组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境污染
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:11933305

UNICEF is calling on world leaders to reduce air pollution, saying it leads to the deaths of more children yearly than malaria and HIV/AIDS combined.

Around 600,000 children under age 5 die every year from diseases caused by or worsened by outdoor and indoor air pollution, especially in poor nations, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said in the introduction to a report titled “Clear the Air for Children.”

“Pollutants don't only harm children’s developing lungs, they can actually cross the blood brain barrier and permanently damage their developing brains, and, thus, their futures. No society can afford to ignore air pollution.”

UNICEF is asking world leaders to take four steps:

Reduce pollution by cutting back on fossil fuel burn and investing in energy efficiency.

Increase children's access to health care, including more immunization programs and information programs about pneumonia, a leading killer of children under 5.

Minimize children's exposure to air pollution by keeping schools away from factories and other pollution sources and using cleaner cookstoves in homes.

Improve monitoring of air pollution.

UNICEF said its air pollution report uses satellite imagery to show the global scope of the air pollution problem.

Around 2 billion children live in places with outdoor pollution exceeding World Health Organization air quality guidelines, the report said. Most of these children live in low and middle income countries.

That includes 620 million in South Asia, 520 million in Africa and 450 million in East Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF said.

The outdoor air pollution is most common in low-income, urban areas and is caused by vehicle emissions, heavy use of fossil fuels, dust and burning of waste, the report said.

The satellite map doesn't take into account the dangers of indoor pollution, primarily a problem in lower-income, rural areas where people use solid fuels like coal and wood for cooking and heating.

More than 1 billion children live in homes where solid fuels are used in this way, UNICEF said, For example, 81% of rural households, in India use this kind of fuel because it's cheap and Air pollution is an especially serious threat for children because their lungs and immune systems are developing, the report said.

Unborn children are also at risk. Studies show long-time exposure to high levels of dust matter is associated with high rates of fetal loss, premature births and lower birthrates.

1. UNICEF calls on the following steps except          .
A.Reduce fossil fuel combustionB.Give children more access to health care
C.Stop Children's exposure to air pollution.D.Strengthen monitoring of air pollution
2. According to the passage, which country's children are less likely to die from air pollution than the others?
A.AmericaB.South AfricaC.East Asian and the PacificD.India
3. The author's attitude towards the steps that UNICEF calls on world leaders to take is       .
A.positiveB.negativeC.supportiveD.not mentioned
4. This passage is probably taken from
A.a storyB.an advertisement.C.a geography magazineD.a news report


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The loud noise of the cars or the sound of a plane can force its way into the deepest forest, yet it’s not only humans that are bothered by the noise.

Bioacoustician Bernie Krause has been studying the effect of noise pollution on wildlife, and has come across some interesting behaviors, especially among animals that communicate by sound, like humans. Birds use sound to communicate, but in noisy places, these animals have to shout over the natural noise to be heard.

Krause mentions a study of nightingales(夜莺) to explain what he means. The birds responded to(回应) traffic noise by singing louder and louder until they actually went beyond noise pollution standards in the city. To belt out (sing loudly) their songs, they increased their lung pressure fivefold, but scientists say that this is not dangerous for the birds themselves.

Studies show that sudden noise can cause certain birds to leave their nests, leaving the young to their enemies. One study also showed that songbirds that nested close to busy motorways were much less productive than those that nested farther away. Mammals(哺乳动物)too are affected(影响). A recent study showed that nursing caribou(驯鹿) responded to plane noise by not producing enough milk to feed their young.

In some cases noise pollution can actually help some animals while harming others. Toads(蟾蜍)and frogs are known to sing in union(同步发声)so that no predator (their enemies) can catch them. Krause found that when planes flew overhead and disturbed the toad’s song, they lost their union, and it took them 45 minutes to get it back again. That gave their natural enemies plenty of time to find and catch individual toads by sound.

According to Kruse, “Not only will noise pollution bother wildlife, but it won’t help our lives either.”

1. How do young caribou suffer from aircraft noise?
A..They can’t hear their mothers.B.They can’t sleep at night.
C.They are often displaced.D.They receive less food.
2. What would happen if toads and frogs failed to sing in union?
A.They would soon regain their rhythm.
B.They would stop communicating.
C.They might not be able to protect themselves.
D.They might ne unable to hunt in groups.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The ways animals communicate with each other.
B.The causes of noise pollution.
C.Animals’ reaction to noises.
D.The effects of noise pollution on wildlife.
2018-11-23更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Each year, about 7 million tons of trash (垃圾) is found in the ocean. This trash consists of cigarette ends, medical waste, plastic, mile-long nets, etc... Those items of trash choke (窒息) many species of ocean life so quickly that they eventually become extinct. Ocean pollution harms the earth and animals, and we should stop the problem.

