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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:219 题号:12498098

As one of the most momentous languages in the world, Latin had humble beginnings. It originated along the Tiber River in Italy and only a handful of people spoke the language. Over time, Latin became more distinguished as Romans procured political power. Many famous literary texts and scientific classifications were written in Latin. Even though knowing Latin indicated a person was educated, according to Britannica, in the 20th century far fewer people learned Latin”, leading it to be classified as a "dead” language.

There are around 7, 000 living languages in the world, but, according to Britannica, “more than half are at risk of dying out by the end of the 21st century”. Civilizations evolve over time and so do languages. More often than not, a language dies because everyone who speaks the language dies. For example, Marie Smith Jones, perhaps the last native speaker of the Alaskan Eyak language, died at the age of 89 in 2008, and so did the language. Now, fewer and fewer people speak Latin, which raises public's awareness about its preservation.

Actually, there are many other reasons in respect of why Latin should be preserved or taught. “It is a window into an engaging ancient civilization, and studying an ancient civilization teaches us to respect different points of view and unfamiliar cultural practices," says Kathleen Coleman, James Loeb Professor of Harvard University.

Since it isn't used in ordinary conversations, there are a lot of difficulties that arise from teaching Latin. Teaching a 'dead' language is distinct from teaching other languages, explains Coleman, “because there are no native speakers to demonstrate us how it sounds or answer questions about the meanings of words or justify idioms. While it's tough, we still can find the answers to our questions from the fragmentary evidence available in written texts.”

1. What can we learn about Latin from Paragraph 1?
A.Latin was well-known since its birth.
B.Only educated people learned Latin in the past.
C.Latin was not favored by scientists and writers.
D.All people didn't learn Latin in the 20th century.
2. The author mentions Marie Smith Jones in Paragraph 2 to show.
A.Latin is going to be a "dead” language.
B.what it really means when a language dies.
C.why people should be aware of protecting languages.
D.he is the last native speaker of the Alaskan Eyak language.
3. Why should people learn Latin according to Coleman?
A.To show unfamiliar practices.
B.To respect others' opinions.
C.To learn about an ancient society.
D.To protect a "dead” language.
4. What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
A.The learning materials.
B.The development of Latin.
C.The learning methods.
D.The difficulties in learning Latin.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】For most business speakers, the necessary stage time, structure, and conscious editing to bring about maximum effect just aren’t there — most people don’t have to speak often enough to get it. Conversely, the speakers who deliver their talk most tend to be the best and most polished. They know where the laugh lines are, they know what phrasing works best, and they know their timing. Just like standup comedians.

Standup comedy, at its basic principles, is a combination of material (what you say) and delivery (how you say it). It is no different than typical speeches or presentations. TV slots (节目时间) for new comedians tend to be under five minutes, which forces them to continuously refine and refine again in order to achieve maximum effect from each word. Conference organizers still tend to book speakers in 40-60 minute time slots but who, these days, has an hour to focus on one person? Some of the best speeches in history have clocked in at less than 20 minutes. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was 272 words and lasted two minutes. Winston Churchill’s “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” speech was 688 words. The most powerful emotional expression two humans can say to each other is just three words: “I,” “love,” and “care.”

Most people switch off at around the ten-minute mark. As mentioned in Brain Rules, studies by noted educator Wilbert McKeachie demonstrate that “typically, attention increases from the beginning of the lecture to ten minutes into the lecture and decreases after that point.” This is why the organization for online talk TED has shortened its earlier 18-minute format. They figured out that brevity is levity. However, many conference and event producers haven’t got it right. Most speakers can’t hold the attention of an audience for 40-60 minutes. It’s something even the best standup comedians battle with. Yet business speakers seldom ask for a shorter slot. They should.

1. What pushes new standup comedians to improve their presentations?
A.The limited given time.
B.The topic of their speeches.
C.The audience’s expectation.
D.The place of their performance.
2. Why does the author mention the best speeches in history in Paragraph 3?
A.To expand the influence of the two speeches.
B.To prove that powerful speeches can be brief.
C.To illustrate the power of emotional expressions.
D.To show how famous people shortened speeches.
3. Why did TED reset a time limit?
A.The organizers can’t book long TV slots.
B.The audience cannot focus for a long time.
C.The access to online speeches was limited.
D.The speakers tend to deliver short speeches.
4. What are business speakers advised to do?
A.To cut down their speech time.
B.To interact more with the audience.
C.To pay more attention to the contents.
D.To battle against the standup comedians.
2021-01-15更新 | 131次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When Faith Wanjiku graduated from the Technical University of Kenya (肯尼亚) last year, she immediately enrolled at the Confucius Institute at Kenyatta University. She wanted to learn Chinese, as she believed that it would help her land a good job. She has just completed the HSK (level II) exam. The HSK exam is a test of Chinese language proficiency (水平) for non native speakers, organised by the Confucius Institute Headquarters.

