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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:127 题号:13798682

On February 22, 2021, cancer survivor Hayley Areeneaux was selected to be one of four crew members of the SpaceX Inspiration4 — the world’s first civilian astronaut mission. The 29-year-old will make history as the youngest American — and the first with a false limb — to travel to space.

Hayley’s space dreams began two decades ago, following a visit to the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. However, the young girl’s dreams were derailed a year later when she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma — a type of bone cancer.

Fortunately, the fatal disease had been caught early and the experts at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis were able to reduce its spread through chemotherapy and by replacing the diseased bones with metal rods (杆) in her left leg. Arceneaux said she never thought she would be able to go to space. But when the call came “out of the blue” from Jared Isaacman, CEO and founder of Shift4 Payments, asking her if she would like to go to space, she said without hesitation, “Yes, yes, absolutely!”

Isaacman had always intended to go to space. Hence when SpaceX announced the world’s first all-commercial astronaut mission, the 37-year-old billionaire, instantly booked the available four seats. The flying enthusiast announced that he would donate three seats to members of the general public. Hayley, the first crew member to be announced, will represent the pillar (支柱) of “hope” — a nod to her survival of cancer and frontline work as a physician at St. Jude. The remaining passengers, representing the pillars of “generosity” and “prosperity”, will be chosen randomly to raise $200 million for St. Jude, which treats children at no charge.

Before the mission launch later this year, the crew will undergo intense training. The mission, which will orbit Earth every 90 minutes, will be carefully monitored by SpaceX mission control scientists from Earth. Upon the mission’s completion, the Dragon will reenter Earth’s atmosphere for a soft water landing off the coast of Florida.

1. What do you know about Hayley Arceneaux?
A.She is a disabled woman.B.She was caught in a storm.
C.She is a famous physicist.D.She used to be a fighter pilot.
2. What does the underlined phrase “out of the blue” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. Why would Jared Isaacman donate the last two seats to members of the general public?
A.To promote his company’s productsB.To raise funds for a cancer hospital.
C.To inspire interests in space travel.D.To seek help for disabled children.
4. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.“The Sky Is Not Even the Limit” For Jared Isaacman
B.Hayley’s Space Dreams Were Derailed by Osteosarcoma
C.Cancer Survivor to Become the Youngest American In Space
D.Hayley Arceneaux Became the Youngest American travelling in Space
【知识点】 新闻报道 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】“The world’s loneliest elephant” Kaavan, has reached Cambodia—on a flight of over 4,000km from Pakistan—and will spend his days at the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary in the country’s northwest.

Animal experts began the task of airlifting Kaavan on November 29. His departure from Pakistan marks the end of a campaign led by local activists and American singer and actress Cher, who has been campaigning for the elephant’s freedom since 2016. She is the co-founder of the NGO Free The Wild, which has played an important role in Kaavan’s relocation. Earlier in October, a veterinarian(兽医) from Four Paws, Dr Amir Khalil, took the responsibility of moving Kaavan, whose rescue has been described as “the heaviest one” the organisation has undertaken. Cher tweeted to thank Pakistan’s prime minister for making the rescue possible.

A special crate(板条箱) was especially built for the elephant, who weighs more than five tons and is more than three metres high. Kaavan was also trained by an elephant expert for several weeks to make sure that he could enter the crate safely. On the journey, Kaavan was accompanied by wildlife veterinarians and over 200kg of food. Kaavan is also Pakistan’s last Asian elephant and with his departure, the zoo where he was housed for over three decades may close soon, because many animals have been reported missing or dead in recent years. The zoo has repeatedly made headlines for its increasingly awful conditions.

According to the animal welfare organisation Four Paws, Kaavan came to the Pakistan zoo 35 years ago and shared his room with Saheli. After his “only companion” Saheli died in 2012, Kaavan was reported to be listless and even started showing signs of mental illness.

Luckily, Kaavan has found his relocation. Cambodian deputy environment minister Neth Pheaktra said, “Our zoo is pleased to welcome Kaavan. No longer will he be the world’s loneliest elephant. We expect to breed Kaavan with local elephants. This is an effort to save the gene.”

1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.Kaavan is the heaviest elephant in the world.
B.Joint efforts have been made to rescue Kaavan.
C.Veterinarians tried to cure Kaavan of its diseases.
D.Experts helped Kaavan to adapt to his new home.
2. Why did Kaavan leave Pakistan for Cambodia?
A.Because Cambodia had more experienced experts.
B.Because his living conditions went from bad to worse.
C.Because it served as the bond between the two countries.
D.Because the Pakistan zoo he stayed in was to shut down.
3. Which of the following best explains “listless” underlined in paragraph 4?
4. What will happen to Kaavan in the future?
A.He will get freedom.
B.He will be well trained.
C.He may live a long life.
D.He may have the next generation.
2021-04-27更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Shop prices in the United Kingdom accelerated at their fastest rate in more than 10 years last month, according to a closely watched measure. The British Retail (零售) Consortium, or BRC and NielsenIQ Index showed retail price annual inflation (通货膨胀) rose sharply to 1.8 percent in February, up from 1.5 percent in January. This is the highest rate recorded by the indicator since November 2011, the BRC said in a news release.

