组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:847 题号:12175159

I felt so nervous. It was the day of my interview. I woke up early just to make sure I would have time to get prepared. It felt like a normal Monday, but for me, this day was very important. There was a lot of pressure.

After showering, I put on the outfit I had carefully chosen and laid out the night before. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. “You can do this,” I encouraged myself. I ate breakfast and fed my cat. I made my way to the bus stop and waited patiently. Aside from the rapid tapping of my right foot, no one could tell that I was so nervous.

When I arrived at my stop, I walked to the office. The building was so tall and I felt small in its shadow. But I also felt hopeful. This will be a great opportunity, I thought. And what is there to lose? Looking down at my watch, I noticed that I was early. This allowed plenty of time to review my resume (简历) and further prepare myself for the interview.

The doors of the building were impressive, all steel and glass and very modern.

When I walked in, someone showed me the waiting area and offered me a cup of coffee. After a few moments, a man in a nice suit told me to join him. As we walked toward the elevators, I began to feel anxious. The palms of my hands began to sweat. It seemed like an hour had passed before I heard the “ding” of the elevators opening.

We got into the elevator, full of men and women dressed to the nines.

“It’s quite a large office,” the man said to me. I chuckled nervously. I could feel myself getting warmer. I couldn’t wait to hear that comforting “ding” that signaled an escape.

As the elevator climbed, I again nervously checked my watch. Just as I looked down, it happened.

Paragraph 1:

The elevator came to a stop between floors.

Paragraph 2:

I thought that this must be the worst interview ever.

【知识点】 故事 职业内容


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Disappointed and upset, Tom found his money box empty. The coins lying on the bed added up to $36.22 . But the bike he wanted cost $88 . Where and how could he get the rest of money? He knew his fellows all had bikes, without which he couldn’t hang around with them on weekends. He thought about asking his parents for money, but soon gave up because he knew it wouldn’t happen.

Earning money seemed to be the only way. So he had to find a job first. He decided turn to Mr Jackie for advice, who usually had opinions in most things. “well, you can start right here, the floor needs cleaning and my car needs washing.” Then Tom’s part-time jobs began. For two months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was surprised by a variety of jobs people found for him to do. He could hardly remember how many cars he had washed and how many windows he had cleaned, but he knew his dream would soon come true because the money kept increasing. The day finally came when he counted all the money he earned and found nearly 100 dollars. He couldn’t wait to go down to the shop to buy his dream bike.

It was by hard work that he bought the bike he had been dreaming of. So he cherished it very much. He had achieved what he thought was impossible, and that was more valuable than the bike.

Paragraph 1 :

Eager to show off his new bike to his fellows, he rode home in a hurry.

Paragraph 2:

20 years later, Tom devoted himself to

2019-12-06更新 | 203次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

One day, a teacher decided to inspire her students in high school. She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. She told them how the student made a difference to her and the class and she gave each of them a blue card which read, “Thank you for being here. Who you are makes a difference.”

Then she decided to pass on this inspiration and kindness to more people. So she gave each of the students three more cards and told them to go out and give the cards to whomever they wanted to give.

One of the boys, Daniel, went to an cleaner on the street. He gave the old man one blue card and said,“Thank you for keeping our city clean and tidy. Your hard work means a lot to us.” He then handed two more cards to the old man and said, “here are two more cards, please go out and find somebody to honor, give him a blue ribbon, then give him the extra blue ribbon so he can inspire a third person to keep this inspiration going.”

Surprised but touched, the man took the card.
2022-01-10更新 | 79次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Carlos woke up late that Saturday. It was his birthday. As he opened his eyes, he could hear the sounds from the street coming through his open window. He could hear people talking loudly. He heard kids playing and yelling (大喊). There was music coming from someone standing on the corner. He heard the cars, buses and motorbikes running past his apartment. These were all the normal sounds he heard every day, but something was wrong.

When he listened for the sounds that normally came from his apartment, everything was silent. He did not hear his mother cooking in the kitchen. She always made a big breakfast on Saturdays. He did not hear his sister Maria jumping up and down or fighting with their brother Jose. What was wrong? The house was completely silent. The only noise was coming from outside his window.

Carlos looked at the clock across the room. It said ten o'clock. Something was very wrong! Carlos quickly got up and got dressed. He looked out of the window and saw everyone walking and talking. That was all normal. What was not normal was how quiet it was inside of his apartment. Carlos went slowly to the door and listened, but did not hear anything. He opened the door to his room a little and looked around. He looked down the hallway (门厅) toward the living room. He did not see anything. He was nervous and scared, wondering, “What is going on?”

Slowly he walked out of his room and into the hallway. His stomach was making noise since he was so hungry. He started toward the kitchen. His feet moved slowly as he walked, not knowing what to expect. “Mom? Jose? Maria? Where are you?” he called out, but no one answered. “Where is everyone?” he thought to himself. Just then, Carlos thought he heard a noise coming from the kitchen. It sounded like someone was there. He moved slowly toward the kitchen doorway, and thought to himself, “What’s going on? Why is everything so quiet? Who is in the kitchen?”

Paragraph 1:

He got to the kitchen door and looked inside.

Paragraph 2:

Sitting in the middle of the kitchen table was a small box.

2021-06-24更新 | 955次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般