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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:13283770

In many respects one could call John Beltzer the world's most successful songwriter. Every song that he writes is guaranteed to be a real hit not on the popularity charts, but in a child’s heart. The reason for this is that every song that Beltzer writes is for a seriously ill child. The songs never fail to make the children smile and to raise their spirits. They also play them over and over. This means more by far to Beltzer than being ranked high on the popularity charts.

Thirty-eight year old Beltzer is the founder and president of Songs of Love, a nonprofit group. This group combines the volunteer efforts of musicians, songwriters, singers, and studio technicians to create unique, happy songs that reflect a child's personality.

Beltzer believes that music is very healing. When an adult listens to a favorite song, it makes him feel good: thus when a little child listens to a song written just for him, the result is very uplifting. Since its founding in 1996, Songs of Love has been responsible for the composition, taping and sending more than 780 songs to children in life-threatening conditions, all for free.

Unmarried with no children of his own, Beltzer had never thought much about writing songs for children. He says that one day while he was walking down the street the idea came to him and he instantly felt that he could make a success of it. He went home and called St Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He told them he wanted to write songs for seriously ill children, and wrote six songs in four days. Upon receiving the songs, the hospital called him with high praise. Soon after that the mother of a little girl with cancer called him to thank him and then the little girl herself did so. At that point he knew that this was his “calling”.

As is true with most charitable ventures, Songs of Love is almost always in need of money. To help in this respect, Beltzer has moved back home to live with his retired parents, who also help support his work. His long-term goal is to offer Songs of Love to patients of all ages, including nursing home residents and the mentally ill. Among other efforts to raise money, Beltzer sells CDs and tapes, expecting much bigger sales. Meanwhile, Beltzer himself continues to be the most productive writer in Songs of Love, making sure that all requests for songs written for critically ill children will be met.

1. Why is John Beltzer, to some extent, called the world's most successful songwriter?
A.Every song he composes tends to be a hit.
B.All songs are played over and over again.
C.His songs are intended specially for those unlucky children.
D.He as well as his songs always enjoys a grand popularity.
2. Which word can replace the underlined word “uplifting” in paragraph 3?
3. What can we infer from the whole passage?
A.Beltzer had had the idea of writing songs for seriously ill children long before actually doing so.
B.The hospital in Tennessee didn't respond to Beltzer's request immediately and positively.
C.Song writing is the only source of income for Songs of Love.
D.Running charitable activities makes Beltzer's finance really tight.
4. Which of the following words can best describe John Beltzer?
A.Social and intelligent.B.Compassionate and considerate.
C.Conventional and patient.D.Confident and ambitious.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A few years ago I went shopping with a friend for a now motorcycle. He didn’t have a particular make or model in mind. His only two critteria? A big engine—since too much horsepower is never enough—and since he’s tall, a relativety relaxed riding position.

I suggested a Hayabusa, which met his criteria. Or an XS-14R. Both were within his budget, especially the Hayabusa since the dealer was offering a $2.500 discount on a previous year’s model.

He rode them both and loved them both.

Then he became very interested in a ZX-6R KRT. Great motorcycle, sure. But a much smaller motor. And a riding position that made him look like a contorted mantis(变形的螳螂). It seemed like an odd choice.

Until it hit me. The purchase of any motorcycle 750cc and under came with a free helmet.

Since my friend also wanted a new helmet, getting one for free was extremely appealing.

After all the math didn’t work. We eventually negotiated $3,200 off the price of the Hayabusa. The free helmet was only worth $250.

A 2017 study published in Marketing Science found that people tend to significantly overvalue “free”. When faced with a choice of selecting one of several available products, people will choose the option with the highest cost-benefit difference, however, decisions about free (zero-price) products differ, in that people do not simply take away costs from benefits but instead consider the benefits associated with free products as

Two months later my fiend traded in his 6R for a 14R. But don’t think badly of him. We’ve all been blinded by the power of “free”.

So whenever something is free, stop and consider the intent, and see “free” as a reason to do even more math.

1. What kind of motorcycle did the author’s friend intend to buy?
A.A good second-hand one.
B.A previous year’s Hayabusa.
C.A highly fashionable XS-14R
D.A powerful and comfortable one.
2. What aspect of the ZX-6R KRT deal attracted the author’s friend most?
A.Its price.B.Its free gift.
C.Its 750cc engine.D.Its classical design.
3. Why does the author mention the 2017 study?
A.To offer his friend a better purchase plan.
B.To stress the importance of negotiating skills.
C.To tell readers how to get more zero-price products.
D.To explain why his friend made such an unwise choice.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.It’s time to stop doing the math
B.Getting something for free is so fun
C.“Free” is sometimes the worst deal
D.We all love to buy something on sale.
2023-04-15更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Montessori was born in Italy in 1870 with progressive parents, who frequently communicated with the country’s leading thinkers and scholars. This enlightened family environment provided Montessori with many advantages over other young girls of the time.

