting support from others.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Love Me, Love My Dog
B.Students’ Pride and Prejudice
C.The Power of First Impressions
D.Dressing Well Matters for Teachers


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you're searching for your dream graduate job, have faith. These top tips can help you get your perfect graduate job quickly.

1. Appear professional on social media.

The first thing you should be doing as a graduate job searcher is making sure you have a professional online presence.     1     But it's necessary to present yourself as respectful, trustworthy and employable on social media to convince employers to hire you.     2     That's why we've written a whole guide on making you look more professional online.

2. Upload your CV(履历)to job sites.

Not only do job seekers use job sites, but also employers often search through them when looking for potential candidates. There's a chance that a future employer could come across your CV on a job site and realize you're the ideal candidate for them.     3     Creating a profile and uploading your CV will probably take around 15-30 minutes, but it's worth it.

3.    4    

The way to blow a potential employer away is to show him you have a real interest in the company. Whether it's for an application or when you're through to the interview stage, knowing your business is sure to impress. Not only this, but after spending a good hour or so reading about a company, the work they do and the role you're applying for, we can guarantee that your applicant letter will be easier to tailor.     5    

A.Call the company for information.
B.It's too good an opportunity to miss.
C.And it is much more likely to impress.
D.Research companies before applying for jobs.
E.In fact, we think being professional is quite important.
F.Smaller startup companies are too often overlooked by job seekers.
G.We don't mean you have to post photos of yourself wearing a suit and tie online.
2021-04-12更新 | 119次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Analysis of the trial of the four-day working week has revealed great efficiency, reduced stress and increased staff engagement, fueling hopes that a better work-life balance for employees could be in sight.

Perpetual Guardian, a New Zealand financial services company, switched its 240 staff from a five-day to a four-day week and maintained their pay. Productivity increased in the four days when they worked, so there was no drop in the total amount of work done, a study of the trial released on Tuesday revealed. The trial was monitored by academics at the University of Auckland and the Auckland University of Technology. The eight-week experiment was closely watched by employers and policymakers around the world. “This is an idea whose time has come,” said Andrew Barnes, Perpetual Guardian’s founder. “We need to get more companies to give it a go.”

The government has conducted a study of the possibility of four-day weeks. However, research points to the complexity of achieving productivity gains in major industries such as retail(零售), where being present is a key part of the job. Smaller companies experimenting with four-day working weeks have found performance was better in the first few weeks as excitement about the project took hold, before falling slightly. “The biggest concern is ensuring that the full-time introduction of the policy doesn’t lead to self-satisfaction, as there is a risk that peopled productivity will slip back,” said Tammy Barker, a branch manager who was part of the trial. “Therefore, we’ve spent a lot of time making sure every person in every team has their own plan as to how they’re going to maintain and even improve productivity.”

According to Jarrod Haar, a professor of human resource management at the Auckland University of Technology, significantly lower job stress was reported with four-day working weeks. “Beyond wellbeing, employees reported their teams were stronger and functioned better together, more satisfied with their jobs, more engaged, and that they felt their work had greater meaning,” he said. “It is really a great way to make employees be more committed to the organization and less likely to look elsewhere for a job.”

1. What changes took place in Perpetual Guardian during the experiment?
A.The length of daily working hoursB.The amount of pay per week
C.The efficiency of the employeesD.The work done per month
2. What does the government’ research on the four-day working week probably reveal?
A.Some workers may become lazy.B.The policy doesn’t suit all industries.
C.The four-day working week won’t work.D.Many employers don’t approve of the trial.
3. How did Tammy Barker deal with the concern about the policy?
A.By making plans for each of the employees.
B.By dividing all the employees into different teams.
C.By helping every employee get satisfaction from the work.
D.By encouraging every employee to be responsible for their plan.
4. What’s Jarrod Haar’s attitude towards the four-day working week?
2022-01-20更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Wu Ge was asked to prepare a waiting area at Pudong International Airport specifically for transit(过境) passengers on his first day as an airport official tasked with COVID-19 prevention and control.

The task would have been challenging for most people, but Wu took it quickly and gave tasks to his colleagues. Together, they cleaned and disinfected(消毒) the area, and set zones for checking people' s temperatures and filling out forms. It wasn't until the first passenger stepped into the waiting area that Wu finally took a break.

Born in Chongqing, the 46-year-old began working at Pudong International Airport in 2007 and is now an official leading more than 300 members of the Shanghai airport authority's safety check and protection department.

As the nation 's busiest airport for overseas travelers, Shanghai Pudong International Airport is battling the COVID-19 with closed-loop management. During this period, Wu and his colleagues have been given a special task force in charge of separating overseas travelers into various kinds, sending passengers to quarantine(检疫) spots and safeguarding them.

“This job requires care, responsibility and hard work. Our teammates have sweat all over their bodies as they have to wear N95 face-masks and protective suits all the time. Each of us walks at least 30,000 steps every day. Sometimes we even hit 60,000 steps,” he says.

Wu's work as the group leader is nonstop. Breakfast is sometimes the only meal he has in a day. Wu says he tries his best to reduce waiting time for passengers. He has also arranged for hot water and biscuits to be made available for passengers around the clock.

1. What was Wu Ge asked to do?
A.Reduce waiting time.B.Prepare hot water and biscuits.
C.Prepare a waiting area.D.Help passengers fill out forms.
2. Which of the following best describes Wu Ge’s task?
3. Why did Wu Ge and his colleague have sweat all over their bodies?
A.It was hot at that time.B.They carried passengers’ luggage.
C.They had to walk a lot.D.They wore protective equipment.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Working at the Airport.B.Fighting COVID-19 at the Airport.
C.Living a Busy Life at the Airport.D.Helping Passengers at the Airport.
2021-05-17更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般