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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:61 题号:13167347

Typical cyber-attacks (网络攻击) involve cyber-criminals sending out thousands or even millions of links and files.    1    Somebody always does. The best way to protect yourself is to learn more about cyber-attacks as well as how to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Cyber-attacks can happen to anybody

It doesn’t matter who you are, cyber-criminals can target you. White many often think of hacking victims as innocent of digital security, this isn't always the case.    2    

Nowadays, cyber-criminals create fake websites and email addresses. You may think you're clicking a link only to download a ware onto your computer, but you may never know you have visited the wrong site and downloaded an infected file.


While some things may be obvious such as account password changes, others aren't so easy to spot. Usually, hackers insert pieces of code into legal files and programs. And then, you might receive a file from a trusted sender. Sometimes, the data are even real, but the hacker may have inserted a few lines of code that can also infect your computer.    4     That's often the sign of malware (恶意软件).

How to prevent cyber-attacks

As with everything, prevention is the best medicine. So, instead of waiting for cyber-attacks to hit you, take the following steps to protect yourself.

Secure your online accounts with strong passwords. You can do this by using a password generator, which will create long and complicated passwords. Secondly, enable antivirus tools and scans to run in the background. They will keep an eye out for viruses and malware.    5    Finally, be careful with links and file downloads to make sure they are malware-free.

A.How to recognize the signs of cyber-attack.
B.What should I do if the computer is infected.
C.Therefore, you should take the time to check anything suspicious.
D.Double-check the links to make sure senders are who they claim to be.
E.Also, they can remove any threats before they create problems for you.
F.There are as many attacks that can fool even the most intelligent computer users.
G.They assume that someone will eventually fall into their traps and open an infected file or page.
20-21高三下·浙江·阶段练习 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Japan's government announced Tuesday, April 13, 2021 that it would start releasing treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean in two years.

It's a move that's fiercely opposed by fishermen, residents and Japan's neighbors.

15 April, the first meeting of the China-ROK dialogue and cooperation mechanism of maritime affairs was held. The two countries urged Japan to fully consult with international institutions and neighboring countries, and cautiously handle the issue on the basis of participation by relevant countries and international institutions. This is the common position of the two sides. To protect the health of their own people and international marine environment, China and the ROK, as Japan's close neighbors and stakeholders, expressed grave concerns and strong dissatisfaction. This is perfectly natural and justified.

Assessment report of the IAEA experts says that the treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant contains other radionuclides apart from tritium. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the nuclear wastewater contains a total of 62 radionuclides. In August 2018, environmentalists found by analyzing data released by TEPCO that iodine-129 levels went off the chart for 60 times in the year 2017. The amount of strontium in the water is also well above the limit. It is reported that Canada has detected radioactivecaesium-134 in salmon from its west coast. In waters near Hawaii, the amount of radioactive materials is twice it was before. These are signs that nuclear pollution from Fukushima may have already spread to North America.

The oceans are not Japan's trash can; and the Pacific Ocean is not Japan's sewer. Japan should not expect the world to pay the bill for its treatment of wastewater. The lesson from Japan's Minamata disease is not far behind us. It should reevaluate the issue and control releasing the wastewater before reaching agreement with all stakeholders and the IAEA through full consultations. China reserves the right to make further reactions.

1. Which of the following will the author agree with?
A.Japan will pour untreated radioactive water into Pacific Ocean.
B.Either China or ROK stands opposite to Japan.
C.The nuclear wastewater was predicted to contain 62 radionuclides.
D.Japan's Minamata disease has taught us a lesson.
2. What is the attitude of Japan towards the meeting?
A.ApprovingB.DisapprovingC.Not mentionedD.Neutral
3. What does the underlined expression “went off the chart” mean?
A.set off the anger of the public
B.were much higher than the standard
C.went against the requirement of the international institution.
D.disappeared from the rank chart for qualification
4. What's the best title of the passage?
A.Japan shocked the world by releasing radioactive water.
B.Japan plans to put the treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific.
C.The Pacific Ocean-Japan's trash producer?
D.Is Japan going to reevaluate its behaviour?
2021-08-25更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Recently, a Scottish grocery store employed a robot. The robot, named Fabio, was part of an experiment conducted by the Heriot-Watt University, which explores the combination of men and machines. Elena Margiotta, co-owner of the Margiotta supermarket chain, says, “We thought a robot was a great addition that could show the customers that we are always wanting to do something new and exciting.”

