组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:143 题号:13318769

She was the 19th-century founder of modern nursing, known for her continuous care of wounded soldiers in the Crimean War. In an earlier age of contagion (接触性传染),she was far ahead of her time in realizing that cleanliness, fresh air and open-air exercise helped patients recover from injury and disease.

Now an unpublished letter that Florence Nightingale received as a teenager from her father shows that he was a major inspiration in shaping her approach to a healthy mind and body.

In 1835, William Nightingale wrote to his daughter setting out a routine for keeping fit. "Exercise for 10 minutes every day before breakfast. Before you dress do the exercise of the arms 20 times. In the course of the day, 20 minutes' exercise must be done and if not done well, another 10 minutes should be added ... Some new poetry to be learned and two things prepared for this evening. If any of these things aren't finished, you will work them up the next day."

The letter will feature in a book, Florence Nightingale at Home, to be published in November. The letter is among the unpublished materials on which the book's four authors have drawn and it offers new insights into her pioneering work.

Nightingale had a happy childhood at a time of widespread child labor and high baby death rates when most people lived in small, unclean houses and hospitals were dirty and badly run with many patients having little hope of coming out alive. When Nightingale first became famous, people were amazed at the idea that someone used to living in a country house would give that up in order to nurse the poor. Her own parents were also shocked to learn that she wanted to become a nurse in an age when nurses were thought of as morally wrong.

William Nightingale's 1835 letter was among the unpublished materials unearthed from piles of boxes at Claydon House where Nightingale's sister lived, now a National Trust property.

1. Why did Florence Nightingale's father write the letter to her?
A.To ensure her a happy childhood.
B.To plan a road to success for her.
C.To inspire her to build a healthy mind and body.
D.To make her the founder of the modern nursing.
2. What can be inferred from the text?                                      
A.Florence Nightingale was a soldier in the Crimean War.
B.Florence Nightingale disliked his father's way of education.
C.Most people in Florence Nightingale's time suffered a lot.
D.Florence Nightingale's parents were amazed at her decision.
3. Which of the following best describes Florence Nightingale?
A.Curious and patient.B.Determined and caring.
C.Attractive and honest.                                           D.Humorous and hardworking.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
A.The strictness of a great father.B.The founder of modern nursing.
C.A review of Florence Nightingale at Home.D.A significant letter to Nightingale.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Every time Oksana Chusovitina competes in a gymnastics event, she catches the audience’s attention. The Hangzhou Asian Games proved no exception. When the 48-year-old Uzbek gymnast took part in the event on Monday, thousands of audiences cheered for “Qiu Ma”, which translates to “Mother Chusovitina”.

“I’m touched by Chusovitina’s story. She tried to save her son and just never gave up. She is beautiful both as an athlete and as a mother,” said Zhang Anqi, a Hangzhou local who attended the event.

After completing her competition, Chusovitina blew a kiss to the audience and formed a “heart” shape with her hands. “It is the love and support of the people that keep me going and give me the strength to achieve more,” Chusovitina said. “I am not very satisfied with my performance tonight. Actually, I was a little over-excited. I will increase the difficulty in the final,” she added.

Chusovitina has a storied history at the Asian Games, having won eight medals, including two golds in 2002. Her Olympic journey began in 1992, representing the former Soviet Union. She later stood for Uzbekistan. When Chusovitina’s son got a serious illness in 2002, she chose to take German citizenship (国籍) to compete at global events for a higher income and better medical treatment. She took her Uzbek citizenship in 2013 again.

Her heartfelt feeling, “I dare not grow old until you are well,” has moved many. After her son’s recovery, Chusovitina continued her gymnastics journey simply out of love for the sport. Though she announced her retirement after the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, she decided to return shortly after. “The biggest power is my desire. I want to perform. I love gymnastics, and it brings me great joy. I’m just doing what I love, so why should I stop?” Chusovitina said.

1. What made Chusovitina a beautiful mother?
A.Her attractive personality.
B.Her determination to save her son.
C.Her being a good example to her son.
D.Her ability to balance work and family.
2. What is the main reason for her return after her retirement?
A.Her love for gymnastics.
B.Her strong desire to win.
C.Her joy of her son’s recovery.
D.Her eagerness for higher income.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.Deep Love for Gymnastics
B.A Great Athlete and Mother
C.Chusovitina’s Return to Gymnastics
D.A Touching Story of Mother and Son
2024-01-07更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Whenever my nine-year-old daughter approached me, eyes wide, with a notebook and a pen, telling me she wanted to engage in a game of school, something inside me froze. There was a mental block so huge that it felt like I was being asked by Elon Musk to make a presentation about artificial intelligence. So, nine times out of ten, I made an excuse.

