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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:165 题号:12094867

Our house was across the street from a hospital. We rented the upstairs rooms to outpatients at the clinic. One summer evening as I was preparing supper, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful looking man hardly taller than my eight-year-old daughter.

But the frightening thing was his swollen face. He told me he’d been hunting for a room since noon but no one seemed to have a room. For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me: “I could sleep on the porch(门廊). My bus leaves early in the morning.”

I went inside and finished getting supper. When we were ready, I asked him to join us. “No thank you. I have plenty.” And he held up a brown paper bag. When I had finished the dishes, I went out to talk with him a few minutes.

He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, who was hopelessly disabled, and her five children. He didn’t tell it by way of complaint; in fact, he was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease. He thanked life for giving him the strength to keep going.

At bedtime, we put a camp small bed in the children’s room for him. When I got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded and the little man was out on the porch. He refused breakfast, but just before he left, he smiled, “Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don’t seem to mind.” I told him he was welcome to come again.

In the years he came to stay overnight with us there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or vegetables. Other times we received packages. Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these, and knowing how little money he had made the gifts more precious. I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude.

1. What actually led to the old man’s failure to get a room before?
A.His fishing job.B.His ugly appearance.
C.His disabled daughter.D.His lack of money.
2. Why did the author finally accept the old man?
A.He was in very bad condition.
B.He might attack her unless accepted.
C.He wouldn’t bother them too much.
D.The author had a big family to support.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.The old man often came to ask for help ever since.
B.The old man actually didn’t eat anything for supper.
C.It was not easy for the old man to send the author gifts.
D.The author’s help taught the old man to live independently.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.A precious gift!
B.A silent complaint!
C.A stubborn fisherman!
D.An incredible meeting!


阅读理解-阅读单选(约670词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】My trip with my sister and my daughter to Manhattan wedding gown(长袍,长外衣) shop, cannot be understood without further focusing on Marina, my 14-year-old daughter I’ve asked to try on dresses.
This was the girl I took to Kleinfeld, the fancy store featured on the television program “Say Yes to the Dress”. As the trip approached, I asked Marina if she was excited. “Sure, Mom.” she’d say, shrugging. Marina was more excited about getting a tattoo(文身) on her ankle to represent my fight with ALS(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症) than trying on $ 10,000 wedding gowns.
My sister, Stephanie, had arranged for a car with a wheelchair lift to drive us from the hotel to Kleinfeld. The car driver wheeled me in.
At Kleinfeld with flower arrangements ten feet high, I felt like rolling into a dream. “Wow!” I said. I was wearing a new black outfit. Marina wore jean shorts, a sleeveless(无袖的) shirt, and sneakers. ______________________________________________________ The kind Kleinfeld ladies pointed out rooms like tour guides, naming the designers one by one on display: Alita Grham, Pnina Tornai… With Marina walking beside me, Stephanie pushed my chair up and down rows and rows of dresses that made Princess Diana’s dress look modest.
Marina didn’t say a word. We turned a corner into the storage room, where hundreds of dresses hung in plastic protector sleeves. Marina and I were overwhelmed.
“Want to try one on ?” I said, touching Marina’s hand.
“OK,” Marina said in her sharp, unsure voice.
“Tell them the style you’d like.”
Marina stood silent. I felt bad for bringing her, for forcing such an adult experience on a child.
Marina picked an A-line dress. Or, more precisely, the ladies of Kleinfeld picked it for her. Marina was too shocked to do more than nod. As she took the gown into the dressing room, I tried not to think of my little girl on her wedding day or of her as a baby in my arms. I tried not to think of her with her own baby in her arms one day.
I tried not to think of Marina right now, embarrassed by her mother’s plans, by things she could not and should not yet understand.
I am leaving money in my will for Marina’s wedding dress. Stephanie has promised to bring her back to Kleinfeld to purchase it.
“No pure white!” I said to Stephanie. “Ivory. Not too much tulle(薄纱). Think lace.”
“Think royalty when picking a dress,” I advised Steph as we waited outside the dressing room. “Think Princes Kate. Elegant. Think long sleeves. They make dresses more formal.”
Marina came out, sleeveless, flared(下摆宽大的). She looked like a 14-year-old girl in the middle of a giant cupcake.
“I don’t like the loose gown.” she said.
That’s my girl!
“How about trying on one with long sleeves?” I asked her.
The ladies brought out a dress with long lace sleeves, an Empire collar, a ruched(有褶饰的) fitted waist, and a long, smooth silk skirt.
Marina disappeared into the dressing room. When the door opened, she looked a foot taller and a decade older. I could clearly see the beautiful woman she will be one day. I simply stared.
What do you do when you glimpse a moment you will not live to see?
I dipped my head. Breathe, I told myself. I looked up. I smiled. Marina smiled back.
I worked my tongue into position to speak. “I like it,” I said.
In that dress, Marina stood straight, shining brightly, and tall.
“You are beautiful,” I whispered, my tongue barely cooperating. I don’t know if she heard me. We took some photos. And moved on. A memory made.
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The mother made the payment for the wedding gown for her daughter on the spot.
B.The mother was disabled and unable to move around without a wheelchair.
C.The daughter well understood why she was asked to try on wedding gowns.
D.The mother thought pure white is more suitable for her daughter on the wedding.
2. According to the story, we can conclude that Marina ________.
A.finally picked out her favorite wedding gown herself after careful selection
B.amazingly grew taller and older after wearing her new wedding gown
C.was a different girl who liked marking pictures on skin to show her uniqueness
D.was more concerned about her mother than trying on new wedding gowns
3. The underlined sentence in Para.4 means ________.
A.she was more satisfied with her own clothes than wedding gowns
B.she was too excited to say anything seeing so many wedding gowns
C.she was quite nervous and uneasy in a place intended for adults
D.she was amazed to see so many wedding gowns on display
4. By saying “I tried not to think of my little girl on her wedding day or …”, the author probably felt ________.
5. What is the main purpose for mother taking her 14-year-old daughter to the wedding dress shop?
A.To take memorable photos of her daughter who wears the wedding gown.
B.To buy her daughter the most beautiful wedding gown for her wedding day.
C.To fulfill her desire to see what her daughter will be like in her wedding gown.
D.To choose the most suitable wedding gown as the last gift for her daughter.
6. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Mother’s Final Wish
B.A Particular Wedding Dress Shop
C.An Embarrassing Plan
D.Daughter’s Wedding
2015-06-23更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】On the day the tornado hit, there was no sign that the fierce weather was on its way—the sky was blue and the sun had been out. The first warning my husband, Jimmy, 67, and I, 65, got came around 9 p.m. from some text on the TV Jimmy was watching. He ran upstairs to find me in our third-floor bedroom, and we changed the channel from the national television to our local Pensacola, Florida station.