Fabio’s job was to make customers feel welcome and assist them in locating grocery items if asked. Things seemed to start off well. The almost 4-foot-tall humanoid robot greeted customers, talked intelligently about the weather, and even gave hugs and high-fives. Later, its friendliness appeared to wane when a shopper needed help but received a vague answer. Therefore, store visitors began to seek out human employees for help.

Believing it might be better at a job that required more socializing, the shop assigned Fabio to hand out sausage samples. Unfortunately, things did not go well. While a human employee managed to attract 12 customers to try the food in 15 minutes, the robot attracted just two.

Since Fabio was not trained for any other job, the grocery store management decided to “fire” the robot a week after it had first reported for duty. The director of the Interaction Lab at Heriot-Watt says, “When we had to put it back in the box, one of employees started crying because they had become emotionally attached to it. It was good in a way because we had thought they would feel threatened by it as it was competing for their job. ” As he later discovered, the tears were not out of fondness for Fabio, but it was because the robot freed the human employees from the dull task of responding to customers’ questions.

Although Fabio appears to be different within its family, thousands of other quite similar Pepper humanoid robots employed at various Japanese stores and some stores in America seem to be extremely popular with customers.

1. According Elena Margiotta, the shop employed a robot to ______.
A.reduce the cost of running the shop
B.carry out an experiment
C.show the intention to change
D.deliver and place the groceries
2. What does the underlined word “wane” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.become weaker.B.become more popular.
C.become more obvious.D.become less sincere.
3. When handing our sausage samples, Fabio _____.
A.didn’t get along well with human employees
B.failed to be understood by customers
C.couldn’t clearly tell the samples’ strengths
D.was no match for human employees
4. According to the passage, the store employees may agree that_________.
A.Fabio performed well in its job
B.they benefited from Fabio’s help
C.robots competed with them for the job
D.robots could respond well to customers’ questions
5. What can be implied from the last paragraph?
A.Other Pepper humanoid robots are superior to Fabio.
B.Robots-based customer service has a long way to go.
C.Scottish people are particular about robot employees.
D.People’s acceptance of robots may vary from culture to culture.
2021-01-15更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Social media companies are often compared to tobacco companies, for they both market harmful products to children and design their products for maximum customer loyalty (that is, addiction), but there’s a big difference: Teens can and do choose, in large numbers, not to smoke. Social media, in contrast, applies a lot more pressure on non-users, at a much younger age and in a more unnoticed way.

Once a few students in any middle school open accounts at age 11 or 12, the pressure on everyone else to join becomes intense. Even a girl who consciously knows that Instagram can foster beauty obsession, anxiety, and eating disorders might sooner take those risks than accept the seeming certainty of being out of the picture and excluded. In this way, social media unlocks a remarkable achievement: It even harms adolescents who do not use it.

A recent study in the University of Chicago illustrated the effects of the social media trap precisely. The researchers asked more than 1,000 college students how much they would need to be paid to deactivate (停用) their accounts on Instagram for four weeks. On average, the students said they would need to be paid roughly $ 50. Then the experimenters told the students that they were going to get most of their friends to do the same, and then asked, Now how much would you have to be paid to deactivate, if most others did so? The answer, on average, was less than zero — most students were willing to pay to have that happen.

Most students are on social media only because everyone else is too. This is the textbook definition of what social scientists call a collective-action problem. It’s what happens when a group would be better off if everyone in the group took a particular action, but each actor is discouraged from acting, because unless the others do the same, the personal cost outweighs the benefit. Cigarettes trapped individual smokers with a biological addiction. Social media, however, has trapped an entire generation in a collective-action problem.

1. What drives teenagers to start using social media?
A.The longing to stand out.
B.The fear of being left out.
C.The wish to impress others.
D.The pressure from non-users.
2. What can we learn about the college students in the study?
A.They are happy to interact online.
B.They are fed up with social media.
C.They choose Instagram over friends.
D.They use social media to make money.
3. Which of the following is a collective-action problem?
A.Athletes changing strategies to win a race.
B.Students taking exercise for better health.
C.Fishermen limiting their catch to protect fish.
D.Companies investing more for bigger profits.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To present new findings of a research.
B.To introduce a branch of social science.
C.To explore a reason for social media addiction.
D.To argue against the benefits of social media.
2024-06-02更新 | 28次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般