组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:13293830

The impact of the government’s lockdown policy is approaching me. First came the extension of spring break of my university, then the movement of classes online, and then the shutdown of business. About that time, in the middle of March, I shut down too.

I cast about for something to do. The most obvious path was to help with the care of my grandson, Charlie, since his parents were thrown into managing their own work-from-home situations. Almost as a joke, I asked whether Charlie might enjoy learning a little Greek. It was strange that he should have jumped at the chance. I came to teach Greek from 2: 45 to 3: 30 pm, five days a week, to an eight-year-old.

I have been teaching for over 40 years. I have taught adult education and continuing education courses by the score. But teaching Greek to an eight-year-old may be my crowning achievement, which clearly would last long as his interest lasted.

Each letter was an achievement for both of us. To be sure, the zeta eta theta was easy enough to remember. But the end of the alphabet is not so easy, to say nothing of the letter epsilon. After a couple of dozen corrections, I had to decide that elspion was close enough. Along the way there were laughs, and jingles, I would never try in a “normal” classroom.

My husband and Charlie's parents said that our sessions were the highlight of those hard days as well. Charlie was learning a bit of Greek, I was stretching my old skills in a new and beloved direction, and our family got into delight. One of Charlie's first Greek words was the word for joy, char a. I pronounced it loudly, chara! Charlie responded with his own enthusiastic chara, adding, “Chara, that’s what we will have when our society returns to normal!" Yes, darling child, we will have joy then, but we also have it now.

1. How did the author feel about Charlie's agreement?
2. Why does the author refer to “achievement” in paragraphs 3 and 4?
A.To stress the importance of Greek.B.To show she is expert in teaching Greek.
C.To prove Greek is challenging for both.D.To suggest Charlie has a gift for language.
3. What does the author want to convey through this experience?
A.All unpleasant times will finally go away.B.Teaching Charlie lightens their life.
C.It's great to be with family during lockdown.D.Learning languages makes a child happy.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When I was about seven years old, my mother often told me that pork needed to be cooked thoroughly-the harder, the better, because if there was even a little bit of pink in your pork,you could get Trichinosis (旋毛虫病).I didn’t know what Trichinosis was. However, it was described to me as a terrible disease that I didn’t want to get. Therefore, in my life, I hadn’t eaten any pork product before checking to see if it was fully cooked. On most days, I even refused to eat any pork.

Years later, I became a middle-aged father. I was eating dinner in a friend’s house and she was serving pork. I was terrified at some pink in it. I immediately explained to our host and the other guests the danger that was clearly present in this meal. I insisted that the pork should be cooked further, thinking that I had saved everyone with my quick-thinking and keen awareness.

It was only after I went home that evening that I decided to see how many people in our country actually got Trichinosis. I checked online and found out there were less than 15 cases in the entire country that year, and I wasn’t even sure those were from eating undercooked pork.

As adults, we may say things casually to children because we want them to be safe. We may make things seem more dangerous or worse than they actually are. After all, we want children to take what we say seriously. However, we can also overemphasize something and cause fear in children that they may carry with them for the rest of their lives. The bottom line is that our children are listening to us all of the time, and we are setting a good example to them about how adults communicate.

1. How did the author behave when he ate pork as a child?
2. How did the author feel when expressing his opinion in his friend’s house?
3. What did the author want to do online after getting home?
A.Check the quality of pork.
B.Give his explanation about pork.
C.Prove his data analysis of Trichinosis right.
D.Find the truth about people with Trichinosis.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Adults should set a good example to children.
B.Children’s behavior may cause fear in parents.
C.Children often do the opposite of what adults say.
D.Parents’ words may have lasting effects on children.
2023-04-11更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One in five teens suffers from mental illness Parents of depressed (忧郁的) teens often think their child is just going through a certain stage, and don’t take the symptoms (症状) seriously. When I was 12 years old, I noticed something was not right with me. I told my mom, but she said I was just going through normal “teenage stuff”. I went on with everyday life, but was not able to function well. I felt depressed and seemed to be crying all the time. I never wanted to come out of my room or be around people. I even pushed people away who meant a lot to me.

