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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:239 题号:13880599

Saroo Brierley, a 4-year-old boy, lived in rural India. One day, he played with his brother along the rail line and fell asleep. When he woke up, he found himself alone. So he got on the train in front of him in search of his brother.

That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city. He lived on the streets, and then in an orphanage (孤儿院), where he was adopted by an Australian family and taken to Tasmania.

Brierley is a famous writer now, and in his new book, A Long Way Home, he wrote he couldn’t help but wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but since he didn’t know his town’s name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country seemed impossible.

Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his hometown in the program’s satellite pictures. In 2011, he came across something familiar. He studied it and realized he was looking at a town’s central business district from a bird’s-eye view. He thought, “On the right-hand side you should see the three-platform train station”—and there it was. “And on the left-hand side you should see a big fountain”—and there it was. Everything matched!

Standing in front of the house where he grew up as a child, he saw a lady standing at the entrance. It took him a few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.

In an interview Brierley says, “My mother came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, my eyes filled with tears and my brain blank. I just didn’t know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her.”

1. Why did Brierley get on the train when he was a little boy?
A.To go back to his home.B.To look for his brother.
C.To travel to Tasmania.D.To follow a stranger.
2. What do we know about Brierley from this passage?
A.There were only two children in his family.
B.He lived in an orphanage in America till he grew up.
C.He remembered clearly his hometown’s name.
D.The lady standing at the entrance turned out his mother.
3. How did Brierley find his hometown?
A.By studying digital maps.B.By analyzing old pictures.
C.By setting up searching programs.D.By spreading his story via his book.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Love for MotherB.Union with Brother
C.Long Way Back HomeD.Memory of Hometown
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约750词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】My brother Tom pushed me hard with his elbow. “Walk faster. We have to make it to the front door before Dad sees Mr. Fleming. He’s sitting on a bench across the street.” I glanced over my shoulder at our father, who walked several paces behind us. He was busy searching for the house keys and didn’t notice the man we wished to avoid. “If Dad stops to talk to him, our lives will be ruined! By tomorrow it will be all over school again that our dad is friendly with a bum. Remember the last time? I got into that fight because Jim said Dad was just like Mr. Fleming—a miscreant(恶棍)and that people of the same kind tend to stick together.” I didn’t know what a miscreant was, but I figured it was something bad. “I don’t know why Dad bothers with him. Mr. Fleming has no job. His family left him. He spent time in jail. He doesn’t even have his own home. ”

Just at that time, Mr. Fleming saw my father. “Mr. Clements! How are you today?” He crossed the street and shook our father’s hand. “I was announced last week that I’ll be out of work.” There was a note of concern in Mr. Fleming’s voice when he replied. “I’m sorry to hear that. If there is anything I can do for you, you just knock on my door.” Dad’s eyebrow furrowed as if he was in deep thought. “I have a job offer in New Jersey that I’m pretty sure I’ll have to accept. It’s far away, so I’ll only be able to come home on weekends. If you have the time I would like to hire you to take care of the things here during my absence.” Shock, then hope ran across Mr. Fleming’s face. “Are you sure you want to hire me? You know what people will say.” “Let them talk. I’m hiring you because you are a good man, a hard worker, who made a mistake in his life—a mistake you’ve paid for dearly.”

After Mr. Fleming left, Tom boldly questioned our Dad’s decision. “You can’t hire him! He’s no good! Nobody will want to be friends with us if he’s around!” Dad’s words, when he quoted Martin Luther King Jr., were firm: “The final measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Dad looked from my face to Tom’s. “Do you understand? Just because other people won’t approve, our family shouldn’t be afraid to help him.”

Dad cupped my chin in his large hand, continued, “You know, after the factory laid off Mr. Fleming, his little daughter became ill. In desperation, he stole the drugs he needed to help keep her alive. He went to prison. While he served his sentence, the child died, and his sad wife returned to her parents where later she also died. He was left with nothing, not even his dignity.” I suddenly felt terrible. I could tell by the way Tom looked at the ground instead of up at Dad that he regretted what he’d said about Mr. Fleming.

The new year brought many changes to our family. We only saw our father on the weekends, but we didn’t worry when Dad was away because of Mr. Fleming. He handled everything with a smile, from a broken pipe to a leaky roof. Some nights Mom invited him to stay for dinner during which his tales of travels during World War II held our attention. And it was Mr. Fleming who carried a bloody Tom four blocks to the hospital when he fell off his bike.

Despite the good Mr. Fleming did for our family, some people continued to keep away from him—and now us. Mom was dropped from several committees. Tom and I were not invited to classmates’ parties. Strangely enough, we found that none of this bothered us because we knew what Dad said had already rooted in our hearts.