However, level III isn’t enough for Wanjiku, who plans to pass HSK (level VI). “I want to increase my level of understanding and improve my spoken Mandarin,” she said. And Wanjiku isn’t alone. The Ministry of Education reported in May 2019 that the number of people taking the HSK reached 6.8 million in 2018, up 4.6% from a year earlier.

Chinese is becoming an increasingly popular choice of language to study around the world. Currently, middle school students in Russia can take a Chinese language test as part of the country’s national college entrance exam. In 2019, Zambia (赞比亚) became the fourth country in Africa——after Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa——to introduce Chinese language to its schools. And many English-speaking countries have shown an interest in allowing their students to learn Chinese. For example, the US government announced the launch of “1 Million Strong” in 2015, a plan that aims to bring the total number of learners of Chinese to 1 million. Additionally, a 2017 survey by the British Council showed that Chinese has become one of the languages that British parents most want their children to learn.

Behind the growing popularity of Chinese language learning is the international community’s positive expectations of China’s future development, which has also created worldwide interest in learning more about Chinese civilization and culture.

“I am fascinated with China’s history, culture, and language, as well as its economic development, and I think that studying in China could provide me with some great job opportunities, as I see growing investment and cooperation between the two countries,” said Patcharamai Sawanaporn, 26, a Thai student graduate of Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics.

1. Why does Faith want to learn Chinese?
A.She wants to pass the HSK (level VI) exam.
B.She wants to get a good job after graduation.
C.She wants to graduate from the Technical University of Kenya.
D.She wants to study at the Confucius Institute at Kenyatta University.
2. What is the function of the first two paragraphs?
A.To show the advantages of an exam.
B.To give an example of a good student.
C.To introduce the topic of learning Chinese.
D.To stress the importance of language learning.
3. What is the goal of the “1 Million Strong” plan?
A.To encourage Americans to pass HSK (level VI).
B.To get more Americans learning Chinese.
C.To introduce Chinese to American middle schools.
D.To find one million healthy students.
4. What can we conclude from the passage?
A.Faith plans to pass the HSK (level VI) exam for a better job.
B.Some students in Russia take a Chinese language exam.
C.The plan “1 Million Strong” aims to make people stronger.
D.Learning Chinese is becoming more popular.
2023-03-13更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Texting and e-mailing have become a key part of how we communicate in our lives, so much that it’s fundamentally changing language and communication. According to linguist (语言学家) McCulloch. it’s making us better writers, speakers, and communicators.

“Language is humanity’s most impressive open-source project.” writes McCulloch, who studies and analyzes the patterns of Internet language. “Just as we find things on the Internet by following links from one place to another, language spreads through our conversations and interactions.”

From words and acronyms (like AIDS) to emojis and GIFs, people today have a wide range of ways to express online what they’re thinking and feeling, which can be more effective than pure words. If you’re meeting a friend for happy hour, sending a GIF of Betty White swirling (旋转) a glass of wine can often show your excitement better than words can. Hate Mondays? Posting a meme of Grumpy Cat can instantly convey your mood. Those fluent in Internet-speak can also play with punctuation, capitalization, even spacing to convey emotional state and tone of voice. Words can now be altogether replaced with emblems and icons, which helps explain the popularity of emojis and GIFs in our online conversations.

All of this helps make our social interactions more interesting, and the fluidity (不稳定性) of language is actually its biggest strength. “I mean, fashion can change, why can’t language?” asks McCulloch. “ In fact, language has changed and is always changing. Linguists are generally very positive about language evolution. There’s not one right way to communicate. We don’t speak the way Shakespeare did, and Shakespeare didn’t speak the way Chaucer did. But it’s unfortunate that this message hasn’t been conveyed to broader society as much because we’re still dealing with a history of people worshipping Latin.”

1. What’s McCulloch’s attitude towards Internet language?
2. Why does the author mention “Betty White” and “Grumpy Cat” in Paragraph 3?
A.To explain a rule.B.To clarify a point.
C.To present a fact.D.To make a prediction.
3. What does McCulloch say about language?
A.It should be more flexible.B.It is stable.
C.It defines communication.D.It is dynamic.
4. What does the author want to convey in the text?
A.Texting and e-mailing are signs of an evolving language.
B.The fluidity of language makes communication difficult.
C.The use of Internet language is constantly declining.
D.People tend to communicate differently as they age.
2024-01-23更新 | 79次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般