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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:367 题号:11848152
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A San Francisco Museum Tackles Art's Instagram Dilemma

A woman held tightly her phone to her heart, the way a missionary might hold a Bible. She was anxious to take a picture of a stunning bouquet of flowers that sat not 10 ft away, but first she had to get through a crowd of others who were doing the same.

    1    . For the 34th year, florists were asked to create bouquets that respond to pieces of art on display, from ancient carvings to contemporary sculptures. A tower of baby's breath imitates a waterfall in a nearby painting by Gustav Grunewald. Red flamingo flowers and neon blue sticks echo a surreal portrait of a woman by Salvador Dali.

It’s amazing and also extremely Instagrammable, to the point that it has become a problem.     2    . Institutions of fine art around the world face similar problems as the desire to take photographs becomes a huge draw for museums as well as something that upsets some of their sponsors.

So the de Young responded with a kind of agreement: carving out “photo free” hours during the exhibition’s six-day run.

One common complaint in the ongoing debates over the effect of social media on museum culture is that people seem to be missing out on experiences because they are so busy collecting evidence of them. A study published in the journal Psychological Science suggests there is truth to this. It found that people who took photos of an exhibit rather than simply observing it had a harder time remembering what they saw.

    3    . Linda Butler, the de Young’s head of marketing, communications and visitor experience, acknowledges that not everyone wants a museum to be “a selfie playland”. Yet a lot of other people do, and her take is that the de Young is in no position to claim that one motivation for buying a $28 ticket is more valid than another.

If we removed social media and photography, she says, “we should risk becoming irrelevant”.     4    . On this visit to the museum, most people seemed to treat the photo craze as the new normal. Many politely waited their turn and got out of other people’s shots,even as visitors bumped into each other in crowded galleries.

A.If this is a battle, signs indicate that the pro-phone crowd has already won.
B.But rather than expressing frustration about this awkwardness, she said she felt guilty, as if she were the one challenging convention.
C.In recent years, the de Young received more than a thousand complaints from people who felt that cell phones had spoiled their experience of the exhibit.
D.The cause of this recent craze was Bouquets to Art, one of the most popular annual events at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.
E.The truth is people like selfies more than the exhibits way beyond researchers' imagination.
F.But the issue is complicated for the professionals running museums.
【知识点】 社会问题与社会现象


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Barbara and I were having dinner with four friends of ours. As the evening progressed, one friend talked about his struggle with a sister, who, at the age of 30, often quarreled with him. That prompted another friend to share how his brother was over dependent on his 70-year-old mother. He explained that he didn’t know how his brother would survive after his mother died. Another friend shared a situation with his 40-year-old sister who didn’t have a job and was regularly financially rescued by them. A fourth friend complained about a sibling (兄弟姐妹) who at 35 couldn’t make a basic decision and spent most of his time going to watch motor racing. By the time we finished dessert, I commented, "I wonder if this is just what occurs in most families?'

And then, as Barbara and I drove home, the thought struck me: the problem with families is that all of us come from one!

Adult sibling relationships in families are like the weather-stormy at times, unpredictable and destructive. You may have a distant relationship with a sister. Perhaps you and your brother are no longer in contact with each other. Whatever your situation, I’d like to offer a couple of thoughts that might help you weather the storm.

Everyone comes from a less than perfect family. So you are not alone in dealing with your family relationships. The question is this: how will we respond to a sibling who is not making wise choices?

First, stop trying to change your sibling. At some point, you may have to let him or her be who he or she is. Second, give up your “911” job in your sibling’s life. If you have a tendency to take responsibility for his or her life by rescuing him or her, resign from that role. Third, ask for help from some friends. Gather a couple of wise friends and ask them to give you some guidance. Finally, if your sibling continues making unwise choices, a formal intervention by family members may be necessary.

1. Why does the author mention his friends’ experiences in paragraph 1?
A.To make a comparison.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To present his observation.D.To show sympathy for them.
2. What can we learn about the author’s friends?
A.They liked complaining to the author very much.
B.They all had close relationships with their siblings.
C.They were always dissatisfied with their personal life.
D.They were all facing difficult situations with their siblings.
3. What do the underlined words in the third paragraph probably mean?
A.Predict storms and bad weather.
B.Find a safe place to hide from a storm.
C.Gather a group of friends to get some guidance.
D.Improve your relationships with your adult siblings.
4. What are you advised to do if your brother continues making foolish choices?
A.Take action to stop him.B.Just leave him alone.
C.Take charge of his life.D.Call “911” for help.
2021-08-13更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约540词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In the record of human history, few subjects have generated as much excitement, debate, and guess as artificial intelligence (AI). This revolutionary technology, which enables machines to perform tasks that once required human intelligence, has the potential to transform every part of our society, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment.

At its heart, AI is all about data. Massive amounts of data are fed into algorithms that learn from this data, allowing them to make predictions, recognize patterns, and even make decisions. This “machine learning” is the driving force behind many of the AI applications we see today, from virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to more advanced systems like IBM’s Watson, which can analyze vast amounts of information to assist doctors in diagnosing diseases.

