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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:227 题号:12312828

If the world wants to control global warming, water shortage and pollution, then we all need to welcome “flexitarian” diets, say scientists.

This means eating mainly plant-based foods, and is a key step toward an environment friendly future for all in 2050, they say. Food waste will need to be halved ad farming practices will also have to improve, according to the study arid out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Without action, the influence of the food system could increase by up to 90%

The authors say that he present food industry has a number of considerable environmental effects including being a great driver of climate change, using up freshwater and causing pollution through heavy use of chemical fertilizer. The study says that thanks to the population and income growth expected between 2010 and 2050, these effects could grow between 50-90%. This could push our world beyond is planetary boundaries, which the authors say represent a “safe operating space for humanity and the international community”.

However, the study finds that no single solution will avoid the dangers, so a combined approach is needed. So when it comes to climate change, the authors looked at what they called a “flexitarian” diet.

“We can eat a range of healthy dies but what they all have in common, according to the latest scientific evidence, is that they are all relatively plant-based,” said Dr. Marco from the University of Oxford. “You can go from a diet that has small amounts of animal products (some might call it a Mediterranean-based diet; we call it a flexitarian diet) over to a vegetarian(素食的) diet—we tried to stay with the most traditional one of these which in our view is the flexitarian one, but even this has only one serving of red meat per week.”

If the world moved to this type of diet, the study found that greenhouse gas emissions(排放物) from farming would be reduced by more than half.

Dr. Marco says that all measures combined can result in keeping both the planet and people healthy.

1. What is the IPCCs study about?
A.The role of modern farming practices.
B.The differences between various diets.
C.The effects of food industry on the planet.
D.The harmful consequence of global warming.
2. What do we know about the recent food system?
A.It is far too wasteful.
B.It has raised farmers’ income.
C.It contributes to the development of farming.
D.It is a key step to an environment-friendly society.
3. What can be called a “flexitarian” diet?
A.Eating a variety of food.
B.Eating a lot of animal products.
C.Eating vegetables grown without fertilizer.
D.Eating mostly plant-based meals and some red meat.
4. What benefit will the new diet bring to the world?
A.The water pollution will be controlled in 2050.
B.Less greenhouse gas will be produced.
C.Food waste will be reduced by half.
D.Much more money will be saved.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Marco Springmann and his colleagues, at the Oxford Martin School’s Future of Food Programme, built computer models that predicted what would happen if everyone became vegetarian by 2050. The results indicate that if the world went vegan (严格的素食主义者), the greenhouse gas emissions declines would be around 70%.

In the US, for example, an average family of four emits more greenhouse gases because of the meal they eat than from driving two cars---but it is cars, not steaks, that regularly come up in discussions about global warming.

Food, especially livestock (牲畜,家畜) also takes up a lot of room. 68% of agricultural land in the world is used for livestock. When these lands become grasslands and forests, they would capture carbon dioxide and further ease climate change.

However, if the whole world went vegan, there would be negative effects too. First, it is necessary to keep livestock for environmental purposes. “I’m sitting here in Scotland where the Highlands’ environment is very man-made and based largely on grazing by sheep,” says Peter Alexander, a researcher in socio-ecological systems modeling at the University of Edinburgh. “If we took all the sheep away, the environment would look different and there would be a potential negative impact on biodiversity.”

Plus, meat is an important part of history, tradition and cultural identity. Numerous groups around the world give livestock gifts at weddings, celebratory dinners such as Christmas with turkey or roast beef.

And nowadays, moderation in meal-eating’s frequency and portion size is key to solving these conflicts. “Certain changes would encourage us to make healthier and more environmentally friendly dietary decisions,” says Springmann, “like putting a higher price lag on meat and making fresh fruits and vegetables cheaper.”

In fact, clear solutions already exist for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock industry. What is lacking is the will to carry out those changes.

1. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the second paragraph?
A.Driving cars is more dangerous than eating steaks in the US.
B.Our dietary choices affecting climate change is often underestimated.
C.People compare the greenhouse gas emissions of the cars and steaks.
D.Cars affect the global warming more seriously than the steaks.
2. Which saying can best show the author’s attitude to livestock?
A.It is hard to please all.
B.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
C.One cannot see the wood for the trees.
D.Everything is a double-edged sword.
3. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A biology textbook.B.A health magazine.
C.A scientific journal.D.An educational review.
2022-02-22更新 | 151次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Authorities have moved to tighten oversight of the rapidly expanding semi-prepared food industry, ironing out definitions of precooked dishes and rolling out rules on the use of additives in the sector to ensure food safety. Restaurants are also being encouraged to identify dishes on their menus that include semi-prepared ingredients, a move that experts say will help customers make informed decisions.