Her mother’s support was vital for some important decisions, such as her enrolment in a technical school after her elementary education. Her parents’ support also proved to be essential for her decision to study medicine, a field that was dominated by men.

Soon after graduating, in 1896, Montessori began work as a voluntary assistant in a clinic at the University of Rome, where she cared for children with learning difficulties. The rooms were bare, with just a few pieces of furniture. One day, she found that the children were enthusiastically playing with breadcrumbs (面包屑) that had dropped on the floor. It then occurred to her that the origin of some intellectual disabilities could be related with poverty. With the right learning materials, these and other young minds could be nurtured, Montessori concluded.

The observation would lead Montessori to develop a new method of education that focused on providing optimal stimulation during the sensitive periods of childhood.

At its centre was the principle that all the learning materials should be child-sized and designed to appeal to all the senses. In addition, each child should also be allowed to move and act freely, and use their creativity and problem-solving skills. Teachers took the role of guides, supporting the children without press or control.

Montessori opened her first Children’s House in 1907. When the Fascists (法西斯主义者) first came into power in Italy in 1922, they initially embraced her movement. But they soon came to oppose the emphasis on the children’s freedom of expression. Montessori’s values had always been about human respect, and the rights of children and women, but the Fascists wanted to use her work and her fame.

Things reached a breaking point when the Fascist tried to influence the schools’ educational content, and in 1934 Montessori and her son decided to leave Italy. She didn’t return to her homeland until 1947, and she continued to write about and develop her method until her death in 1952, at the age of 81.

1. The primary reason for Montessori to develop a new educational method was ______.
A.her family’s supportive influence on her education
B.her experience as a voluntary assistant in a clinic
C.her observation of children playing with breadcrumbs happily
D.her decision to study medicine, a field dominated by men
2. What was a central principle of Montessori’s educational method as described in the passage?
A.Providing standardized, one-size-fits-all learning materials.
B.Encouraging strict discipline and control over children’s actions.
C.Focusing on rote memorization and competition.
D.Creating a free and children-centered learning environment.
3. Montessori decided to leave Italy in 1934 because           .
A.she wanted to explore other countries and cultures
B.she wanted to avoid the Fascist’s influence on her work
C.she was offered a better job in a different country
D.she wanted to retire and enjoy a peaceful life in another country
4. Which of the following words can best describe Montessori in this passage?
A.Observant and innovative.B.Traditional and emotional.
C.Progressive and dependent.D.Open-minded and indifferent.
2023-12-24更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Edward O. Wilson, known as “ant man”, was born on June 10, 1929, in Birmingham, Alabama. His parents divorced when he was young, and he was moved frequently throughout his childhood. Wilson grew up exploring the forests and wildlife. One of these adventures left him partly blind, but they also set off his lifelong fascination with ants and their social structures.

Wilson earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Alabama. In 1955, he received his Ph. D. from Harvard and worked there until retirement.

Wilson’s early study of ants led to his first major discovery in 1959: how ants communicate through the release of chemical signals. Later, in 1990, Wilson and German biologist Bert Holldobler published their Pulitzer-winning The Ants. It detailed the insects’ social structure that was both valued by scholars and accessible to general readers.

Another of Wilson’s major works started in the early 1960s when he teamed up with Robert MacAr-thur. The pair published The Theory of Island Biogeography, where they sought to explain why different places have different numbers of species.

What many consider to be Wilson’s most important contributions to evolutionary biology came in 1975 when he published Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. The work explored the genetic roots of animal behavior and argued that genes shaped human behavior. Wilson faced accusations for these ideas but his work finally largely proved true. In 1978, his ideas on the role biology plays in human culture peaked in On Hu-man Nature, which won him a Pulitzer (普利策奖) in 1979.

Wilson published more than 400 scientific papers and 20 books. These achievements offered him a type of superstar status, but friends and colleagues say the polite Southerner remained down to earth. “Professor Wilson really listened and engaged with whomever he was interacting with,” said Corrie S. Moreau, who was one of Wilson’s final advisees.

1. What contributed to Wilson’s passion for ants?
A.His disability.B.His boyhood time spent in nature.
C.The school education he received.D.The discovery he made about ants.
2. What is Wilson’s first Pulitzer-winning book about?
A.The social structure of ants.
B.The distribution of different species.
C.The links between biology and human culture.
D.The role of chemical signals in communication.
3. According to the last paragraph, which word best describes Wilson?
4. Where can we read this passage?
A.A science magazine.B.A health report.
C.A film review.D.A travel guidebook.
2023-12-26更新 | 42次组卷
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