The transformative potential of AI is undeniable. In the medical field, for instance, AI can assist in early detection of diseases, predict patient outcomes, and even suggest treatment options. In finance, algorithms can predict stock market trends, and provide personalized financial advice. In transportation, self-driving cars equipped with AI systems promise to reduce accidents, ease traffic jams, and transform urban landscapes.

However, with great potential comes great responsibility. The rise of AI has caused debates about its ethical implications (道德含义). The machines are only as good as the data they are fed, and there’s a growing concern about biases (偏见) being built into AI systems. For instance, facial recognition technologies, used in everything from unlocking phones to police monitoring cameras, have come under check for misidentifying individuals based on race or gender.

Moreover, the widespread adoption of AI could lead to significant job displacement. While new roles and industries might emerge as a result of AI, it is not sure that these will pay off the jobs lost. This could increase income inequalities and causes difficulties to social systems.

Another major concern is the “black box” nature of AI. Many Al systems operate in ways that even their creators don’t fully understand. This can be problematic, especially in critical applications like healthcare or criminal justice where understanding the logic behind a decision is important.

Then there’s the potential for Al to be weaponized. In the hands of evil actors, AI could be used to spread misinformation, control public opinion, or even engage in internet warfare. The global community must come together to set standards and regulations to prevent such misuse.

On the brighter side, many experts believe that by setting the right frameworks and investing in education and retraining, we can use the power of AI for the greater good. By fostering (促进) a culture of continuous learning and staying abreast (并排的,并肩的) of technological advancements, society can benefit from the promise of AI while avoiding its potential dangers.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence stands as one of the most profound inventions of our time. While it offers vast opportunities, it also poses significant challenges that we, as a society, must welcome. As we stand at this technological crossroads, our choices will determine whether AI serves as a benefit or a harm for humanity.

1. In what way does AI acquire the capability to perform tasks that traditionally required human intelligence?
A.By programming predefined rules.
B.Through user interactions every day.
C.By swallowing and processing vast amounts of data.
D.Via regular software updates from developers.
2. In the context of the article, how does the author primarily demonstrate the effect of artificial intelligence?
A.By citing numerous statistical data.
B.By presenting both the positive potential and the challenges of AI.
C.Through personal experiences.
D.By focusing on the negative effects of Al.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Al has already replaced most human jobs and is the leading cause of unemployment.
B.The global community has taken measures to prevent AI misuse.
C.The operation of many AI systems is easily understood by their creators.
D.The solving to the dilemma brought by AI needs co llective efforts of our society.
4. Which of the following is the best title?
A.The Rise of Virtual Assistants: Siri and Alexa
B.Understanding the Mechanisms Behind AI Algorithms
C.Artificial Intelligence: Charting the Course for Tomorrow’s Tech
D.Balancing the Potential and challenges of AI in Modern Society
2024-06-04更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In many walks of life and in many situations, persuading people to .do what you want them to do is the key to success. Researchers have looked into different aspects of persuasion and come up with some interesting results which are surely helpful to us.

One advertising copywriter came up with an approach to selling a product on a TV shopping channel via phone sales. Instead of being instructed “Operators are waiting, please call now”, viewers were told “If operators are busy, please call again”. The results were extraordinary. The ad suggested operators weren't- sitting around hoping .people would call. Instead there were so many people: wanting the product that people might have to wait until they could get it.

What role does choice have in persuading people to buy or get something? One study in a supermarket showed the effect of choice. A particular supermarket displayed either 6 or 24 different kinds of jam. The 1arge display attracted more interest than the small one. But when the time came to purchase things; people who saw the large display were one-tenth as likely to buy. If they do buy, they are less content with their selection, even though they have made a good choice. A wider range of choices require more time and effort and lead to unreasonably high expectations.

Another aspect 6f persuasion concerns getting someone to change their mind: It's hard to prove to someone that a previous decision is wrong, and as people get older they get less and less willing to change their minds. People want things to be unwavering; they want their attitudes, statements, values and actions to follow a set pattern. The only way to persuade them to change is to acknowledger this by agreeing that the previous decision they made is a perfectly understandable one. This allows them to focus on your suggestion without feeling their previous decision is wrong. As a result, they may be persuaded to break out of their established pattern.

1. What does the advertising copywriter want to indicate about the product?
A.It's for sale.B.It's precious.C.It's in demand.D.It's' rare.
2. What does the study mentioned in Paragraph 3 show?
A.Increased choice decreases satisfaction.B.More selections bring more actions.
C.More and more people don't want to choose.D.Some choices are more attractive than others.
3. What's the author's attitude to people's unwillingness to change their mind?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To teach bow to get better at persuasion.B.To discuss various studies on persuasion.
C.To compare different forms of persuasion.D.To analyze how persuasion affects success.
2021-10-17更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般