Fresh food price rises as well as health, beauty, and furniture prices contributed to the inflationary increase, said the BRC. Helen Dickinson, the BRC’s chief executive, said retailers were also being impacted by higher shipping rates, as well as labor shortages, commodity price increases and rising energy prices. “Food inflation remained the key driver behind higher prices, particularly for fresh food, which has been impacted by poor harvests, both in the UK and globally,” Dickinson said. “There is little sign of change, with the Bank of England predicting price rises to continue until at least the spring.”

The rise in shop prices adds to the cost of living pressure faced by British households already ready for a major increase in energy bills next month. Mike Watkins, head of retailer and business insight at research company NielsenIQ, said retail prices would likely continue to rise throughout the next few months.

“Inflation has increased since the start of the year and the potential trend in shop prices will be upwards over the next few months,” he said. “With falling income for most households, retailers will need to keep encouraging customers to spend by offering choice and value and, for some, discounts as well as added benefits for loyal shoppers.” Dickinson added, “Price rises will be unwelcome news for households who already face falling income because of the rise in national insurance and energy price caps.”

The Bank of England is trying to deal with inflation with higher interest rates, and is predicted to raise borrowing costs for the third time in a row this month, noted the BBC. In a response to a Treasury committee report into last year’s budget, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak said on Wednesday that Britain’s economy and public finances were “vulnerable (易受伤害的)” to higher inflation and interest rates.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.How price rises influenced British households.B.What factors resulted in the high inflation.
C.Price rises would continue until at least the spring.D.Food inflation remained the key driver behind higher prices.
2. What does the underlined word “household” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.All the people in a family.B.All the possessions in a family.
C.All the savings members of a family have.D.All the occupations members of a family have.
3. How is the Bank of England dealing with such inflation?
A.By investing in more fields.B.By decreasing borrowing costs.
C.By supplying more money.D.By raising interest rates.
4. What can serve as the best title for the news report?
A.UK retail prices rise fastest for decade
B.Households in UK face falling income
C.Rise in shop prices adds to living pressure in UK
D.UK retail price annual inflation rises to 1.5 percent in January
2022-05-10更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A new term has started in not only China, but also in Japan, the UK and Mexico. But as COVID-19 continues, how are these countries controlling the pandemic(大流行病)?

Since Aug 24, school has restarted in Japan. To help control the pandemic, some schools delayed opening school by one week, some schools divided their students into two groups for half a day twice a week and some schools tried hard to avoid the 3Cs(closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings). One solution was to open all the areas between classrooms and hallways to increase the spacing of desks.

Pupils are returning to school across the UK, even though new daily cases peaked at 54,674 on July 19 according to Reuters.

All young people aged 16-17 in England were offered a first dose(剂量) of a COVID-19 vaccine by Aug 23 to give them protection before returning to school.

The Department for Education said schools and colleges would be maintaining appropriate protective measures. Pupils will be encouraged to carry on the twice-weekly testing regime(管理制度). Schools will also take measures, such as opening windows to help keep children and staff safe.

“The huge expansion of rapid testing for those working in education is a milestone moment in our work to keep schools and colleges open for all,” said Education Secretary Gavin Williamson.

In Mexico, with temperature checks and open windows, millions of Mexican school children began returning to classrooms on Aug 30 after more than a year of distance learning. The government said the return would be “voluntary and safe”, saying it would adopt a mixed model with both face-to-face and distance learning. Mexican classrooms have a maximum of six students at a time, and desks are covered with plastic and spaced farther apart. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that more and more families will choose a “new normal” life, according to AP News.

1. What similar measures do Japanese and Mexican schools take to control the pandemic?
A.Putting off opening school.B.Applying distance learning.
C.Checking students’temperature.D.Increasing the spacing of desks.
2. Which of the following helps schools in the UK restart according to the passage?
A.The weekly tests for pupils.B.A COVID-19 vaccine for all students.
C.Rapid testing for all concerned.D.Distance learning for more than one year.
3. What does the article mainly talk about?
A.Students have distance learning.
B.Students are encouraged to return to school.
C.Schools are seriously affected by the pandemic.
D.Different countries have taken measures to control the pandemic.
2022-04-25更新 | 48次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般