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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:13342284

A shark that walks in water instead of swimming might sound like a creature straight out of science fiction. However, that is precisely how the fish -- found in the waters of Northern Australia moves across the seafloor .The unique ocean animals were discovered by a team of scientists led by Dr. Christine Dudgeon from Australia's University of Queensland during a 12 year global conservation study.

The newly-found sharks have evolved (进化) to survive in low oxygen environments, enabling them to hunt during low tides. The researchers believe their ability to use their fins (鳍) to walk affords the sharks a remarkable edge over the smaller animals they try to bunt. “While they are super hunters in their shallow habitat, the tiny sharks present no threat to people," says Dudgeon.“At less than a meter long on average, they're incredibly cute little animals that do not look like sharks at all," she adds.

A DNA analysis of skin samples from the live fish suggests that walking sharks broke away from their original population and became a distinct species about nine million years ago. Though that may appear to be a long time ago, it is relatively recent given that sharks have been around for more than 400 million years. In fact, Dudgeon and her team believe walking sharks are the youngest kind of sharks on Earth!

The researchers say that the sharks' small numbers and small habitat make them extremely vulnerable (易受伤害) to natural disasters and overfishing. They are currently on the Nature Red List, which lists species at risk. Dudgeon and her team believe sensible conservation management plans are urgently needed to protect the walking sharks and other endangered animals from further threats.

1. What is the most noticeable feature of the newly-found sharks?
A.They are cute and harmless to humans.
B.They can survive in their shallow habitat.
C.They walk on their fins across the seafloor.
D.They are the youngest kind of sharks on Earth.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The evolution of the shark.B.The behavior of the sharks.
C.The population of the sharks.D.The DNA samples of the sharks.
3. What should be done without delay according to Dudgeon and her team?
A.Adjusting the methods of fishing.
B.Putting the sharks on the Nature Red List
C.Changing the sharks' living environments.
D.Adopting necessary measures to protect the sharks.
4. In which part of a website can we read the text?
【知识点】 人与动植物 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A rhino lazily chews on some grass at her feet. A short distance away, her baby plays in a muddy pool of water. Suddenly, the mother twitches (颤动) her ears, picking up the sounds of possible danger coming near.

It’s not a lion or other wild animals that’s a rhino’s biggest threat. It’s people.

One hundred years ago, 500,000 rhinos wandered around parts of Africa and Asia. But today, rhinos are threatened with extinction. If nothing is done to save them, they could vanish forever.

Poachers (偷猎者) are killing rhinos for their horns. They do it to make money.

In some countries, people pay high prices for rhino horn. They believe that eating ground-up rhino horn will make them healthy. But that isn’t true. Rhino horn is made of keratin (角质). That’s the same thing your fingernails are made of. Eating it cannot make anyone healthy.

Humane Society International is working to help save rhinos. They wrote a children’s book and produced a video to help spread the word. The book, I’m a Little Rhino, was given to 1.5 million children in Vietnam. That country buys and uses the most rhino horn.

“The goal is to educate children about rhinos in general, and introduce the threat that poaching causes to their survival,” says Adam Peyman, program manager for HSI’s wildlife department. “It also explains that rhino horn is not effective as medicine and encourages them and their families to avoid buying or using rhino horn.”

Carter and Olivia Ries have been working to save rhinos for several years. “We made two trips to South Africa where we visited a dozen schools and met with government officials,” says Carter.“We gave the officials over 10,000 letters we collected from the youth around the world to show that the youth of the world care for rhinos. The next step was to bring that same message to the youth of Vietnam.”

Carter and Olivia visited schools in Vietnam. They want kids to bring the message back to their parents that using rhino horn “is causing the species to be pushed to the edge of extinction.”

1. What does the underlined word “vanish” in Paragraph 3 mean?
2. Why do some people want to buy rhino horn?
A.To seek pleasure.
B.For health benefits.
C.For personal collections.
D.To produce artificial nails.
3. How is Humane Society International helping to save rhinos?
A.By introducing some tough new laws.
B.By spreading knowledge about rhinos.
C.By sending workers to guard against poaching.
D.By explaining the importance of protecting the environment.
4. What’s Carter and Olivia’s purpose in visiting schools?
A.To collect letters from young students.
B.To collect materials for their new book.
C.To raise money for rhino saving programs.
D.To arouse people’s awareness of protecting rhinos.
2023-08-24更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Green Is Good

Planting and growing things offers a lot more than fresh vegetables and flowers. Working in a nice outdoor space can help you stay refreshed, promote your creativity and enrich your leisure activities.     1    . There are more advantages.

Providing a fun workout

It’s wonderful to get out in the garden on a beautiful day to give it a tidy. Planting seeds, pulling up weeds, moving pots, pushing a lawnmower, and other gardening tasks actually provide a whole-body, moderate-intensity workout for people, especially for adults.     2    , which might keep you in motion longer than traditional exercise.


Having dirt under your fingernails may be a sign of poor hygiene. but scientists say it could also be a mark of good health. Thanks to beneficial bacteria found in soil, gardening may boost your immune system, helping you get sick less and fight off infections easier.

Nourishing your spirit

    4    . According to an experiment conducted by NASA, scientists found that planting and nurturing seeds, even in small pots, lifted astronauts’ moods and eased their stress in the severe environment of outer space. And if gardening can do that for astronauts, it should be more than good enough for those of us who watch them on TV.

Increasing coordination and strength

Hand and finger strength, flexibility and coordination are essential for everyday tasks like opening jars, carrying packages and picking up children.     5    . Therefore, make good use of gardening as an ideal approach to enhancing your coordination and strength.

A.Sharpening your mind
B.And that’s just for starters
C.Improving your immune system
D.Even better, whatever your age, it is a beneficial activity
E.Working with plants provides stress relief and positive sensory stimulation
F.The benefits come from a combination of physical exercise and the stress reduction
G.Gardening is a great way to improve and maintain those fine motor skills and muscles
2023-01-09更新 | 360次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Tens of thousands of nature lovers see black bears and grizzly bears each year    1    But for the unfortunate few, bear encounters can lead to serious injury or death. If you come upon a bear in its natural setting, your first reaction may be to feel frightened. But staying safe depends on acting carefully and calmly.

    2    Some people would suggest running away, but bears can run much faster than humans can. Others say a person should drop to the ground and play dead.    3    It is best to be as educated as possible about different bear behaviors before you head into the wild.

If a bear is coming towards you, you must first determine if the bear attack is defensive(such as when protecting young bears)or predatory(捕食性的)(such as when hunting).    4    Most grizzly bear attacks are defensive. When a bear is defensive, it is feeling threatened. Dropping to the ground is an effective way to show the bear that you are not a threat.

Black bears do not often challenge humans, but when they do, their attacks are usually predatory. Bears do not feel threatened when they are hunting, so playing dead will not help you stay safe. During a predatory bear attack, the first thing you should do is drop any food you have and back away. If the bear still comes towards you, make as much noise as possible by shouting and hitting objects.    5    . You can also use pepper spray(喷雾)during a bear attack. Always bring it with you in the wild, and have it ready to use without delay.

A.It is a good idea to collect some facts about bears.
B.Your frightening behaviour can make the bear back down.
C.Most walk away with exciting memories and photographs.
D.That turns out to be a hint in some situations but not in others.
E.Black bears and grizzly bears are likely to attack for different reasons.
F.You should learn some life-saving skills before going on a hike in the wild.
G.There are many ideas about how a person should react when faced with bears.
2024-01-20更新 | 66次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般