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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:37 题号:13334072


Bangkok Floating Markets

There are many floating markets where goods are sold from boats. While modern markets are more popular, floating markets still are huge attractions for local tourism. In Bangkok Floating Markets, Thailand, one of the most popular ones, any visitors can buy local foods and traditional hand-made souvenirs.

Bregenzer Festspiele Opera festival

The Bregenz Festival is held every year from July to August in Vorarlberg, Austria. It has the world's largest stage on the water. The performances are different every year but they are usually united by one theme. The decorations (装饰)are very impressive and are worth seeing.

Viva, Artificial Island

Artificial islands are not something new. What makes this island special is that . it is floating. Viva is the largest out of three man-made islands along with Vista and Tera, all situated in Seoul, South Korea. The island weighs 2,000-tons and is technically a buoy (浮标).The island unfortunately is not carbon-neutral (碳中和) but it has solar panels which can generate electricity to power the hall, restaurants and shopping malls.

Marina Bay Floating Platform Stadium

This stadium was built as a temporary solution while Singapore National Stadium was rebuilt. Now it is used for different sporting events, concerts, and festivals. In particular, it was once used for the opening and closing ceremonies during the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics.

1. What can visitors do at Bangkok Floating Markets?
A.Performing.B.Boating. '
2. What do you know about Viva?
A.It is the biggest island in South Korea.
B.It has the equipment to harness solar energy.
C.It is the largest floating stage on the water.
D.It is a man-made island only for low-carbon life.
3. Which attraction should you choose to watch a basketball match?
A.Bangkok Floating Markets.
B.Bregenzer Festspiele.
C.Viva, Artificial Island.
D.Marina Bay Floating Platform Stadium.
【知识点】 旅游观光 应用文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】From the tropical paradise of United States’Miami to South China’s innovative city Shenzhen, The Lonely Planet released a list of top 10 cities which are worth visiting in 2019.It covers a mix of well-known and less-known destinations.Those places include second place Shenzhen,China;Novi Sad,Serbia in third place;Miami,Florida in fourth place,and Kathmandu,Nepal rounding out the top five.Let’s have a brief look at some of these attractive places.


With its modern design,15 Michellin-starred restaurants and highly bike-friendly culture,it is not surprising that Denmark’s capital has topped The Lonely Planet’s top 10 cities list.

Copenhagen’s street food scene is developing fast in Refshaleon, a former industrial area with a food and craft market,Reffen.

Novi Sad Serbia

While Novi Sad is not a noted as the capital of Belgrade,it’s much more fashionable.It’s home to the country’s annual EXIT! Festival,which is held each July at the 18th century-era Petrovaradin Fortress.

The festival contributes to a vibrant music and arts scene and a youthful atmosphere.2019 European Youth Capital was held in Novi Sad.It may be a practice run for 2021,when the city will observe the important title of European Capital of Culture.


Three years after it was struck by a destructive earthquake,Kathmandu is welcoming visitors to a city which is much quieter,by design.

With cars banned from the historic center and motor horns banned across the Kathmandu Valley,it’s much quieter than it used to be in the past.

1. In which city can you enjoy riding bikes?
C.Novi Sad,SerbiaD.Copenhagen,Denmark
2. In Novi Sad,Serbia you can_________________.
A.experience a quieter life style
B.visit the food and craft market,Reffen
C.try delicious food in Michellin-starred restaurant
D.appreciate energetic music and art with the young people.
3. Where does the passage most probably come from?
A.A science reportB.A book reviewC.A magazineD.A realistic novel
2020-10-17更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Xi’an, as the longest-running capital in ancient China, has shaped the country’s culture and history. With a history of over 3, 000 years, it has given birth to many dynasties. If planning a short tour, be sure to visit the recommended attractions that truly capture the spirit of this ancient city.

The Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army is a remarkable archaeological find and a popular tourist destinationin China. Constructed by Emperor Qinshihuang in the 3rd century BC, it features life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots arranged in battle formation. The museum houses three vaults (墓穴) and an exhibition hall, with Vault One being the largest, displaying over 6, 000 figures. These sculptures offer insights of high value into ancient China’s history, military, and culture.

Ancient City Wall

Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system. Now it is one of the oldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is now a landmark, dividing the city into inner and outer areas. When you take a stroll or cycle on the massive wall, you can enjoy a good view of the city, the moat (护城河) and the watchtowers.

Giant WildGoose Pagoda

The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in China was built during the Tang Dynasty as a study place for Buddhist texts. It stored sutras (佛经) and sculptures brought from India by monk Xuan Zang, who translated scriptures here for 19 years. Situated in Da Ci’en Temple, the pagoda’s impressive brick structure reflects traditional Chinese architecture, creating a solemn and magnificent atmosphere.

Shaanxi History Museum

The Shaanxi History Museum displays 370, 000 relics found in Shaanxi, China, including bronze wares (青铜器), pottery figures, gold and silverwares, and Tang Dynasty murals. 18 pieces are national treasures. Xi’an, the former capital, has many historical sites. The museum is divided into three sections, exhibiting artifacts from primitive eras to the late Qing Dynasty.

1. Which of the following attractions was built as a military defence system?
A.The Terracotta Army.B.Ancient City Wall.
C.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.D.Shannxi History Museum.
2. What do Terracotta Army and Ancient City Wall have in common?
A.They were built at the same period.B.They both divide the city into two areas.
C.They were built by their own Emperors.D.They both offer a good view of the city.
3. What can we know about Giant Wild Goose Pagoda?
A.It was built during the Tang Dynasty.B.It was brought from India by Xuan Zang.
C.It was written in the Buddhist texts.D.It was used as a study place for goose.
2023-12-21更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】While traveling, it’s important to do it in a way that preserves these natural attractions for the next generation to enjoy as well. It’s always a good idea to travel in an environmentally friendly way.     1     The following are some tips for eco-friendly travel.

Look for a green label (标签)

The demand for eco-friendly travel has resulted in a sharp increase of environmentally friendly labels used by businesses, hotels, and products in the travel industry.     2     There are a few ways to do the research and find out which labels are really environmentally friendly. One choice is to look at the online guides that go through the details of several common labels.

Ask questions

    3     Wise travelers can research, ask, or talk to travel companies. This will discover the problems behind the label. Research is absolutely important because there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors in this business. You wouldn’t just buy a car from an ad without understanding what it was or comparing it to others.

Fly less and fly direct

When you fly, make it count. Use long-distance flights when necessary. But change to more eco-friendly choices for more local destinations.     4     By traveling over land, one can cut carbon emissions (碳排放) by as much as 50 percent or 80 percent.

Stay local and buy local

Another way to cut down on flights is to get in touch with the local community.     5     And it can help travelers really understand how life works in that community. Staying local can cut down on travel emissions, and joining in the local community can also reduce a tourist’s cultural and environmental impact.

A.Some destinations have overnight trains.
B.However, not all these labels are really honest.
C.That lets one both tour nature and protect nature.
D.It is recommended that travelers stay in one location longer.
E.Promoting the local economy can actually have green benefits.
F.Trains and buses produce much less carbon emissions than airplanes do.
G.Although some companies have green labels, we don’t quite know for sure.
2024-07-21更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般