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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:12747479

Recently I read Nineteen Eighty-Four, a novel by George Orwell set in a totalitarian (极权主义的) state where even the language they use is controlled. Adjectives are forbidden and instead they use phrases such as “ungood”, “plus good” and “double plus good” to express emotions.

As I first read this I thought how impossible it would be in our society to have such vocabulary. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized in its own way it was already happening. I type messages to my friends and alongside each is an emoji (表情符号). I often use them to emphasize something, or to not seem too serious, or because this specific GIF conveys my emotions much better than I ever could using just words. And I wonder, “with too much use of emojis, are we losing the beauty and diversity of our vocabulary?”

English has the largest vocabulary in the world, with over one million words, but who’s to say what it’ll be like in the future? Perhaps we will have a shorter language, full of saying “cry face” if something sad happens or using LOL (laugh out loud) or BRB (be right back) instead of saying the full phrase. So does this mean our vocabulary will shrink? Is it the start of an exciting new era?

Yet when you look back over time, the power of image has always been there. Even in the prehistoric era they used imagery to communicate, and what’s even more incredible is that we are able to analyse those drawings and understand the meaning of them thousands of years later. Pictures have the ability to go beyond time and language. Images, whether they are cave paintings or emojis, allow us to convey a message that’s not restrictive but rather universal.

1. What is the reason for the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four being mentioned?
A.To introduce the following topic.B.To recommend this book to readers.
C.To show the author’s special interest.D.To show the diversity of languages.
2. Why does the author often use emojis while typing messages?
A.They are easy to type.B.They are amusing to use.
C.They can better convey emotions.D.They reflect the diversity of languages.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.English vocabulary will become smaller.
B.A new language era has come into being.
C.English will be replaced by a short language.
D.Short forms of words are popular nowadays.
4. What might be the author’s opinion?
A.We shouldn’t use emojis too much.B.Emojis can be understood universally.
C.Languages will be replaced by emojis.D.We have to learn several languages.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There are thousands of languages in the world. But which language is the oldest? Experts use different methods to find out the age of a language.

Finding the oldest language is a challenging task, according to Danny Hieber, an expert in the study of endangered languages. “If we think that most languages can date back to an original human language, all languages are equally old,” Hieber said. However, it’s impossible to find out such language —the direct ancestor of every language in the world. Accordingly, some experts believe that the “oldest language” should belong to one with a well-established written record.

Many of the earliest recorded examples of writing come from languages that used cuneiform script (楔形文字). Among these languages are Sumerian and Akkadian, both dating back at least 4,600 years. Experts have also found Egyptian hieroglyphs that date to around the same historical period. These hieroglyphs, which can be translated into “He has united the Two Lands for his son, Dual King Peribsen,” are considered the earliest complete sentence ever discovered.

Experts generally agree that Sumerian, Akkadian and Egyptian are the oldest languages with a clear written record. All three are extinct, meaning that they are no longer used and don’t have any living followers which can carry the language to the next generation.

As for the oldest language that is still spoken, several competitors appear. Hebrew and Arabic stand out among such languages for having timelines that experts can reasonably find, according to Hieber. Although these earliest written languages only date back around 3,000 years, Hieber said, “both of them belong to the Afroasiatic language family, whose roots date back to 18, 000 to 8,000 B. C. E. , or about 20,000 to 10,000 years ago.” Even with this wide period of time, it is widely accepted that Afroasiatic is the oldest language family. But the exact point in time when Hebrew and Arabic separated from other Afroasiatic languages is heavily debated among experts.

1. How do experts determine the age of a language?
A.By studying its spoken dialects.B.By analyzing its basic grammar.
C.By examining its written records.D.By comparing it to other languages.
2. What is the value of the Egyptian hieroglyphs?
A.They’re an example of cuneiform script.B.They belong to the Afroasiatic language.
C.They provide evidence of the oldest language.D.They’re the earliest-known complete sentences.
3. What does the underlined word “extinct” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the main disagreement among experts regarding Hebrew and Arabic?
A.The reason for their standing out.B.The exact time of their separation.
C.The appearance of their competitors.D.The roots of earliest written languages.
2024-03-31更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Images of Animals

Every language has words and expressions which describe the characteristics of some animals. Sometimes some animals have the same images in a foreign language as they do in Chinese. For example, there is a similar saying in Chinese as one in English: “The sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton.”     1     When a Chinese or English man talks like a parrot, he can only repeat what he hears.

In both Chinese and English, two kinds of insects have the image of being very busy: bees and ants. If someone is very busy or is moving around quickly doing lots of things, we can describe him by saying. “He is as busy as a bee.”

In Chinese, it is said that cranes and tortoises are supposed to bring long life.    2     And tortoises are considered to be slow but sure. In addition, while foxes are thought by the Chinese to have magical powers, for English speakers they are just dishonest. In English, we may hear people say “Stop being a chicken and just go ahead.”    3    

An animal may have a number of images. For example, in English, a herd of elephants is often considered to be very noisy, but people also say, “Elephants never forget.” English speakers imagine that elephants have a long memory.    4     If you own a car that can’t be driven, the car is a white elephant.

    5     Here are more: “Love me, love my dog.” “When the cat is away, the mice will play.” “You can make a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Can you list some Chinese proverbs that have animals as subjects?

A.The subjects of many English proverbs(谚语)are animals.
B.In English, however, cranes have no special meaning.
C.There is a battery brand in China called white elephant”.
D.Similarly, the pig is a symbol of stupidity in both cultures.
E.But foxes may have different meaning in the two languages.
F.A chicken has an image of being fearful in English but not in Chinese.
G.A “white elephant” refers to something that is useless and a waste of money.
2023-07-03更新 | 131次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden change in pronunciation started, with vowels (元音) being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had contact (接触) with many people from around the world. This meant that lots of new vocabulary entered the language. The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Spelling and grammar became fixed, and the dialect of London became the standard. In 1604 the first English dictionary came out.

Early Modern English and Late Modern English are mostly different in the number of words. Late Modern English has many more words, mainly because of the following two reasons: First, the Industrial Revolution (工业革命) led to the need for new words. Second, the British Empire covered one quarter of the earth’s surface, and the English language took in foreign words from many countries.

From around 1600, the English colonization (殖民地化) of North America led to American English. Some English pronunciations and words “froze” when they reached America. In some ways, American English is more like the English of Shakespeare than modern British English. Some expressions that are called “American English” are in fact from British expressions. They were kept in the colonies while lost for a time in Britain. Spanish also had an influence (影响) on American English. For example, words like canyon, ranch, stampede and vigilante are from Spanish. They entered English by the people of Spain who settled in the American West. French words and West African words also influenced American English.

Today, American English has a greater influence, because of the USA’s movies, television, popular music, trade and technology.

1. The main difference between Early and Late Modern English lies in _____.
2. What helped to increase the vocabulary of Late Modern English?
a. the invention of printing
b. the Industrial Revolution
c. the colonization
d. the contact with other countries
A.a, b, cB.a, c, d
C.a, b, dD.b, c, d
3. From the passage, we can learn the word “canyon” is from _____.
A.American dialectB.African dialect
2016-11-26更新 | 94次组卷
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