Soon the tornado was on top us. It was the loudest thing I had ever heard. The house shook, and the power went out. And the wind began to roar (咆哮) through the house, most likely through windows and the door to our garage. Everything was moving. And the back wall of the house came off and flew into darkness outside. We had three flights of steps to get to the storeroom down there, the relative safety of the first floor.

I didn’t know how or if we would make it down the steps. It felt as if there was no floor as the wind lifted me off my feet. As we finally reached the last flight of steps, our front door blew open. Suddenly, a three-foot-long tree branch flew over our heads, missing us by inches.

By the time I reached the storeroom, the tornado had been over us for about a minute. Jimmy pushed me down to the storeroom floor, but he couldn’t get inside himself because of the wind. I held Jimmy’s arm as the tornado blew the door open. My knees were full of glass, but I felt no pain. If I had let go, Jimmy would have flown right out of the house.

All of a sudden, Jimmy lifted off his feet. I thought he was gone. And then everything stopped. He landed on his feet. In those first quiet moments, I couldn’t believe it was over. Our neighbors said the storm lasted four minutes. In that time, four of the twelve town houses in our unit were completely destroyed. Luckily, none of us were seriously injured.

1. Where did the couple learn about the coming fierce weather?
A.From the dark shy.B.From the text sent by their neighbors.
C.From the radio station.D.From the news report on TV.
2. Why do the couple try to get to the storeroom?
A.It was safer there.B.They went there to get something.
C.They liked to stay in a storeroom.D.They tried to hide from their neighbors.
3. What do we know about Jimmy when the author reached the storeroom?
A.He flew out of the house.B.He was in great danger.
C.He was seriously injured.D.He got inside the storeroom.
4. What is the best title of this text?
A.The Wind Roaring Through the HouseB.A Couple Stopping a Disaster
C.A Couple Keeping Alive from a DisasterD.The Tornado Hitting Florida
2020-08-18更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When I first got the bird, it must have only just been hatched. Its mother had disappeared, leaving it alone and shivering in the face of the north wind. I decided to take it straight back and build it a new home.

At that time, we grew a great many flowers in our house. Next to one hanging orchid (兰花) I hung another empty flowerpot and it was in this pot that the bird was to have its new home. When Dad got home, he immediately discovered the new addition to our family. Without saying a word, he turned around and left the house. After some time, he returned and I saw that he had a handful of grass and pine needles. Obviously, Dad thought the nest I had made was far too rough and so he had decided to decorate it himself.

“A bird born at this time of year won’t survive the winter.” In spite of this prediction on the bird’s future, Dad very carefully fashioned the nest himself. Soon I found “Nuo Nuo” (Dad had named him) had started to grow feathers. They looked like such fine little hairs that you could only notice them if you looked really closely. I only discovered them because every day I would cup him in my hands and look at him.

Dad probably realized that he had been a little cruel in his prediction. You see, he had already started training Nuo Nuo to walk. As you know, Nuo Nuo lived in a flowerpot, not a cage or anything. When he had nothing else to do, he walked around his little home. There were times when he was a bit naughty too and he jumped down onto our dining table.

It was obvious that Nuo Nuo didn’t realize he was a bird. He perhaps thinks he was one of the family. But it is not enough for a bird to walk, it must fly as well. Dad soon began attempting to make him learn this new ability, but it was not an easy task. After all, nobody in our family had mastered the art of flying. we didn’t even have wings. How could we ask Nuo Nuo to do something that we had no means of doing ourselves?

The flying lessons went on regardless. Dad jumped off a chair, waving his arms as if his life depended on it, in an attempt to encourage Nuo Nuo to shake his wings. Surprisingly, this stupid action of Dad’s did actually have an effect. Nuo Nuo began to shake his wings and started to rise.

Everything is hard at the beginning. But seeing as what we had already started, the fact that Nuo Nuo couldn’t fly was no reason not to continue trying. Nuo Nuo learnt to fly finally and he survived the winter as well.

1. According to the text, what is the new addition to the family?
A.one hanging orchidB.another empty flowerpot
C.the little birdD.a handful of grass
2. Why is it not an easy task to make the bird learn to fly?
A.Because the bird was raised in the cage.
B.Because the bird was one of the family.
C.Because the family didn’t want to teach him to fly.
D.Because the family didn’t have relevant experience.
3. What’s the family’s attitude towards the bird?
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.All the predictions may come true.
B.Nothing is difficult at the beginning.
C.Everything deserves a try though hard.
D.There is always a reason to do something.
2021-03-13更新 | 193次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般