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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:12005857

Devote yourself to the work you do, not the prize you might get. Hao Jingfang, a Tsinghua University alumna, is pursuing her passion for writing and education.

In 2016, she won the prestigious Hugo Award with her novella, Folding Beijing, which made her the first female writer in China to bring home this prize. Later on, the author turned to education. She set up Tongxing Academy for public welfare education and WePlanets to foster children’s creativity after school.

“The major task for society is to help people get better education, to improve their skill set in line with future technological advancements, and to broaden their horizons,” Hao said.

Since founding her company, Hao has been carrying out voluntary teaching programs in rural areas. “We really want these kids to have better education resources like kids from the cities,” she said. “We hope that the children from rural China, if one day they manage to live in the cities, can do more than car maintenance, for example. They will have the skills to take on other jobs.”

Different from the typical Chinese parents so ambitious for their children, Hao suggests giving kids more space for trial and error. “I do believe the best mentality for parents is to stand behind your children,” Hao said. “Let the child cope with the reality and decide for themselves. If they struggle with obstacles, you can offer them some guidance or encouragement.”

“I’ve had a wide variety of interests since childhood. I’ve got used to doing different things,” says the 35-year-old.

Being an economic researcher, a writer and entrepreneur herself, she encourages all women to discover their passions. “We live in a big, big world with boundless possibilities, various trades and different vocations. Don’t be too afraid to try something new. When you find the one thing that you want to commit to, you will become fearless to follow your dream.”

1. Why does Hao set up Weplanets?
A.To develop children’s creativity after school.
B.To offer better education resources to children.
C.To encourage children to face obstacles bravely.
D.To give suggestions on children education.
2. Which of the following statements about Hao Jingfang is true?
A.She is a professor in writing and education of Tsinghua Universtiy.
B.She is the first Chinese writer to win Hugo Award with her novella.
C.She is engaged in voluntary teaching programs in the countryside.
D.She is interested in limited aspects owing to her parents’ requirements.
3. What’s the advice Hao gives to Chinese parents?
A.They should encourage children to get better education.
B.They should urge children to form various habits.
C.They should help children to avoid the obstacles in reality.
D.They should inspire children to make decisions themselves.
4. Where is the passage taken from?
A.A textbook.B.A newspaper.C.an autobiography.D.A fiction.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Shamarr Allen was sleeping at home one evening last July when he was shocked awake by a TV news item. There had been a shooting among a group of children in the 7th Ward of New Orleans, only a few miles from Allen’s home, and a nine-year-old boy named Devante Bryant had been killed. Allen was horrified and heartbroken. He thought of his own nine-year-old son.

Originally from the city’s rough Lower 9th Ward, Allen is one of the most celebrated jazz trumpeters (小号手) in a city. His band has released three albums, and he is a regular on local television and a street performer. After seeing the tragic news that morning, it didn’t take long for Allen to hit on a possible way out. He had a few spare trumpets lying around. Maybe he could offer them to kids in exchange for their guns.

“What saved me and redirected my path was a trumpet, the music and culture of the city that it connected me with,” Allen says. “It showed me that success, connections and differences can be managed through self-expression.”

“Just to see that they actually want to give up their guns, that’s the cool part about it,” says Allen, who has collected seven guns so far, a small but symbolically important start.

But he doesn’t stop with the exchange of gun for instrument. After the exchanges, Allen connects the children with local musicians who give them free virtual trumpet lessons. He also started a GoFundMe page to buy more instruments to give away. So far, he has collected over $45,000. More importantly, he has fostered hope for his city and young people looking for a better life.

“I just say, ”Look, I come from where you come from, and I can show you the way that got me out,’“ says Allen. ”And music may not be the way for you, but it will at least open your mind to see what’s out there. “

1. What might be the reasons pushing Shammarr Allen to work out such a solution EXCEPT ________.
A.his nine-year-old boyB.his life experiences
C.his educational backgroundD.his spare trumpets
2. Which of the following can best describe Shamarr Allen?
A.Caring and helpful.
B.Kind and famous.
C.Curious and brave.
D.Determined and honest.
3. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To introduce an admirable hero.
B.To promote Shamarr Allen’s new albums.
C.To appeal to the government to control the guns.
D.To inform the readers of a tragic shooting in New Orleans.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Hope Is at Your Hand
B.Music Is the Way Out
C.The Trumpet Is His Weapon
D.Shooting Is Under Control
2023-02-10更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Christmas is perhaps the most important holiday in American culture. On Christmas Eve, children sit out with parents in the living room hanging stockings, setting up a Christmas tree, eating candy canes, and setting up milk and cookies for Santa Claus. Perhaps the most beloved figure in American history, Santa Claus has become an important icon for Christmas.

