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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:12601357

An early spring morning I woke up with a strange thought "Something's gonna happen." The weather was beautiful and the morning promised a perfect day. I was still in bed, enjoying the sun and fresh air. Suddenly, the phone rang. I got it and a strange voice said: "Good morning. Are you sleeping yet?"

I wondered who it was. It was a nice woman's voice with a special accent. She told me that she wanted to see me and hung up. That phone call made me think a lot. A few minutes later 1 forgot this. 1 had breakfast and went out for a walk. The smell of spring was hovering in the air. The weather was warm. I was walking through the park, enjoying the beautiful nature.

Just then. I saw a young boy picking up a wallet from the ground. It seemed to me that I had seen this wallet before. First, I thought that he had dropped it, but his next actions made me think the opposite. The boy took the wallet carefully. cleaned it, and put it into his pocket. After that, he ran as quickly as he could. I didn't know what to do, so I began to scream loudly. I hoped there would be somebody nearby to catch him. But there was nobody around. I ran after him, but he disappeared somehow.

Then I reached in my pocket and realized that this wallet was mine. I felt very hopeless—no money, no keys, nothing. Maybe I had dropped it. That was a very awful day.

Suddenly, while I was sitting on a bench, a fascinating young woman appeared. She asked: "What has happened to you? Where have you been?" It was the same voice which I had heard that morning on the phone. The special accent I had heard on the phone. The same special accent! I couldn't believe my eyes. She was standing in front of me, trying to tell me something.

At that moment I felt someone shaking me and saying: "Wake up, wake up. It's getting late. Wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw my mother. What a pity! No fascinating young lady, no park, nothing. I jumped out of bed immediately and checked where my wallet was. Thank God! It was there. It had only been a bad dream.

1. Why did the author begin to scream loudly?
A.He met something scary.
B.He wanted to have the boy caught.
C.He wanted the boy to stop running
D.He wished the fascinating woman to appear.
2. How did the author make out the woman's voice?
A.It was gentle.B.It was from his find.
C.It was special accent.D.It often appeared on his phone.
3. What does the underlined word "hovering" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Staying in one placeB.Waiting in an uncertain way.
C.Rising last in the skyD.Flying away quickly.
4. What actually happened to the author's wallet?
A.He lost it in the parkB.It was still in his pocket.
C.The boy took it away.D.His mother hid it
5. Who was the young woman on the phone?
A.The author's friendB.The author's mother.
C.The young boy's sisterD.There's no such woman.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One rainy afternoon, I was on a crosstown bus when a young woman jumped on. She had a child with her who was about three or four years old. The bus was full, bumpy(颠簸的), and it soon got noisy, as her kid began crying — he was upset that he couldn't sit next to his mother. She looked embarrassed.

Then another woman, a little older, stood up and moved so that the mother and child could sit together. The mum smiled as a thank-you. And then three words came out of the older woman's mouth that raised the entire energy of that bus ride: “I've been there.”

Simple, undramatic, and honest. In that moment, it seemed to unite the diverse people of the city. Why? Because almost all experiences are shared human experiences. They're universal. We forget that as we go through life, focused on our own troubles and needs — which are actually less unique than we think.

Sometimes painful past experiences prevent us from wanting to open up to others because we don't want to revisit our own history. But a wonderful way to honor your past hurt is to help comfort another's current pain.

When I was a little girl, we lived on donations from local families and clothing from the " lost and found" baskets. It was shameful for me at the time — I lived in fear of being caught in a friend' s cast-off item.

Even when it was warmer, I refused to take off a layer in the classroom for this reason. Now I don't meet people who are in this exact situation, but I do notice when someone is struggling with financial shame or feels less than other people they meet. And I'm quick to say some version of, "I've been there."

Can the essence of these three words help you make a small difference right now? It can be as simple as volunteering your seat, sharing some helpful advice, or even lightening the mood with a joke when you notice that someone's uncomfortable — because we're all in this together.

1. What influence did the older woman's words have on the people around?
A.Causing discomfort.B.Breaking long silence.
C.Creating a heated debate.D.Inspiring common feelings.
2. What does the author think of personal troubles and needs?
A.They are mostly shared experiences.B.They don't really matter to anyone'
C.They will be forgotten with time.D.They are unique to each individual.
3. Why did the author refuse to take off the coat in the classroom?
A.Because she had the same sweater with others.
B.Because she stole the sweater from someone'
C.Because she liked wearing the coat in summer.
D.Because she felt embarrassed wearing others' clothes.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.Painful Experiences Are No Big DealB.The Best Way to Honor Your Past Hurt
C.True Happiness Comes from Helping OthersD.Three Little Words That Bring Us Together
2020-09-24更新 | 164次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Fright caught Spencer’s heart, as he saw his lifelong friend fall in the battle of World War I. He asked his Lieutenant(陆军中尉) if he could go out to bring his fallen companion back.

