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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:49 题号:12743282

Alan Tong was the worst driver in town. He had an accident of some kind almost every week.

Alan lived with his mother. His mother was always worried about him. Every day she worried that police would appear to arrest him. This wasn’t a foolish worry because they usually visited Alan’s house about once a week to send a speeding ticket or to serve him notice to appear in court (法庭).

Most of his accidents were caused by his carelessness. He drove through red lights. He turned left or drove at night without proper lights. He overtook other cars on hills. In short, there wasn’t a traffic rule that Alan had not broken, and he had had so many accidents that it was a surprise that he was still alive. But luckily for Alan, he had never hurt anyone in his accidents or even gone to the hospital.

Although Alan wasn’t popular with the police, he was very popular with his lawyer. Alan’s lawyer, Mr. Tsui, had earned a lot of money from Alan’s cases and always felt very excited when he saw Alan coming into his office.

One day Alan was working in the garage, painting his car when his mother walked in. “What are you doing?” his mother asked.

“Painting my car,” Alan replied.

“I can see that,” his mother said, “but why are you painting one side of the car red and the other side blue?” “Because every time I have to go to court for a traffic crime, there are always two witnesses (目击证人) . “What color was the car?” the judge always asks, and the two witnesses always give the same answer. Well, in the future, one witness will say it was blue. Mr. Tsui will then say to the judge, “Your honor, the witnesses cannot even agree on the color of the car involved in the accident.” And the judge will have to dismiss the case against me.

1. Which of the following is true of Mr. Tsui?
A.He always volunteered to help Alan.B.He was popular with the police.
C.He was good friends with Alan.D.He looked forward to Alan’s visit.
2. What was Alan doing when his mother walked in the garage?
A.Painting his car all red.B.Painting his car two colors.
C.Painting the garage.D.Cleaning his car.
3. What is the purpose of what Alan did to his car in the last paragraph?
A.To confuse the evidence against him.B.To help the judge in court.
C.To make the witnesses agree.D.To leave a good impression in court.
4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “dismiss” in the last paragraph?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A student was one day taking a walk with his teacher. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the path. They were a poor farmer's, who was working in the nearby field.

The student turned to the teacher, saying:"we will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind those trees, and wait to see what he will do"

"My young friend," answered the teacher, "we should never make fun of the poor. Why not put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch?" The student did so and they both hid themselves behind the trees. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.

After putting on his coat, he put his foot into one of his shoes, and felt something hard. Then he bent down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Surprised, he looked at the coin, turned it around and looked at it again. He then looked around, but no person was seen. He put the money into his pocket, and continued to put on the other shoe. His surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.

He couldn't control his feelings and fell to his knees, looked up to the sky and expressed his thanks. Then he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without food. He said the help would save them from dying.

The student there deeply moved, and his eyes filled tears." Now," said the teacher, "are you not much happier than if you had hidden the shoes?"

1. When the student saw the shoes, he wanted to ______ .
A.steal themB.play a joke on the owner
C.find their ownerD.give the owner some money
2. When the farmer saw the second coin, he ______ .
A.was surprised and decided to find the owner
B.was worried and looked up at the sky
C.was very excited and grateful
D.spoke of his difficulties and asked for more help
3. At the end of the story, the student ______ .
A.was very proud of himself
B.was very pleased with his life
C.felt sad for not taking his teacher's advice
D.felt very sorry about his first idea
2019-08-19更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约670词) | 适中 (0.65)

Eric was working in a selling business. He had been on the road visiting people for more than a month without going home. He couldn’t wait to get back to see his wife and children. It was coming up on Mother’s Day, and he usually tried to make it “back home”, but this year he was just too busy and too tired. The day when he was driving in a small town, he saw a flower shop. He said to himself, “I know what I will do. I’ll send my mother some roses.”

He stopped and went into the flower shop and saw a young man talking to the girl in it. “How many roses can I get for five dollars, Miss?” the young man asked. The girl was trying to explain that roses were expensive. Maybe the young man would be happy with something else.

