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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:12323697

Do you know zero waste lifestyle? It     1     (found) by Bea Johnson. She was born in France and moved to California later. Her family used to live the traditional, United States lifestyle, with a big house,     2     (fill) refrigerators, and a huge amount of trash each week. Bea Johnson, soon realized the fact that there are too many things in our lives     3     are not the things we need. They     4     (final) become garbage and pollute the environment as well. Bea Johnson was brave enough     5     (take) steps to change this. Since 2008, Bea     6     (manage) to change her family’s life by reducing their waste to a jar of trash every year. This may sound unbelievable, but Bea has made it happen.

As the founder of zero waste lifestyle, Bea Johnson started a global movement and continues to inspire the community with her blog. The zero waste lifestyle that Bea pioneered is worth     7     (try). Whatever your opinion is on the environment, perhaps you will be interested to learn about these     8     (change), which will increase your happiness without doubt. From now on, follow Bea Johnson’s example and change your former lifestyle. Let’s live     9     zero waste life together.     10     is just everyone’s small action that makes a great difference to the world.

【知识点】 日常生活 环境保护


语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

When you read a book, you are likely     1    (notice) that a brand new book has a rather special smell,     2    differs from that of an older book. Where does it come from? The answer is simple—the paper, the ink and the glue.

Around 200 AD, the Chinese first came up with paper, one of the greatest     3    (invent) in the world. It is made from wood. The wood must be processed with various chemicals     4    (add) to change its structure, to remove acid and to whiten the paper. Then comes the ink—there are many kinds. Some fade with time,     5     others get darker than years ago. Finally, different glues     6    (use) to join the sheets together and attach the covers, whether hardcover     7     paperback. Therefore, you can smell different chemicals coming out of your new book.

Today, the forms of books     8    (change) greatly ever since the birth of eBooks. They might be     9    (convenience), but you can't give your copy to others     10     a present, and they don't smell as nice.

2021-06-29更新 | 71次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Believe it or not, challenging some of your limits, which you have never tried,     1     (help) you change for the better. When meeting with difficulties or new things, don’t step back. Rather, figure out     2     you are frightened of and do it     3     (continuous).

If you are a salesman, afraid of talking to people personally or over the phone, now, instead of     4       (feel) scared and concerned about your failure, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call. Although someone may hang up on you, don’t stop on     5     first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes, saying, “Go on, and I am not scared!” Your confidence will increase significantly in this way.

Recent     6       (survey) show that starting with a hobby also encourages us to face challenges, like cooking, sewing, gardening, painting and so on. Whatever it is,     7     (believe) it is a good chance to try new things. And these hobbies may also give you some extra income, if     8       (carry) out well.

    9     is no denying that many other ways can also help you accept challenges, like setting aside fixed time to exercise and travelling with friends or alone. All in all, challenging yourself can make you     10     (brave) and adapt to society better.

2022-05-25更新 | 155次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

I gave one of my favorite sun hats recently to a friend Jack who had been looking for one like mine for several     1     (week). I found it online and had it sent to him for his birthday.

Later, I     2     (lose)my own and I was upset! That hat had traveled everywhere with me. But then a     3     (difference) friend came back from his trip to the Philippines.     4     did he give me as a gift? A sun hat!

I want to host my friends and cook a dinner for the large group this week.     5     (fortunate), I have the chance to cook for a large group of people in my life. I enjoy     6     (learn) a few new recipes (食谱) on my own, shopping for the food, and cooking for them. Just today, I hiked with Jack and when we said goodbye, he took a box of food out and he wanted me     7     (have) them. There were all kinds of potatoes, onions, pears, apples and peaches. Those foods can be ready for the large group of my friends. Jack didn’t attend my party nor did he know about     8     dinner this week, and he didn’t do it     9     purpose. What an unexpected thing! Since then, Jack and I have been     10     (close) than ever.

2020-01-03更新 | 77次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般