Some other causes of ocean pollution are waste, poisonous chemicals, and the biggest cause is littering (乱丢垃圾). How do these items end up in the ocean? Waste flows through rivers and drains (下水道) directly to the ocean, so ocean pollution continues to step up. The estimated amount of ocean pollution that floated in the sea in 2012 was 288 million tons. This huge number continues to increase by 4% each year. That means 11, 520, 000 tons of trash increase each year. Imagine the future of our ocean. Will there be any room to swim? Also 80% of the ocean is composed of plastic: plastic bottles, plastic bags, and some plastic toys.

How can ocean pollution be solved? Use fabric bags instead of plastic bags. This would reduce the plastic pollution in the ocean. Also for the waste water problem, we could use waste water treatment system. Lastly using renewable energy sources such as wind power or solar power would limit offshore drilling.

If we don’t stop the causes of ocean pollution, water temperatures will continue to rise and ocean life will become endangered. Please be mindful that what we do affects the people around us, the animals around us, and the habitats around us. So will you pay attention to this problem or wait for the next generation to?

1. What leads to the ocean pollution worst?
A.Cigarette ends.B.Littering.
C.Medical waste.D.Plastic.
2. How many ways are mentioned to solve the problem in Paragraph 3?
3. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To introduce what’s ocean pollution.
B.To make a survey about ocean pollution.
C.To make us know more about ocean pollution.
D.To call on everyone to fight against ocean pollution.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Seriousness of Ocean Pollution
B.The Solutions to Ocean Pollution
C.The Causes of Ocean Pollution
D.The Sorts of Ocean Pollution
2020-02-25更新 | 121次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Plastic is widely used and long-lasting, finding its way into every corner of our lives. But the very qualities that make plastic so useful also make it a huge problem. Cheap and disposable (一次性的), plastic has been a symbol of our throwaway culture. As a result, vast quantities of plastic pollute our world. A truckload of plastic enters the ocean every single minute and UK supermarkets produce 800, 000 tons every year. With production increasing, that’s set to rise.

The UK produces huge plastic waste per person, and a huge amount of it is sent to countries that aren’t equipped to deal with it. Greenpeace (绿色和平组织) investigators found British plastic waste being put and burned in Turkey — on the roadside, near waterways, and in the open air, and people nearby have reported serious health problems.

Bottles, pots, and food bowls are immediately obvious, but other types of plastic pollution can be harder to discern. When plastic breaks down, it doesn’t disappear. Instead, it gets smaller, creating tiny particles called microplastics. Even clothes made from man-made materials leave microplastic fibers when they’re washed.

Bits of plastic have been found in the oceans, on deserted islands, and even in Antarctica. Turtles, dolphins, and seabirds can be injured by large pieces of plastic. It can even be mistaken for food. Microplastics are just as damaging. Eaten by everything from microscopic zooplankton (浮游动物) to giant blue whales, they enter the food chain and carry harmful poisonous substances. Microplastics have even been found in human waste.

We’re just beginning to realize the scale of the problem. People around the world have come together to end plastic pollution, and it’s working. Greenpeace supporters have challenged Coca-Cola to use less plastic packaging, while countries like the UK have banned certain microplastics. Supermarkets are starting to talk about what they need to do. Most of them are trying hard to share their responsibility for reducing plastic waste.

1. What can we infer about plastic from paragraph 1?
A.It is a double-edged sword.
B.It mostly ends up in the oceans.
C.It is very expensive.
D.It is popular in developing countries.
2. What does the example of British plastic waste in paragraph 2 mainly show?
A.Dealing with plastic waste improperly threatens human health.
B.Burning plastic waste outside gains the support of the locals.
C.Turkey has rich experience in managing with plastic waste.
D.The UK plays the biggest role in producing plastic waste.
3. What does the underlined word “discern” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.A huge amount of plastic is being eaten by animals.
B.A lot of work has been done to reduce plastic pollution.
C.More and more plastic products are being made.
D.Microplastics have been banned worldwide.
2023-02-16更新 | 82次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般