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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:120 题号:13031550

Running, cycling, aerobics (有氧运动) … there are hundreds of ways to get fit.     1    Here are two relatively new ones that you might like to try.


Exergaming consists of doing exercise with video games. And there are lots to choose from. Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a fun way to work out. Simply stand on a platform and hit the coloured arrows with your feet as you follow the instructions on the screen.     2    As the tagline (标 语) says, “Taking dancing to a whole new level!” For a gentler form of exercise, try the “Wii Fit” series of games. You can do yoga, strength training and aerobics while standing on a balance board.     3    


    4    They’re meant to improve your posture, and strengthen your muscles. They can also increase circulation and reduce body fat. The shoes were invented by Swiss engineer Karl Müller in the early 1990s. On a visit to Korea, he noticed that walking barefoot over some soft fields alleviated (缓解) his back and knee problems. He also discovered that the Kenyan Masai tribespeople (who often walk barefoot) don’t suffer from back pain and are famous for their perfect posture. So, he decided that the answer was a shoe with a curved sole and no heel. The shoes were launched in 1996, and by 2000 approximately 20,000 pairs had been sold in Switzerland, Austria and Germany.     5    Some celebrities such as Jemima Khan, Jodie Kidd and Sadie Frost also own a pair.

A.Since then, they have become a big hit.
B.Concentrate on the screen and search for the instructions.
C.You score points by hitting the right arrow at the right time.
D.And every year there are lots of new ideas for getting into shape.
E.Walking on Anti-shoes is similar to walking barefoot on sand or grass.
F.Personalize your workout, or exercise with a friend, competing in games!
G.Anti-shoes are designed to exercise parts of your body while you’re walking.
【知识点】 方法/策略 体育健身


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How much exercise does your dog need?

As many dog owners are aware, dogs need regular exercise to stay healthy and to stop them from getting bored.     1     To help dog owners work out how long their pets need to stretch their legs each day, here comes the advice on just how much exercise your dog should be getting, based on the age, size and breed!

    2     A good rule is that they should enjoy five minutes of a movement twice a day per month of their age. In other words, if your puppy is 12 weeks old, keep walks or play sessions to around 15 minutes each. As it gets older and stronger, the amount of exercise can be increased gradually. Equally, old dogs may struggle to take long walks, but should still be given the opportunity to go outside at least twice daily.

All dogs should be let outside for exercise, but how intense that exercise should be depends, in part, on the size of the dog.     3     In addition to regular play in the house or garden, they should also be taken for walks twice a day and these should last for at least 30 minutes each. Smaller puppies often require less of a workout, so letting them out into the garden for a runaround can be an appropriate form of exercise.

Some breeds, such as border collies, Belgian Malinois and German shepherds, have been bred as “working dogs”.     4     But the key to ensuring that your dog is able to keep up with you assuming that you have selected an appropriate breed, is consistency. Try to avoid going for a five-minute walk one day and embarking on a five-mile hike the next.     5    

A.Larger breeds need more space to roam.
B.They are suited to cover long distances.
C.Age is the first factor that should be considered.
D.Only in this way can your dog get suitable amount of exercises.
E.Rather, a steady routine will help your dog be prepared for the next adventure.
F.While puppies are often energetic, it is important not to over exercise young dogs.
G.What they might not know, though, is that the amount of time they need outdoors varies.
2022-02-13更新 | 127次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You Are a Better Person Than You Think You Are

Maybe you haven’t achieved goals in a self-planned time.     1    . But this doesn’t mean you are a bad person or a failure. You could indeed be a wonderful person. You could actually be a much better person than you believe you are. So, let’s examine the idea that you might be better than you think.

You show kindness

Being polite and kind is the mark of a good person. When you do this, you are treating others like you would want to be treated.     2    . Even the smallest things do not go unnoticed and tell others you have a good heart.

You are a positive (积极的) person

Keeping an optimistic (乐观的) attitude is also what a good person often does. It is easy to become down with all the bad things going on in the world, but there’s another way to look at these things. When you’re actually better than you think, you will have the habit of looking on the bright side of every situation and seeing the best in everyone.     3    .

    4    .

Being wise is not about being intelligent. It’s about learning from life experiences. Why does this make you a better person than you think? Wisdom can be passed to others to help them avoid the same mistakes you made. You are a good person if you’ve collected wisdom and love to share lessons with others.

So, go easy on yourself. Appreciate (感恩) who you are. If there are things you need to change, that’s okay.     5    . It’s about our attitude and our heart. If you took the time to read this, you are a better person than you think.

A.We all have problems
B.You give honest comments
C.Respect others and their space
D.It’s just all about showing optimism
E.You are wise, and you share your wisdom
F.Maybe you have made many mistakes as well
G.This may include opening doors for others or picking up change for people in front of you at the checkout line
2023-11-26更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You probably believe that weight loss has to be tied to countless hours at the gym or eating nothing but vegetables. Luckily, dropping a couple dress sizes doesn’t take anything that extreme.     1     Read on and I ensure you’ll be helped in your weight loss efforts.

Stop Eating Out. Think back to when your mother fed you. Do you remember what the dinner plates looked like? Now compare that to what the “plates” look like at those chain restaurants.     2     There are dozens of studies about eating out and they all lead to one conclusion: if you eat out, you overeat! Take a break from eating out for the next six weeks and see how easily you can drop a dress size or even two.

    3     You don’t have to avoid the foods that you enjoy — you just can’t eat big servings of them. An easy way to do this is to use smaller plates for your meals.     4     And don’t think that just because something is on your plate, you have to eat it. Different from what your mother told you, you don’t have to “clean your plate”. In fact — you shouldn’t. Eat slowly and stop when you aren’t hungry any more.

Make Better Choices. I know I just said that you can eat the foods you enjoy and still lose weight.     5     The key is moderation (适量). So when you shop, go to a wet market instead of a supermarket. When you’re at work, keep health snacks handy so you don’t have to turn to the company’s vending machine (自动贩卖机). Improving your choices will speed up your weight loss.

A.Lessen your intake.
B.Eat with smaller plates.
C.It’s no wonder you are putting on weight.
D.You will find that they have a lot in common.
E.But that doesn’t mean contenting yourself with candy and chips.
F.What it does take is making some small changes in your bad behaviors.
G.That way, you’re not losing the fun of eating while still exercising good judgment.
2024-02-18更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般