I told my mother again what was going with me. Again, she explained away my symptoms by saying my hormones (荷尔蒙) were probably just acting up, but she did agree to take me to the doctor. I knew deep down that whatever was wrong with me was more than just hormones.

Parents need to take their children’s mental health seriously. Brushing it off as nothing will not make it go away. I want parents to understand that 20 percent of teens between the ages of 13 and 18 are suffering. Many of these teens feel like their voices won’t be heard if they tell their parents what they are experiencing. Parents and family members need to come together so that teens who suffer can get treatment.

I was very scared to tell my mom about what I was feeling, and it made me feel worse to be told I was just being a teen and that was hormonal. I truly believe that if teens were mere comfortable talking with their parents and telling them personal things, teen suicide and mental breakdowns would decrease. Teens will get treatment, feel more positive, and be able to live a more normal life.

1. How did the mother take the writer’s mental illness at first according to the text?
2. What does the underlined phrase “Brushing it off” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Cutting it out.B.Concentrating on it.
C.Paying no attention to it.D.Making fun of it.
3. What is a proper way for parents to deal with children’s mental illness?
A.Treating their symptoms as something normal.
B.Taking their children to hospital for treatment.
C.Staying with their children more often.
D.Leaving their children alone.
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To criticize the writer’s mum.
B.To draw public attention to teenage problems
C.To introduce the writer’s suffering of teenage life.
D.To persuade parents to be serious about children’s mental illness.
2021-11-03更新 | 292次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A few years ago, my father arranged to send me a mail- order fruitcake at Christmastime. Although I had a good job and owned an apartment in Manhattan, he feared my cupboards and refrigerator might be bare. I had recently moved from California, where my parents still lived in their suburban bungalow of 50 years, the house I grew up in.

He wanted me to have a particular brand of fruitcake. "It reminds me of my mother's," he told me in a phone call. Ordering the fruitcake was his way of trying to take care of me from afar. "It should arrive the first week of December," he said. "As soon as you get it, let me know what you think." The first week of December passed with no sign of his fruitcake. Delayed by holiday mail, I assumed, or a backlog of orders.

The day before my flight to California, the fruitcake still had not arrived. When I arrived at my parents' house, he said, "Did you get the fruitcake?" "No, but I'm sure it'll be there when I go home."

As soon as the word left my lips, I realized that home, for them, was a kind of triggering(触发)word. Because wasn't this home? Wasn't I home now, with my parents greeting me, asking whether I was hungry after the long flight?

January, February, and March came and went with no fruitcake. Though my father continued to ask about it, I never once considered lying and telling him yes, the fruitcake had finally arrived and was delicious. Instead I said, "That cake is traveling earth, and sooner or later it will land."

"That's a good one!" he said,

His sense of humor never wavered, and as time went on he would bring up the journey of his fruitcake now and then.

"I wonder where it is now," he'd say.

"It's taken a detour(绕道)to Pluto(冥王星)."

He liked that one too.

"Do you want me to order another, in case it never comes?"

"That's OK. Dad. I said. "I'll wait for this one. It'll taste even better after touring the universe."

Early last December, nearly a year after my father died from a failing heart, I got a call from a staffer at the front desk of my apartment building.

"You have a package," he said.

1. Why did the author's father purchase a fruitcake for her a few years ago?
A.Because her father missed his own mother so much.
B.Because her father was concerned about her very much.
C.Because her father knew she was too busy to buy one herself.
D.Because her father wanted to share a particular brand of fruitcake with her.
2. Which word can be used to describe the author's feeling in paragraph 4?
3. What can we know about the fruitcake according to the text?
A.It was touring the universe.
B.It failed to reach the author.
C.It arrived after the author's father died.
D.It was sent to her before she left for California.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A Late Call.B.Dad's Package.
C.Adventure of a Gift.D.Grandma's Fruitcake.
2021-02-04更新 | 107次组卷
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