组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:481 题号:12533949

Cities are diverse ecosystems, and a large number of species share our urban areas. As our city spreads, we need think about     1     it is like for other species to have human neighbors.

Because cities     2     (build) for humans, they do not always provide suitable habitats for wildlife. For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them     3     (pretty) than before. But when we cut grass or plant flowers, we destroy natural habitats.

When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom,     4     made a good home for bats, and soon the bridge was the home of thousands of bats. At first, people were afraid     5     the bats. Now, they have come to value     6     (they) winged neighbors. The bats are a tourist     7     (attract), and they eat lots of bugs every night.

There are also structures built with the objective of     8     (bring) wildlife into the city. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a good example. The park     9     (use) native plants and created open, natural spaces for wildlife. The result is a zone where over 160 species of birds can move about     10     (free). If we learn to share our space, we can become better neighbors to the wildlife around us.

【知识点】 人与动植物


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

“I’m old in age, but young in mind. The zoo is my lifetime’s happiness.” Despite various difficulties, for 33 years,    1    82-year-old Chinese man called Luo Yingjiu has been running a small zoo on    2    (he) own in Enshi, Hubei province.

At the one-man Fenghuang Mountain Zoo, Luo serves    3     director, cleaner, breeder, vet and conductor. Most of the animals of the zoo are old and weak, many of    4    were saved by Luo. The zoo’s liontiger and python passed away years ago,     5     (leave) only a bear, some peacocks, a troop ofmonkeys,     6    about 20 dogs.

A ticket only costs 10 yuan (S1.5) per person, and it’s free for children. But the zoo’s appeal to locals is fading. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the number of visitors    7    (drop) to just several people a day.

While the world changes     8    (gradual), the zoo remains much the same, and so does Luo’s love for the animals. “Many people tell me to rest at this old age, but my wish is     9     (maintain) the zoo with all my heart until my last day. Since I’ve shouldered the    10    (responsible), I shall never quit halfway,” says the former soldier in the local dialect.

2023-06-17更新 | 74次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

If you’re a fan of penguins, you might enjoy     1    (participate) in a new research project to help scientists measure changes to penguin populations.

The project     2    (name) Penguin Watch and the members are counting penguins in online     3     (photo) taken across Antarctica, helping scientists monitor the species in their natural habitat. Up to now, nearly 40,000 volunteers have joined in the project.

“Penguin Watch is people­powered research     4     people can help and every click     5    (matter) in helping us to understand penguins,” Tom Hart,     6     expert from Oxford University and a member of the Penguin Watch team, told The Telegraph.

The data     7    (give) by volunteers will also help measure changes in not only the penguins’ behaviour and habitat, but also the     8    (large) ecosystem as well. “Finally, this huge data set allows us to     9    (effect) train computers to take over from humans and helps us pass on the tools developed for penguins to the species     10     threat,” said Hart.

2023-10-13更新 | 19次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

Trees, plants and flowers are all around us and we enjoy their beauty every day. However, we are so used to them     1     we may even take them for granted without       2    (realize) how much inspiration they have given us. In fact, nature has inspired many of the most       3    (fascinate) designs around us, including those in architecture. Nature     4     (present) in various architectural designs.

Today, architects continue to explore ways     5     (capture) the beauty of natural forms, to mimic the way nature works or even to make natural organisms part of a building. ArtScience Museum, Singapore was designed to show the     6     (connect) between nature and the modern city environment in which it sits. Visitors are often amazed to find themselves in an urban building that so     7    (true) captures the beauty of natural forms. Harare's Eastgate Centre is     8     superb example of biomimicry(仿生学). To use biomimicry is to create structures     9    (base) on natural forms and processes. Creating buildings such as these enables us to live     10     closer harmony with our environment.

2020-05-29更新 | 166次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般