组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:81 题号:12955919

It was my first job, working as a temporary sales girl during the Christmas rush at Richardson’s, the finest jewelry store in our city.

The job was very important to me. Dad had passed away and Mother and I did not have enough to live on in those hard Depression years. I worked in the diamond department. My duties were to arrange the goods, keep them clean, and run errands (跑腿). It was interesting work that I enjoyed thoroughly.

As Christmas drew near, the days became more rushed, but also more exciting. One afternoon, Miss Allan, the head of the department, asked me to get her the diamond ring from the end showcase. I hurried back, with the ring in my hand when I noticed a man on the other side of the row of showcases. He was tall and in his early thirties. But it was the expression on his face that stopped me. He looked bitter, angry and confused. From his well-cut but worn-out suit, I could tell he was one of thousands trained for jobs they could no longer find. He gazed at the beautiful stones with the despair of a man whose right to earn them had been taken away. I had a sudden feeling of sympathy. But I had other things on my mind and soon forgot about him.

A few minutes later Miss Allan called for me again. This time for the clip (夹子) that went with the ring. The clip was at the very front of the window. I got it. But just as I was backing out, my sleeve caught on the corner of a tray (盘子) of diamonds. The tray started to fall, and six magnificent diamond rings rolled across the floor.

Down on my knees, I collected five rings with the greatest speed and put them in the tray. But I couldn’t find the sixth! I thought it must have slipped through the tiny opening between the showcase and the window. I ran around the counter and looked down. It wasn’t there. Just then, out of the corner of my eyes I saw the tall man moving quietly toward the door of the shop, a few yards away. At that moment I knew that he had the ring. He had been standing at the only spot to which it could have rolled. I reached him just as he got to the door.

注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语.
Paragraph 1:
“Excuse me, please,” I said.
Paragraph 2:
“What do you want?” he repeated.
20-21高二下·浙江·期中 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 故事 职业内容


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

At around 6 pm, Jane and her husband, Charlie were driving on the road. They were incredibly excited because they would attend the dream wedding of her daughter Iris the next day. As they drove beyond a town heat their destination, the sky grew darker and darker and suddenly the rain poured down. When they were approaching a bridge,a wave of fast- moving water washed over the top of it.

Within seconds, the rapids had lifted the little white car into the river. It happened so   quickly that they were too shocked to scream. Finally, the car caught an object in the middle of the river.

Muddy flood water was pouring into the car and rising quickly. Jane knew they had to get out quickly before the water rose too high in the car. Forcing the door open, Charlie jumped into the flood from the back row. Meanwhile, Jane grabbed the front door handle and tried to open it but in vain."Try it again!" her husband shouted anxiously.

Hearing that, Jane took hold of the handle, using all her strength, and was able to pull the door open. She came out of the vehicle and finally reached Charlie, coughing and shaking. They leaned tightly against the back of the Car and screamed for help.

At the same time a truck driver called Joe was complaining about the bad weather in his truck parked in his yard near the river.He had planned a road trip.Suddenly, carrying over the roar of the water, he heard screams coming from the river and rushed out immediately,spotting a car in the river."I've got to do something,”he told himself.But how did he approach the car in such a complete darkness? Without thinking twice, Joe returned to his truck and drove to the river bank.Then he turned on the headlights and got a long rope from it.After that, he fastened the one end of the rope to the truck tight.


The water was still rising.


Joe finally reached the couple.

2022-05-09更新 | 378次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“What a lovely place for a summer vacation, said my friend Allison, as we stood on the cliffs of the coast. I nodded as my eyes rested on the lighthouse of a cliff (悬崖)connected to the mainland. Suddenly I heard a voice, <4Good morning,“ Turning around, I saw Allison's sister, ten-year-old Jenny. "What do you want to do? We have the whole day free,” she shouted.

“What about rowing our boat to the lighthouse?” I suggested.

The idea was met with favor and we went down the rest of the way to the beach. There our boat lay pulled up on the beach. Allison and Jenny quickly got into the boat as I pushed it into the calm waters.

We set out at a slow speed towards the lighthouse. We were about one fourth of a mile away from the lighthouse when, to my surprise, a huge black cloud was forming out at the sea and rapidly heading for our way. We looked and my heart almost stopped beating. I began rowing for the shore at a speed which would have won my race I ever entered.

Big waves danced on the sea which I had seen so calm an hour before.

“Better put our life jackets on!” Allison advised.

Jenny quickly reached under her seat and pulled out three life jackets. She put one on, and then handed another two to Allison and me. Rowing quickly, I couldn't stop to put mine on. Jenny did the task. I tried my best to row, but with waves crashing against the boat, it was no easy task.

“Do you think we will turn over? cried Allison's voice above the wind.

How I wanted to say no. Instead, I told the truth, t4We might, so prepare to swim for it.”

Jenny didn't say anything, but I knew she was frightened. Suddenly she cried out, “A big wave is coming!


Allison tried to turn the boat so we would hit the wave head on, but it was in vain.


When I awoke I didn't know where I was.

2021-06-28更新 | 594次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The homemade book bag was placed across my bed. It appeared to have taken over the entire room. I knew that my mom had spent all day happily sewing as she pictured me proudly walking from class to class with it over my shoulder. The next day I was to start seventh grade at a new school, in a new state, in the middle of the school year. I was nervous and excited.

That first day at school I heard the whispers.“Have you seen the new girl? She’s from California. Did you see that big bag?”Then there were giggles (咯咯笑).

Because I started school in the middle of the year, all of the lockers had been assigned to other kids. There was no extra locker available for me, so I was forced to carry all my stuff around in the oversized bag. Wild stories flew back and forth about what I kept in the bag that never left my side. Drugs? Some kids wondered. Clothes? Is she homeless?

There was nothing interesting in that bag, just my coat during cold weather, school books, papers and pens. Eventually, most students pretty much ignored me, but some of the kids made fun of my bag. People grabbed at it, pretended to treat it like a dog and tried to drop litter into it. My teachers didn’t seem to notice, probably because I didn’t ever complain or ask for help. As the year progressed, I started to hate that bag. I blamed all my problems on it. I felt helpless, alone and homesick for California and my old friends.

One day toward the end of the school year, my math teacher assigned each student a partner to work with on word problems. I was told to work with Debbie, a popular girl who was in several of my classes. She smiled and waved me over toward her desk, so I grabbed my bag and quietly moved toward her. As I sat down, I realized that I had never spoken to her before.

“So, what’s in the bag?" Debbie asked loudly with a smile.
Then Debbie started to laugh, not at me, but at the situation.
2022-12-11更新 | 397次组卷
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