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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:12416901

In waters off Weizhou Island, Beihai,     1     group of experts have become familiar with the whales. The Bryde’s whale is regarded     2     a very mysterious species of whales, with a body     3     (long) of 10 to 12 meters and a weight of up to 15 tons. The captain of the research group Yang Chengteng,     4     returned to his hometown to start his own business, was the first     5     (discover) the Bryde’s whale in 2016. Yang said that the whales were hunting in open water not far from the ship, drawing seabirds to join. From then on, Yang kept the scientific research team     6     (inform) of the movement of the Bryde’s whale.

Efforts     7     (make) by the government and the guardians to protect the Bryde’s whale since then. The local government declared that fishing within 6 kilometers o[ the island was forbidden. Researchers were tight on money,     8     they still worked tirelessly und insisted on long-term offshore operations every day. At the same time, people from all     9     (walk) of life also called on the public not to take part in whale watching until the condition of the Bryde’s whale wales     10     (thorough) and scientifically examined.

【知识点】 人与动植物


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Wild Chinese sturgeon(鲟) are thought to have lived at     1     same time as dinosaurs and among the first class of protected animals in China. Last week, a wild Chinese sturgeon, which is believed to be the     2     (large) ever found in the past two decades, arrived in Beijing for better treatment. The species is a     3     (serious) endangered fish species in China and can be found only in the Yangtze and Pearl rivers.

The Chinese sturgeon “Houfu”,     4       literally means “good fortune for ever after”, arrived at the Beijing Aquarium on Monday after 22 hours of transport from Hubei Province.

When the fish     5     (find) by a fisherman in the Yangtze River Basin, it had been suffering from multiple     6     (injury). It was sent to the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute for treatment immediately. As she was so weak, local care takers had difficulty     7     (feed) it. The Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute decided     8     (move) it to Beijing to receive further treatment.

Nicknamed “Aquatic giant pandas” and     9     (list) as a wild creature under state protection, the species has been struggling due to water projects, busy waterway traffic or pollution in recent years. The number of Chinese sturgeon living in the wilds has fallen sharply to about 50 now     10     about 1,000 in 1982, according to researchers’ estimates.

2023-05-27更新 | 30次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)


China’s efforts to fight desertification in its northern area     1     (achieve) remarkable progress over the past 45 years. So far, the Three-North Shelter Forest Program     2     (launch) in 1978 has planted and conserved 32 million hectares (公顷) of forests and restored 85 million hectares of degraded grassland, and the forest     3     (cover) in the project area has increased from 5.05 percent in 1978 to 13.84 percent today.

The project has set up a green Great Wall to act as a safeguard     4     sandstorms, conserve soil and water and promote agricultural development in the northern border of China. Though extraordinary achievements are made in the program, the work     5     (say) to be still challenging due to the wide distribution and severe conditions of desert land. The environmental delicacy of the region and continuous environmental issues make the task even     6     (hard).

Recognizing the importance of desert ecosystems in regulating climate and keeping     7     balanced environment, the authorities shifted from a traditional approach to working in harmony with it,     8     (allow) for sustainable development and coexistence. Bringing nature to     9     (it) original condition should not rely on human efforts in the long term. The scientific and holistic (全面的) approach to conserving mountains, rivers, forests and farmland is crucial,     10     the ecologists believe can help nature restore itself.

2024-03-27更新 | 163次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Human voices cause much more fear in wild animals than the sound of lions, a study in South Africa has found. Scientists played recordings of people talking     1     (normal) through speakers in the Kruger National Park. About 95% of the animals     2     (be) extremely frightened and quickly ran away. In contrast, recordings of snarling and growling lions caused obviously     3     (little) alarm. During the experiment, they noted, that some elephants, in response to the big cat calls, even attempted     4     (face) the source of the sound.

According to the study, the animals have learnt that contact with humans is extremely     5     (danger) . The fear exhibited goes beyond the Kruger National Park, as a global pattern shows wildlife tend to fear humans more than any other predator (捕食者). The authors note that this creates a challenge for areas,     6     rely on wildlife tourism, because the human visitors they want to attract are unintentionally scaring off the animals they have come to see.     7    , the findings open up the possibility to protect weak species. Human sounds, when     8     (use) properly, could help protect against illegal hunting. “Now we     9     (work) together in experiments, testing whether we can prevent rhinos     10     hunting hotspots,” one of the authors said.

2024-02-05更新 | 125次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般