I remember believing in Santa when I was a very young girl. However, as I grew older, I learned many facts that “proved” his existence as false. Always inquisitive by nature and very keen on the scientific method of experimentation, I was determined to use tests and observations to determine whether Santa Claus was real.

The first year of tests happened when I was 5. I decided that if I stayed up all night on Christmas Eve, I could see if Santa really did come down the chimney. However, that was a futile attempt, I fell asleep that year. The next year, I was able to test if location was an issue with Santa’s deliveries. That year, my family spent Christmas with the family of one of my mother’s friends. At the time, I decided that if Santa was all-knowing he would know I wasn’t home. Sure enough, there was a pretty pink package waiting for me the next morning. At age 7, I came up with my ultimate test to see if Santa was real. That year, I didn’t send out my Christmas letter to Santa. On Christmas Eve, my mother dragged me to our local Wal-Mart and led me around the toy section. I refused to say a word, but did let my eye linger on a ballet set. I figured that “Santa” wouldn’t know what to get me because he shouldn’t be able to read my mind. However, mother would know everything that caught my eye in the store. If I got the ballet set the next morning, I would have my evidence. Christmas morning, there was the ballet set, sitting under the tree. As I didn’t use it much, mother ended up returning it a few days later. She claimed Santa was generous enough to leave a receipt. That was the end to my mission to discover the existence of Santa.

Now, I can look back on all of these with fond nostalgia(怀旧). The magic and mystery of it all made Christmas a fun time. Santa was a big part of my childhood.

1. Children do all the things on Christmas Eve except______
A.set up a Christmas tree
B.hang stockings and eat candy canes
C.prepare milk and cookies for Santa Claus
D.wait for Santa Claus with their parents
2. The underlined word “futile” means____.
3. How did the writer prove the existence of Santa Claus as false?
A.He stayed up all night on Christmas Eve and saw Santa come down the chimney.
B.He found that Santa was all-knowing and could make the deliveries accurate.
C.He didn’t send out his Christmas letter but still got his Christmas present.
D.He used the receipt left by Santa to return his present.
4. The writer wants to tell us that_____.
A.he proved the existence of Santa Claus as false
B.Christmas and Santa is a part of his life as well as his child
C.Christmas plays an important role in American culture
D.Santa Claus is the most popular figure in American history
2016-11-26更新 | 115次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Living abroad requires a small adjustment and balancing of cultures.Moving from Scotland to Austria, the differences aren’t so great, perhaps, as moving to Asia or Africa. But things are still different enough to be unsettling (使人不安的).

One of the first differences I noticed was the opening hours of shops here.During the week,supermarkets close at 7:30 p.m., at the latest. On Sundays, they aren’t open at all. On my first weekend here, I wasn’t at all prepared for this. I planned to go into town to pick up things I’d forgotten to bring. I wanted to get some groceries, too, after a few days of eating out. A friend had warned me that nothing was open on Sundays, but I didn’t realize she was serious. So, I wandered around town, coming across shop after shop with doors closed.

I ate out again that Sunday, and I learned my lesson.To begin with, I thought it was highly inconvenient.What if I ran out of milk in the evening, or wanted to buy biscuits before bed? In the UK, I was so used to large supermarkets, which stayed open until at least 10 p.m., if not for twenty­four hours. But now, I have to buy food every Saturday. “What do people do here on Sundays?” I asked my flatmate.She just looked at me. “Nothing .” she replied.

If it’s inconvenient, then there’s also something nice about it.Who needs to be able to buy soup or soap or bread twenty four hours a day? No one really needs to of course. But it’s nice, too, to have Sundays completely free from material worries. Sundays here are all about relaxing for hours in coffee shops and spending time with friends. Sunday is a day of rest.

People in the UK often complain, “I thought Sundays were meant to be a day of rest!”, while rushing to work, doing chores(家庭杂务) or standing in queues in shops. Well, here in Austria, it really is a day of rest. It’s different, but it’s a difference I can definitely get used to.

1. Where does the writer probably come from?
2. How did the writer feel when he was told shops didn’t open on Sundays?
3. What do Austrians usually do on Sundays?
A.Do nothing but rest.B.Eat out with families.
C.Work hard at home.D.Do some shopping.
4. What’s the writer’s final attitude towards no shop being open on Sundays?
2023-05-04更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般