1. What made people keep away from Mr. Fleming?
A.His having no job.B.His bad name.
C.His wife leaving him.D.His being poor.
2. The reason why there was a fight between Tom and Jim is that Jim ______ .
A.was rude to Tom’s fatherB.spoke ill of Tom’s father
C.treated Mr. Fleming wellD.made fun of Mr. Fleming
3. The writer’s father hired Mr. Fleming to work for his family because ______ .
A.he felt pity for the poor man
B.he wanted to show mercy to the man
C.he considered the man to be responsible
D.he expected the children to learn from the man.
4. The method the writer mainly uses to develop Paragraph 5 is ______ .
A.offering analysisB.making comparison
C.giving examplesD.providing explanation
5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.How I Learned to Stand TallB.Be Polite to People around You
C.An Unforgettable ExperienceD.Never Look Down upon the Poor
2017-06-30更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One summer night, the whole family of Irene was asleep with the windows open. It was very quiet when there was a loud noise from the stable(马厩).Irene woke up from her sweet dream,and the noise continued.Then she heard a horse running fast towards the house.The next thing she saw was her horse,Thunder,standing outside of her window,neighing(嘶叫) and shaking his head.She knew something was wrong.Irene quickly got everyone out of the house before the earthquake hit.Thunder saved her life.

As amazing as this story is,it is not as uncommon as you may hear of the story of Doris and her cat Maggie.One night,Doris was in a deep sleep when she was woken by her cat Maggie.Maggie was meowing wildly outside Doris's bedroom and throwing herself against the closed bedroom door.When Doris opened her eyes,she saw her bedroom full of smoke.As she escaped her house,she saw a fire was burning in her kitchen.Even though Maggie could have escaped the house through a cat door,she wouldn't leave Doris.

There are also stories of wild animals coming to the rescue of humans.Once,Lyndon was surfing with his friend when he was attacked by a four-meter shark.During the attack,a group of dolphins came to his rescue by forming protective ring around Lyndon until be could get safely to shore.Without the help of the dolphins,there is little chance that Lyndon could have escaped.

No one is sure why animals have so often come to our rescue.However,it is clear that most of us haven't realized their kindness.It is important that we care for them as much as we can.

1. What was Irene doing before the earthquake hit?
A.She was sleeping soundly.
B.She was opening the windows.
C.She was visiting her neighbors.
D.She was getting her horse out of the stable.
2. Why did Maggie throw herself against the door?
A.She was afraid of smoke.
B.She wanted to get out of the room.
C.She was trying to wake up her owner.
D.She felt bored and was playing by herself.
3. What do we know about Maggie and Thunder?
A.They were shy and quiet.
B.They were brave and devoted.
C.They often made noise at night.
D.They saved their owners some times.
4. What can we know from the article?
A.It is clear why animals often save humans.
B.Humans haven't realized animals' s kindness
C.Humans have a good relationship with animals.
D.Animals can often come to the rescue of humans.
2020-07-15更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要描述了著名法国画家雷诺阿(Renoir)的代表作品Spring Bouquet(春之花束),这幅画使用的灯光和颜色表明印象派即将到来。后来他因患上风湿关节炎,导致手严重变形,但他也坚持画画,让游客惊叹不已。

【推荐3】This painting Spring Bouquet has a precise structure. The flowers spill over into the lower left-hand corner, with an imbalance as free and as wild as nature. But at once the artist responds to this unbalance. To the right of the vase, Renoir has developed a heavy shadow area, rich in purples and sharply contrasted with the light below it. The placing of the straight line in the lower right side is necessary. If the reader covers this line, he will see that the composition becomes unbalanced.

The Impressionist technique had not yet developed when Renoir painted this picture. Yet the painting with light and color indicates Impressionism is around the corner; there is something of that school in the feeling of the out-of-doors that Renoir has acquired. The texture (纹理) of the flowers is described. Above all, one can’t help saying the very nice smell of the flowers is there, too.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in 1841. He began working as a young painter of porcelain and textiles. At age 21, Renoir entered the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and went on to study under the instructions of painter Charles Gleyre’s. Even though his paintings had been initially rejected by the Academy and the public, with time he became one of the most admired artists of his generation.

Unfortunately, in 1899, he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (风湿性关节炎). It is a disease that causes a lot of pain. In addition, the person affected by it may also have deformities (畸形). Consequently, his movements became very limited and each movement was a big and certainly painful effort.

His son, Jean Renoir, writes in the book Renoir, My Father after his father passed away, the reaction of the people to the painting of the father, after seeing his hands:

Visitors who were unprepared for this could not take their eyes off his deformity. Though they did not dare to mention it, their reaction would be expressed by some such phrase as It isnt possible!” With hands like that, how can he paint those pictures? There’s some mystery somewhere.

1. What can readers see in the painting?
A.A vase in the left corner.B.A shadow to the vase’s right.
C.A straight line at the bottom.D.A natural light in the middle.
2. What seems quite special about this picture when people appreciate it?
A.The painting material.B.The color choice.
C.The smelly flower taste.D.The impressive feeling.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Renoir, My Father.B.Spring Bouquet.
C.Rheumatoid arthritis.D.Renoir’s bravery.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Patience Is a Lifetime PracticeB.Pain Passes, but Beauty Remains
C.Impressionism Is a Unique TechniqueD.Work hard, and You Will Catch Up
2022-11-24更新 | 496次组卷
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