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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:11779294

For many students today, distance learning has become the new normal. But distance learning means lots of screen time.

Research has shown that kids who spend a lot of time on screens are more likely to have various health problems and trouble with reading and language. Yet in the countries still suffering from the epidemic (流行病),screens are the only safe way for many young people to learn or socialize. It's difficult for kids and teens to navigate this dilemma.

In one 2019 study, Taren Sanders, a health scientist at Australian Catholic University in North Sydney, looked at how kids spent their screen time. His group then investigated whether the type o£ screen time made a difference in health and school achievements. The researchers sorted screen time into five types: passive (such as watching a movie) , interactive (such as . playing a video game), social, educational or something else.

Educational screen time was linked to doing better in school and had no bad health effects. More passive screen time was linked to worse outcomes in health and school achievements, Sanders' group found, compared with the other categories. But the impact was quite small. Major problems showed up mainly in kids spending more than eight hours a day on screens.

The most serious problem caused by too much screen time is that people usually sit still while they are in front ,o£ a screen. "If students are spending all day sitting on screens, when are they moving?” asks Guerrero, who studies patterns of diseases. “Extended time sitting and not moving around leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other health issues. So an important question to ask yourself is not how much screen time are you getting, but how active are you?"

Sanders agrees. "Overall, I'm not too concerned about the additional screen time kids are having because of distance learning," he says. “The things you should worry about: The amount of exercise they get and the way they spend their free time. "

1. What does the underlined word "navigate, in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. What does the 2019 study find?
A.There are mainly five types of screen time.
B.Educational screen time damages kids' health.
C.Passive screen time has a major influence on kids.
D.Too much screen time is the major cause of problems.
3. What does Guerrero concern most?
A.The problem of lacking exercise.
B.Kids way of spending their free time.
C.The number of diseases related to screen time.
D.Distance learning causes additional screen time.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To guide parents to educate their kids.
B.To explain the finding of a new study.
C.To discuss the influence of screen time.
D.To analyse the effect of distance learning.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】To control the nation’s growing problem with food wastage, the South Korean government has started a special initiative (倡议) ---“Pay as You Trash”. According to the initiative, the South Korean government has three methods in place to charge citizens for the food thrown away. One is through an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) card — when users tap this card over a specially designed food waste bin, the lid will open. This waste is automatically weighed and recorded in the user’s account. The user needs to settle this bill every month.

The second billing method is through pre-paid garbage bags. These specially designed bags are priced based on the amount of space. For instance, in Seoul, a 10-liter garbage bag costs around 190 won (less than $1). There’s also a bar code management system in place, in which residents (居民) throw food waste directly into dustbins and pay for it by buying bar code stickers attached to the bin.

Even before the pay-by-weight system was introduced, South Koreans were still being charged for food waste — the cost was simply divided equally among the residents of each apartment block. The new system is not only fair, but is also designed to make consumers really feel the pinch of too much waste. The more food they throw out, the more they end up paying.

Thanks to the initiative, residents like Seoul housewife Ms. Kwan are now adopting creative methods to avoid food waste. She makes sure to pour all the liquid out of leftover food before throwing it away. While preparing vegetables, she tries to use as much as the eatable parts as possible in order to reduce waste.

1. Why does the South Korean government decide to launch the initiative?
A.Food waste is worsening the environment.
B.More and more food wastes are produced.
C.People are complaining about food waste.
D.People have little knowledge of saving food.
2. Before the initiative was launched, the residents       .
A.didn’t pay for their food waste
B.paid for their food waste by weight
C.had to pay for their food garbage bags
D.paid for food waste equally in their blocks
3. The underlined word “pinch” in Paragraph 3 means “      ”.
4. According to the text, the initiative “Pay as You Trash”       .
A.is working effectivelyB.was thought to be unfair at first
C.has a quite high running costD.is being performed all over the country
2018-07-24更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Teen peer pressure is the influence a teen's social group has on him or her.       1     But it can be an especially strong influence during the teen years when peers are very important to a teen's identity. This means that tens need to learn to recognize when it is positive and when it is negative.

Teen peer pressure is not always bad. Good friends can encourage teens to do well in school, take part in positive activities, eat healthy foods, and avoid drugs.     2    

Negative teen peer pressure is when teens feel pressured to do something that they know is wrong, such as smoking or stealing.     3    This is because they want to be liked or fit in, they are afraid of being made fun of, or they want to try something other teens are doing. Negative peer pressure will remain a part of a teen's life into adulthood, which is why it is important for teens to learn how to deal with it.

    4     Decide what your values and standards are. Choose good friends who share your values. Avoid situations where people are doing things you don't want to do.     5     You can come up with excuses if necessary. You can say that you don't want to get into trouble, or damage your body or mind. Talk to a trusted adult about the kinds of peer pressure you face and listen to their advice.

A.Practice ways to say no.
B.Peer pressure influences people for their whole life.
C.Even pressure to do good things can be bad for tens.
D.Teens may be forced to give in to negative peer pressure.
E.Here are some things that a teen can do to deal with peer pressure.
F.Peer pressure can be direct or indirect, but it is almost always present.
G.They also help teens learn better ways to communicate and work out problems.
2021-12-27更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It was the sports professionals (专业人员) among bikers, such as mountain bikers, that first used helmets (头盔) when they rode. The UCI-Union Cycliste Internationale, the ruling body of cycling, never required mandatory (强制的) helmet use.     1    . Finally, the sporting world did make it mandatory and this led to a review of the general laws around the world.

    2    . It has long been known that a motorcyclist can be killed or have his brain seriously hurt because of a road traffic accident. In the past most people thought that because cyclists were slower on the road there was less risk of being hurt. However, this has been proven to be incorrect,     3    .

    4    . In some European countries, cycle helmets have only become mandatory in the last few years.     5    . However, in some countries, there are no laws whatsoever. The United Kingdom, for example, has refused to make any law to make cycle helmets mandatory for fear that a helmet law might discourage people from taking up cycling.

A.As a result, more and more cyclists are abandoning helmets
B.However, as one took the lead, others followed
C.so it is mandatory now in many countries for cyclists to wear a helmet
D.Australia was the first country to make wearing cycle helmets mandatory
E.Not wearing a helmet can cause injuries to cyclists
F.In Spain, cyclists have to wear a helmet outside urban (城镇) areas except when going uphill
G.Studies show there is a serious connection between cycling accidents and the risk of hurting heads
2022-01-25更新 | 96次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般