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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:98 题号:13162534

Yesterday, I went to the bookstore to pick up a present for my mother’s upcoming birthday. I found one of the books I wanted, but not the other one my mother had discussed with me the other day. When I went to pay, I asked the clerk behind the counter if I could order the second book.

A lady was standing in line behind me at the checkout. The clerk said she could order the book, but asked if I would mind letting the lady behind me pay for her purchases first. The lady behind me said no and that it was fine to wait.

It took nearly 15 minutes to put my order through! The lady behind me chatted agreeably with us for the entire time. When it finally came time for me to pay, I placed two $ 10 off cards on the counter. The clerk informed me the offer was only valid for the book I was purchasing in-store and wouldn’t work for the book I’d ordered. This meant that I’d have one $10 card left.

“You can come back and purchase another book.” the clerk smiled. “The offer is valid until the end of the week.”

I thought about this for a millisecond and then turned around to face the lady behind me who’d been so patient, kind, and charming through the very long wait at the checkout. “Here.” I gave her the $10 off card. She was very surprised and said. “Really?”

The gift didn’t cost me anything. I knew I wouldn’t be back before the end of the week and it rewarded someone whose attitude left a smile in my heart. Most definitely a win-win moment.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The author couldn’t afford anything else but books as a birthday present.
B.The book store had no suitable books available as a birthday present.
C.Reading was probably appealing to the author and the mother alike.
D.The author was a regular customer of the book store.
2. What did the author probably think of the clerk?
3. Why did the author offer to give away the extra $ 10 off card to the lady?
A.The author was always very generous to strangers.
B.The $10 off card would become invalid next week.
C.The author believed the lady would smile at her/him.
D.The author wanted to thank the lady for her kindness.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Win-win Moment at the BookstoreB.A Kind Lady
C.Lovely Delay at the BookstoreD.Patience and Friendship Rewarded
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Dossantos grew up among the banana trees of East Timor, a state in Maritime Southeast Asia, and never imagined he would work on Australian farms.

Last week he was picking pumpkins (南瓜) out of the rich red Ord valley soils of Ivanhoe Farms in Western Australia’s far north, working with five other East Timorese employees in Kununurra’s 381℃heat.

Dossantos is part of a group of 30 East Timorese in the area for six months as seasonal workers, laboring (劳动) on smaller fruit and vegetable farms that were part of Ord stage one, developed in the 1970s. The men are employed by happy farmers across the Ord valley, many of whom have struggled, in the past with their dependence on not always reliable backpackers to plant their crops on time and pick full-grown I fruit and vegetables.

Dossantos is typical of the group; he speaks little English, has worked on farms in East Timor and wants to earn an Australian salary (工资) for four to six months before returning home late this month as the wet season arrives, to build a better life.

“It’s a good job; hard work and hot but with good money,” Dossantos says. “I work for four months, send my money back to Mom and Dad and then go home; it’s enough to last me for the next six months and then I hope to come back here again to work next year.”

Itis music to the ears of Matt and Melanie Gray, who have had up to 12 East Timorese workers picking pumpkins on their Ceres Farm for the past few months.

Like many growers in the Ord, the Grays welcomed the opportunity this year to employ full-time visiing East

Timorese employees to do most of their continuous crop picking. “It has been a win-win situation; they seem really happy with the work, the money and opportunities it provides them with back home, while for us they provide us with reliability through the season and the likelihood (可能性) that 80 percent will want to come back again next year,” Melanie Gray says.
1. What are farmers in the Ord valley happy with?
A.The good weather.B.The dependable pickers.
C.The sale of their products.D.The backpackers’ hard work.
2. What does Dossantos think of his job?
A.It should pay more.B.It is progressing slowly.
C.It is not easy but worthwhile.D.It lasts too long in the wet season.
3. What does the underlined word “It” in the text probably refer to?
A.The big harvest.B.The good money.
C.The laborer’s positive opinion.D.The laborer’s returning to East Timor-
4. Which of the following is part of the win-win situation?
A.The farmers can offer full-time jobs.
B.The laborers can stay in Australia all year long.
C.The farmers can grow high-quality fruit and vegetables.
D.The laborers can find satisfaction in working in Australia.
2021-03-09更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Will Allen如何将一个城市中的最后一个农场转变为一个高产的有机农场,并帮助人们更好地种植食物,缓解全球粮食危机。

【推荐2】One day, while Will Allen was driving home from work, he spotted a For Sale sign on the last remaining farm in the city of Milwaukee. The place was small, only two acres (英亩), just a few greenhouses on a plot of land. An idea flashed through Will’s head. He could grow food here, without using chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Will hired some neighborhood teenagers to help him get started. Their first job was to “grow” new soil by composting(堆肥).Will collected different kinds of food waste and piled it up until it rotted(腐烂) and turned into soil. Then he spread layers of worms between layers of compost. Amazingly, this worm poop(粪便) makes the best fertilizer in the world. With the preparations made, Will started growing food.