The reforms, led by the State Administration for Market Regulation, which oversees product quality and consumer rights, were outlined in a circular issued on Thursday by six government agencies.

Share (股票) prices of companies involved in the semi prepared food sector fell by an average of 2 percent on the A-share market on Monday because of the strengthened oversight Industry insiders said the rules were the first to clarify the definition of semi-prepared food and set out safety and quality standards for the multibillion yuan industry.

China has more than 70, 000 companies making food items that have undergone some preparation but are not fully cooked or ready to eat, according to Xinhua News Agency. Their output value topped 500 billion yuan ($69.4 million) last year and is on track to surpass 1 trillion yuan in a few years, it said.

The new rules differentiate between semi-prepared food-also known as prepackaged meals — and other food items, such as instant noodles, frozen dumplings and salads. They say semi-prepared food must be a dish that can be consumed after simple preparations such as heating or boiling.

Experts said makers of frozen foods such as dumplings and hamburgers will no longer be regarded as being semi-prepared food businesses, and will be unable to ignore regulations in their own sector or enjoy preferential policies tailor-made for semi-prepared food makers. They said the generalization of the concept of semi prepared food had previously created regulatory difficulties.

1. Why is it necessary to oversee the semi-prepared food industry?
A.To raise people’s awareness of food safety concerns.
B.To ban the use of semi-prepared prepared ingredients.
C.To guarantee food safety through strengthened regulations.
D.To encourage restaurants to identify dishes on their menus.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Rules aiming to define semi-prepared food.
B.Great loss suffered by semi-prepared food sect on.
C.Safety and quality standards imposed on food industry.
D.Effects on semi-prepared food industry made by the new rules.
3. Which of the following statement is true?
A.Semi-prepared food can be directly consumed.
B.Instant noodles are considered as semi-prepared food.
C.Semi prepared food makers enjoy preferential treatment.
D.Output value of semi-prepared food is decreasing in China.
4. What is the expert’s attitude towards the regulatory reforms?
2024-06-01更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Children make quicker decisions to eat “tasty” food and reward centres in their brains light up after watching food commercials on television, compared to non­food commercials, a small study finds.

The researchers studied 23 children aged 8 to 14 who gave taste and health ratings for 60 food items. Afterwards, kids chose whether to “eat” or “not eat” each food item—without actually eating them—while undergoing brain scans. The scans measure changes in blood flow within the brain, which is thought to reflect the activity of brain cells.

While the kids were making their decisions, they were periodically shown TV commercials, some for fast food outlets and some for non­food businesses. Each set of commercials was followed by a set of 10 food choices.

In general, kids did not choose foods based on their health ratings and chose based on taste. But after watching a food commercial, taste seemed even more important to them and they made their choices faster. The area of the brain involved in reward valuation was more active during food decisions after watching food­related commercials than after non­food commercials.

“What we know from studies like this one is that food marketing has effects that go beyond simply increasing our liking or wanting of the product being advertised and actually affect our preferences for all foods in that category,” said Emma Boyland of the University of Liverpool.

“Parents should be aware of these results so that they can put limits on screen time that involves food advertising,” Bruce said. “They should also discuss with children the importance of thinking about commercials properly.” “But commercials are almost everywhere—television, online, radio, clothing. As adults, we have to work to teach children that a real healthy diet to support a full and active life contains very little of the food they see advertised,”Boyland said.

1. What were the children asked to do in the research?
A.Select favourite commercials.B.Decide whether to eat or not to eat.
C.Observe the activity of brain cells.D.List health ratings for some foods.
2. What happened to the children after watching food commercials?
A.The reward centres in their brains acted actively.
B.They made food choices based on health ratings.
C.They confused taste rating with health rating of the foods.
D.They had a good command of the methods to choose foods.
3. What can we infer from Boyland's words?
A.Food marketing should be strictly controlled.
B.It's hard to stop kids being exposed to food advertising.
C.Parents should forbid children to watch food commercials.
D.Children should be warned not to eat the advertised foods.
4. What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.Children make decisions quickly when watching commercials.
B.Children's bad eating habits are mainly caused by food commercials.
C.Parents are concerned about the effect of food advertisements on kids.
D.Food advertisements can have a great effect on children's eating habits.
2017-06-02更新 | 98次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般