“You can go,” said the Lieutenant, “but don’t think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your life away.”

The Lieutenant’s words didn’t matter, and he went anyway.

Finally, he managed to reach his friend, raised him onto his shoulder and brought him back to their company’s trench(战壕).

The officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. “I told you it wouldn’t be worth it,” he said. “Your friend is dead and you are badly wounded.”

“It was worth it, Sir,” said Spencer.

“What do you mean by worth it?” responded the Lieutenant. “Your friend is dead.”

“Yes Sir,” He answered, “but it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say “Man... I knew you would come!”

Many a time in life, whether a thing is worth doing really depends on how you look at it. Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not be sorry for not doing it.

1. What did Spencer do during World War I?
A.He brought back the body of one soldier.
B.He fought against enemies with all his courage.
C.He successfully save the life of one fallen companion.
D.He developed a lifelong friendship with another soldier.
2. Why didn’t the officer thought Spencer’s action would be worth?
A.Because Spencer failed to earn his praise.
B.Because Spencer didn’t follow his order strictly.
C.Because Spencer would be punished for his action later.
D.Because Spencer might have lost his own life in the action.
3. According to the text, Spencer is ______.
A.generous and honestB.brave and reliable
C.easy-going and selfishD.stubborn and self-centered
4. The author wants to advise us to ______.
A.do everything with your courageB.catch the heart of your loved one
C.choose what you think worthy to doD.take up your courage to make friends
2020-10-02更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When the need for information technology service arises, it can be a stressful moment—the user is locked out of their computer, or a program isn’t working properly. But if you ask anyone in the MIT departments of Chemistry and Physics, or the News Office—the Institute divisions that are fortunate enough to have Greg Walton as their IT service provider, they’ll acknowledge that not only is Walton the best, but whatever the issue is, he will see it through until all involved are satisfied with the outcome. Walton usually arrives on the scene with endless positive energy that transforms a technical annoyance into an enjoyable interaction, regardless of how many other IT fires he has already put out that day.

The qualities that make him a star employee extend far beyond the campus. After spending his early years in foster care, Walton lived with his great-grandmother, but mostly, he was left to support himself. While many children might, understandably, lie flat under such unsupervised circumstances, Walton excelled academically and athletically at high school. He became the first person in his family to graduate from high school, and enrolled in college.

Walton seized the chance to enroll in Year Up, a program aiming to close the “opportunity divide” by providing young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through professional careers and higher education. Walton remains an active ambassador for the organization.

In June of 2007,armed with shining recommendations, Walton was hired as a temp (临时工) at MIT.He eventually worked his way up to where he is today—an invaluable asset (不可或缺的人) to three departments.“I do feel lucky to work at MIT,” he says.“I’ve had the ability to tour the country sharing my story in hopes that some people may be inspired and employers may see young adults with tough backgrounds differently.”

In addition to Year Up, he is involved with a number of organizations committed to helping young adults overcome their troubled pasts. This desire to have a positive impact on people’s lives extends seamlessly into his work at MIT. “Giving back is very important to me,” Walton says. “So many people have invested their time and energy into helping me, so I feel it would be an injustice not to do so.”

1. Staff members in MIT sing high praise for Walton mainly because________.
A.he enjoys interacting with his clients
B.he knows how to put out fires for others
C.he solves problems with a positive attitude
D.he is good at developing computer programs
2. What do we know about Walton before he went to college?
A.He depended on his great-grandma for a living.
B.He stood out in study and sports in high school.
C.He lay flat just like other unsupervised children.
D.He was supported by foster care for better education.
3. Why did Walton get involved with a lot of organizations?
A.To share his troubled past with young adults.
B.To pay back to society by helping young adults.
C.To advise businesses to treat young adults fairly.
D.To promote education equality among young adults.
4. What can we conclude from Walton’s story?
A.One good turn deserves another.
B.Opportunities favor the prepared mind.
C.Education is a powerful weapon to change the world.
D.One’s future is defined by his efforts, not by his origin.
2023-05-07更新 | 400次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般