Today, years later, Growing Power Community Food Center becomes a strikingly productive model farm, growing enough food to feed 2,000 people on just two acres in the middle of a city. As Will’s organization, Growing Power, expands gradually, he hires more people and opens an office to manage three city farms. Will and his staff teach young people how to grow more than 150 varieties of vegetables. They also run garden projects in schools, where kids learn the basics of growing food and then get to farm their own plots. Will also travels across the world to help people grow food more efficiently.

“We’re in a worldwide food crisis right now,” Will says. “A lot of people are hungry. We need to grow food everywhere we can—in backyards, on rooftops, and even in buildings. Will’s vision for the city farm of the future is a multi-storied building, angled toward the sun. This idea, called” vertical farming”, is a new way to help feed more people.

“Growing food is powerful,” he says. “It can change the world!”

1. What inspired Will to grow food?
A.Being tired of his work.B.Finding a farm for sale.
C.Being experienced at farming.D.Visiting a greenhouse on site.
2. What did Will do before growing food?
A.Hire local adult farmers.B.Create soil with waste.

D. Buy chemical fertilizers.

C.Deal with worms in soil.
3. Why is Growing Power regarded as a model farm?
A.It grows the best organic food.
B.It owns the latest farming techniques.
C.It helps more farmers to get employed.
D.It produces more food in a limited area.
4. Which best describes the development of Growing Power?
A.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
B.All things are difficult before they are easy.
C.From a single spark may burst a mighty flame.
D.Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.
2023-12-07更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本篇为记叙文,讲述了Jill Bien解救公交车上乘客的英勇事迹。

【推荐3】After an evening of overtime work with her colleagues at the office, Jill Bien, 48, boarded a bus bound for Chicago, where she lived. About 35 miles into the 90-mile trip, Jill felt the bus drive away onto the right shoulder (路肩) of 1-94. The bus scraped (擦挂) a concrete barrier, and then turned back into traffic.

“Stop the bus!” Jill yelled to the driver from her seat just behind him. But then she saw his seat was empty. The driver, James Rogers, 68, lay unconscious in the buss step. “Call 911!” Jill screamed, and with the bus rushing in and out of traffic at about 60 mph in an uncontrollable way, she leaped into the driver’s seat and grabbed the wheel.

“My life flashed before my eyes,” Jill says now. “Everyone on the bus was bouncing around; they were lying in the aisle (过道). I thought, I don’t want anybody to get hurt.” Jill carefully turned the bus onto the shoulder, bringing it to a stop.

“Thank God she got that bus over to the side” says Marge Borkowski, who was a passenger that night. “She’s my hero.” Emergency personnel arrived a few minutes later and took 11 of the bus’s 34 passengers to the hospital, where doctors treated them for minor injuries. When Jill returned home after the accident, she “burst out crying” she says. “I kept visualizing (眼前浮现) it.”

Despite anxiety and injuries, Jill boarded a bus back to the office two days later. “I didn’t want my fear to build up,” she said. Kenosha County policeman Dan Ruth, who was at the scene of the accident, told reporters he hadn’t witnessed an act more heroic than Jill’s in his 18 years on the job. “It could have been much, much worse,” he says.

1. Where was Jill Bien going on the bus after overtime work?
A.To the airport.B.To the police station.
C.To her home in Chicago.D.To the hospital in Las Vegas.
2. What was Jill thinking after taking control of the wheel?
A.Her own life.B.The bus’s problem.
C.The passengers’ safety.D.The driver’s condition.
3. Why did Jill keep visualizing the accident?
A.She still felt frightened with worry.B.She enjoyed the thrilling experience.
C.She was proud of what she had done.D.She was relieved to get minor injuries.
4. According to the passage, Dan Ruth thinks Jill is ______.
A.overreacting to the accidentB.lucky to have survived the accident
C.a model of courage and selflessnessD.a troublemaker and causes the accident
5. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Overcome Your FearsB.Who’s About to Drive
C.Why Just HerD.Stop the Bus
2023-07-02更新 | 140次组卷
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