组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:62 题号:13843552

In the United States,many teachers keep fish,hamsters(仓鼠),and other animals in their classrooms.Teachers say students learn important lessons from the animals.More than 70 percent of teachers who have classroom pets say the animals help students learn responsibility.Research also shows that classroom pets can reduce stress.

“Pets can comfort kids who are having a bad day,”says Lisa Robbins,who works fora group called Pets in the Classroom.

But others think pets should be expelled from classrooms. In January,the Durango School District in Colorado began following a no-pet policy(政策).Now animals can be brought into Durango schools for certain lessons,but they can't stay.Officials were worried that animals might create problems for kids with allergies(过敏症).They were also concerned about the animals getting proper care.

Here's what two of our readers think.

Having classroom pets gives students a fun way to learn about animals. In my class last year,we had a class pet named Elliot.Our teacher also used him to teach us about different subjects.For example,in math,we calculated (计算)how much it costs to feed Elliot for a year.

Pets also help kids learn how to work as a team. My classmates and I took turns feeding Elliot and cleaning his tank,

If teachers are worried about students with allergies,they could get pets that don't have fur.

—D' Lasia Mays,Texas

Classroom pets can take away valuable class time.Some students might have a hard time focusing on the teacher when there are animals in the room.

Plus,having a classroom pet can cause safety problems. You never know how an animal will react to students.Even a cute little hamster might hurt a kid who sticks his or her hand in its cage.

—Patrick McKinney,Ohio

1. What does the underlined word " expelled”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
2. What has happened in Durango schools?
A.Classroom pets are not allowed at schools.
B.Animals are not allowed at schools.
C.Many teachers have pets without fur.
D.Many students are allergic to animals.
3. What does D' Lasia Mays think of Elliot?
A.He needs special training.B.He needs more proper care.
C.He has educational value for kids.D.He is not only lovely but very smart.
4. Who is against having classroom pets?
A.The author.B.Lisa Robbins.
C.Patrick McKinney.D.D' Lasia Mays’ teacher.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Rainforests, it turns out, are not created equal. Take the Amazon rainforest, an area that covers about 7 million square kilometers. But within that huge expanse are all kinds of ecological zones, and some of these zones, says Greg Asner, are a lot more crowded than others.

“Some forests have many species of trees,” he said, “others have few. Many forests are unique from others in terms of their overall species composition…” And all of these different small areas of forest exist within the giant space that is the Amazon Rainforest.

So Asner, using the signature technique called airborne laser-guided imaging spectroscopy, began to map these different zones from the air. “By mapping the traits of tropical forests from above,” he explains, “we are, for the first time, able to understand how forest composition varies geographically.”

The results show up in multicolored maps, with each color representing different kinds of species, different kinds of trees, the different kinds of chemical they are producing and using, and even the amount of biodiversity, the animal and plant species that live within each zone.

Armed with this information, Asner says decision-makers now have “a first-time way to decide whether any given forest geography is protected well enough or not. If not, then new protections can be put in place to save a given forest from destruction.”

Asner says the information is a great way for decision-makers to develop a “cost-benefit ratio type analysis.”   Conservation efforts can be expensive, so armed with this information, government leaders can ensure they are making the most of their conservation dollars by focusing on areas that are the most biologically diverse or unique.

The next step, Asner says, is to take his project global, and to put his eyes even higher in the sky, on orbital satellites. “The technique we developed and applied to map Peru is ready to go global.” Asner said. “We want to put the required instrumentation on an Earth-orbiting satellite, to map the planet every month, which will give the best possible view of how the world’s biodiversity is changing, and where to put much needed protections.

1. Unequally-created rainforests refer to the fact ______.
A.how crowded they are
B.where they are located
C.when they came into being
D.what kinds of species they have
2. What can government leaders learn from Asner’s mapping?
A.The cost to conserve forests.
B.The chemicals needing for certain forests.
C.The forest areas needing special protection.
D.The number of animals living in a forest.
3. What is Asner planning to do now?
A.To send a satellite to map the world.
B.To track the change of biodiversity in the world.
C.To develop technology for mapping the globe.
D.To advertise his project around the world.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Using eyes in the sky to map biodiversity.
B.Making a map of big forests in the world.
C.Learning about the biodiversity of Amazon forest.
D.Protecting the forest from being destructed.
2017-07-13更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】China is betting on its successful hybrid rice varieties to fight food shortage in Africa.

“We’re no longer suffering from hunger,” 55-year-old Georges Ranaivomanana, a Madagascan farmer who took the lead in planting Chinese hybrid rice in his town of Mahitsy. Georges told Xinhua that he hoped that all Madagascan farmers would use the seeds to raise their living standards.