Why is it so hard to play with my child? I realize this is because I have no idea how to play. I have many happy memories of my youth, but absolutely none involves playing dolls or building blocks with my parents. I don’t blame them because they were never played with as children either. When I ask them what their own childhoods were like, my dad tells me a story about being locked in a cupboard, while my mum recalls the box of buttons she was told to amuse herself with.

There are studies showing how important play is for a child’s growth, and no end of people campaigning for our young to get more of it at school. The poet Michael Rosen, in his Book of Play, argues play is not an extra and all of us, whatever age, could do with more silliness in our lives.

As Rosen explains, “The need for adults to be productive member’s of society means we end up thinking of things that make us laugh, or which are fun to do, as not being very significant or having very little value.” This is exactly why we need to play more. It lightens the load of life and allows us to get back to a childlike state of wonder.

Play is vital to health. And it is why I’ve started playing school games with my daughter. I managed an entire hour and a half the other day—and afterwards, I felt happy. A good 20 years younger.

1. How did the author use to respond to her daughter’s request for a game?
A.She pretended to be surprised.B.She apologized for being busy.
C.She chose to avoid involvement.D.She turned to artificial intelligence.
2. What does the author focus on while giving an explanation in paragraph 2?
A.The game category.B.Memory strategies.C.The generation gap.D.Childhood experiences.
3. Which of the following would Rosen probably agree with?
A.Laughter is the best medicine.B.Play is not only intended for children.
C.Thinking like a kid frees people of stress.D.Staying curious makes a productive worker.
4. What does the author want to convey in the text?
A.Children grow up well in a fun environment.
B.Family interaction strengthens the parent-child tie.
C.Parents owe it to their children to play more with them.
D.Games are essential for children both at school and at home.
2022-09-29更新 | 208次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Not every man is cut out to be a father. If the thought of fatherhood fills you with fear, maybe it isn’t for you or maybe it’s a sign that you take the responsibility of fatherhood seriously.

As a parent, you are always going to have to trust your instincts (本能). There’s no comprehensive rule book on parenting. You’ll screw up sometimes. (Hopefully, your husband or wife will be there to nudge (用肘推) you in the right direction. ) And, as in many other aspects of life, doing the right thing will rarely make you popular. Your kids will need limits and discipline, and some days they will get angry with you for it. But the kids know on some level that they need limits and that the responsible parent who is setting and enforcing them is doing so because he or she cares. It’s the children whose parents allow them to do anything they want who often harbor doubts about whether they are really loved.

Certainly, we can find meaning in a lot of places in life. But for most of us who have seen the emergence of a small baby, fatherhood gives life unparalleled meaning. Parenthood, for a lot of us, may well be an antidepressant—not because you always feel good, but because you no longer have any time to sit around feeling bad. Your kids will always need you in one way or another—first for bottle-feeding, then as fellow pretend superheroes and to apply Band-Aids to skinned knees, and then, when they are teenagers, as a free personal Uber service or, once in a great while, for unexpected deep talks about the meaning of life.

I know what I did with my kids day after day, night after night, year over year, mattered so much. I won’t pretend to have everything figured out about life, but I did figure out the immeasurable value in being one link in a great chain of family, stretching back to our ancestors and continuing into the future, into whatever the world throws at us next.

1. What does the underlined phrase “screw up” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Mess up.B.Feel down.C.Stay strong.D.Get inspired.
2. Which statement will the author probably agree with?
A.Parenting books are essential for parents.
B.Strict parents are popular with their kids.
C.Disciplining kids is a way to show love.
D.Kids seldom understand parents’ intentions.
3. Why does the author mention the things a parent does for kids in paragraph 3?
A.To share some parenting tips.
B.To stress the difficulty of parents.
C.To recall the growth of his kids.
D.To show the value of being a parent.
4. How does the author mainly feel about fatherhood?
2023-07-08更新 | 68次组卷
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