“No. I have to have roses,” he said. “My mom was badly sick last year and I didn’t get to spend much time with her. I want to get something special. It has to be red roses, because that is her favorite.” He was stubborn.

The girl in the shop looked up at Eric and was just shaking her head. Something inside of Eric was touched by the boy’s voice. He wanted to get those roses so badly. Eric had been lucky in his business, and he looked at the girl and silently said that he would pay for the young man’s roses.

The girl looked at the young man and said, “OK, I will give you a dozen red roses for your dollars.” The young man almost jumped into the air. He took the flowers and ran down the store. It was worth more than fifty dollars just to see that kind of excitement.

Eric ordered his own flowers and asked the girl to have it delivered to his mother. After that, with a relief he drove down the road. Not long after his driving,he saw the young man walking to a graveyard (墓地).

1. 根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词仅用一次, 有两词为多余选项
try             favor          bad          touch               excite        deliver
tiring        he            walk          special            drive             explain
Before stepping into the flower shop.Eric was too busy and__________ to visit his mother on the coming Mother’ Day as he usually did in the past so he decided to buy and send____mother some roses.
In the flower shopEric saw a young man__________to buy roses with just five   dollars   and   the   girl tried____that roses were expensive and offered something else.
The young man insisted on red roses which were her mother’s_________. He wanted to give her something special because   her mom was_________sick last year and he didn’t get to spend much time with her.
Eric_________by the boy’s voice and offered to pay for the young man’s roses.
The girl gave the young man a dozen red roses and he took the flowers and ran down the store in_______Eric ordered his own flowers and had it_____________to his mother.
After stepping out of the flower shopWith a relief, Eric__________down the road and saw the young man walking to a graveyard.
2. What did Mother’s Day mean to Eric?
3. How did Eric feel after helping the young man?
4. What might Eric do after he saw the young man walking to a graveyard?
2023-11-30更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Two summers ago I was about to turn fifty and wanted to do something I’d never done before. My daughter Bailey thought skydiving (跳伞) would be perfect for me. I can promise you that of all the things I was thinking of doing, jumping out of an airplane never came close to making the list. As I age, I seem to have developed a growing fear of heights.

After several requests from my daughter, I finally said yes and she looked almost shocked. I told a friend what we were doing, then we set off. We had a 3-hour drive to the jump site. We drove through some beautiful countryside, but then we passed a small cemetery (基地) Then we passed another cemetery and another one. I asked if so many people died jumping out of airplanes in this area that they needed to keep building more cemeteries to bury all the bodies!

As we squeezed into the little plane, I tightly held the right hand of my partner Ronnie. The short ride to altitude was cruel for me. As Bailey stepped to the door, she looked back at me and said “Dad, I’m sure you can do it!” I said yes as she rolled out, I immediately looked behind me and said “RONNIEI AM NOT FEELING GOOD” He said, “It’s going to be great. Besides, it’s too late now anyway”, any we jumped out.

The next five minutes were some of the most exciting of my life. It was so beautiful and peaceful—except for the parts where I was screaming. I prayed to God for the parachute(降落伞)to open, but mostly I told Him how thankful I was for my life and being with me through good and bad.

1. What’s the author’s main purpose of mentioning cemeteries in Paragraph 2?
A.To tell how determined he was.
B.To show how rough the trip was.
C.To express how scared he was then.
D.To prove how lonely the jump site was.
2. What did Bailey do for her father before skydived?
A.She played a joke with him.
B.She gave him encouragement.
C.She comforted him constantly.
D.She offered him useful guidance.
3. How did the author behave after jumping out of the airplane?
A.He enjoyed himself.
B.He stayed quite calm.
C.He breathed out in relief.
D.He kept fearing for safety.
4. What can be inferred about the author from the text?
A.He skydived for the first time at the age of 48.
B.He jumped at his daughter’s recommendation.
C.The older he gets, the less fearful of heights he is.
D.Never had he considered attempting to do skydiving.
2018-03-30更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般