China has been helping African countries develop productive rice farming for years with its hybrid rice. For farmers on the continent like Ranaivomanana, they are “very grateful” to the Chinese as the hybrid rice is the key to better food security and higher incomes.

In May, the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Centre opened a research centre in Madagascar to select hybrid rice varieties based on the island nation’s diverse ecological environment, in an effort to find more productive crops for a continent long troubled by insufficient grain output.

In the northwestern Nigerian state of Kebbi, Chinese expert Wang Xuemin stood in a rice field, surrounded by green rice plants. “This year, we are using a new technology,” he said, adding that “it can significantly reduce labor and other costs. “The land, climate and rice farming methods in Nigeria are very different from those in China. We had a lot of problems at the beginning,” said the 51-year-old who has been in Nigeria for 16 years.

In 2006, after Wang and his colleagues had sown the seeds, their field management techniques and large-scale farming equipment could not adapt to the operating environment, and hundreds of hectares of rice fields were almost completely taken over by weeds. “We came to realize that blindly copying the Chinese model is not feasible (可行的). It is necessary to constantly innovate our techniques to fit the local situation in Africa,” he said.

After more than ten years of research and innovation, the Nigerian farm now becomes a major training and mechanized production centre in the country, training more than 1,000 farmers and agricultural machinery management staff.

1. What’s the attitude of African farmers about Chinese hybrid rice?
A.A little skeptical.B.Full of gratitude.
C.Much disappointed.D.Extremely curious.
2. How old was Wang Xuemin when he came to Nigeria?
A.51 years old.B.55 years old.
C.67 years old.D.35 years old.
3. What can we infer from what Wang Xuemin said?
A.Different technologies should be applied to different areas.
B.Chinese technology of hybrid rice can’t be applied in Africa.
C.Chinese technology of hybrid rice wastes more labor and costs.
D.Chinese experts contributes to raising African living standards.
4. What’s the best title of the text?
A.China’s Hybrid Rice Sows Hope for Africa
B.Africans Fight Food Shortage with Chinese
C.The Sowing of Hybrid Rice Should Vary from Country
D.Chinese Hybrid Rice Research Has Not Been Open in Africa
2022-07-27更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】This spring Steve Stuttard reunited with an unusual friend: Mrs. Mallard, a duck that nested in the flowerpot on his ninth-story apartment balcony in Manchester, UK, last year. Upon her return, she laid 11 eggs in the same flowerpot filled with grass.

‘‘I know ducks have strange routines when it comes to nesting, and if they have a successful site, they will return to it,” says Stuttard, a bird lover since childhood.

Stottard used skills learned in the Navy to create a jackstay (稳定锁) with a red rope and a bucket. Those skills came in handy last year when he quickly and safely transported Mrs. Mallard’s seven ducklings (小鸭子) down once they hatched.

“Getting the ducklings down isn’t as simple as a ride in the elevator. It’s crucial not to hurt the bond between the ducklings and Mrs. Mallard,” Stuttard says.

However, Stuttard faced more of a challenge this year. He had four additional eggs and high winds. He also had a new global audience heavily invested in the fate of the ducklings.

Emma Newman, Stuttard’s daughter, updates about his preparation for this year’s nesting, which took off on Twitter. “I’ve been absolutely bombarded with messages,’’ Newman says. “I actually can’t keep up because thousands of people are following the story. Whenever I tweet about it, I get several hundred replies a second sometimes.”

On Tuesday morning when two ducklings poked (探出) their heads out of the flowerpot, the wind was awful. Stuttard waited and kept watching. Fortunately, late in the afternoon, Mrs. Mallard finally made her move. This was Stuttard’s clue to get to work.

Stuttard picked Mrs. Mallard up and threw her off the balcony, and she flew off. Immediately, he placed the ducklings in the bucket one by one. Then, he used his jackstay to carefully lower the bucket. “Within two, three minutes from when I walked out on the balcony, Mrs. Mallard was swimming away with her family,” Stuttard says.

1. Why did Mrs. Mallard choose the same flowerpot?
A.She wanted to be protected by Stuttard.
B.She liked to lay her eggs in high places.
C.She nested there successfully last year.
D.She remembered Stuttard and his family.
2. What’s important in taking the ducklings downstairs?
A.Staying with them all along.
B.Creating a professional jackstay.
C.Transporting without using the elevator.
D.Keeping their connection with the mother.
3. What does the underlined word “bombarded” in paragraph 6 probably mean?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Ducklings Succeeding in Going Downstairs
B.Ducklings Overcoming Survival Challenges
C.Man Helping Ducklings Down His Apartment
D.Man Welcoming an Unusual Duck Back Home
2021-07-07更新 | 166次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般