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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:82 题号:13904884

A Narrow Escape

There was a huge three-acre pond just a few kilometers from where we stayed. Since moving into our new home in the countryside, my brother, Jim and I used to steal out to the pond where we would meet another friend. Dad had warned us not to venture anywhere near the pond area, especially after a friend informed him that a crocodile had been spotted there. We took no notice of his advice though. This was our favorite hideout and we were certainly not going to give it up.

On this particular afternoon, the three of us had just finished swimming. Jim and Syed were reluctantly making their way towards the spot where they had left their clothes. I stayed back and was bathing in the waist-deep water when I suddenly became aware of ripples (波纹) forming on the surface of the water. I looked at the ripples and my eyes caught a motion in the water. A crocodile, I thought. Then I saw it -its mouth and its two terrible eyes," Jim ..." I whimpered. Then I screamed with all my strength.

Jim turned his head in my direction and immediately recognized the danger. "Get out of the water, Jeff. Hurry! It's just behind you."

I struggled clumsily in the water. After a few ups and downs, I reached the edge of the pond. I looked over my shoulder. Moving swiftly towards me was an enormous crocodile. I froze. Then suddenly I felt a burning pain in my leg. Meanwhile, Jim and Syed screamed and started throwing stones at the crocodile and managed to distract it. The crocodile went for them now. As it opened its jaws, I could see its jagged teeth. I tried to move but a fierce pain shot through me. With the last strength, I struggled out of the pond.


I fell onto the ground, lying in a pool of blood.


When I came to myself. I found myself in an unfamiliar environment.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

There were three beautiful princesses, Kimmy, Katie and Kristen. Kimmy was 3, Katie was 5 and Kristen was 8. They lived in a big house, with butlers, maids, cooks and lots of people. The princesses didn’t treat them like slaves, but with respect and kindness.

The princesses’ mother was Krystal, who was kind and taught her daughters how to treat people well. The mother had long flowing black hair. The princesses’ father was Kevin. He taught his three girls to be ladylike. He had manlike blond hair. He was a nice man. They also had a tutor named Ken with light brown hair. He was handsome.

One sunny morning a messenger came with very sad news. The mother’s mother was ill. The mother and father had to leave.

They left the princesses with their uncle, who was very mean to everyone except the princesses.

One time he told the cook to make a steak and spaghetti. The uncle changed his mind but didn’t tell the cook. The cook couldn’t read minds so he still made what the uncle said before. The uncle stormed off. The cook was not happy. Kristen told him it was OK, so she made the cook feel better. Everyone else ate what he made.

Another time the butler made the beds as usual, but when the uncle inspected them, he didn’t like what he saw and he blew up at the butler, making him feel awful. Kristen saw this scene. After the uncle left, she told the butler it was fine and made the butler feel better.

One day after dinner Kristen told her two little sisters about these scenes. The girls agreed to have a meeting in their house and discuss how to make their uncle learn a lesson to be respectful and kind to others.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

The girls made a plan to be very kind to their uncle hoping to teach him a valuable lesson.

Paragraph 2:

Seeing that their plan didn’t work, the princesses were sad.

2022-02-19更新 | 243次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was 11:30 a.m, and the fishing so far had been fruitless. Not another boat in sight. Andrew Sherman spotted a speck (斑点) on the horizon. As the speck approached, it started to look like a boat. “Jack,” he yelled to his son. “A boat headed straight at us!” Unbelievable. Miles of open ocean, and this boat was on course to T-bone them.

The Shermans stared at the interloper (闯入者) in surprise. Four fishing lines out, music blaring, except there wasn’t a soul in sight. The captain must have gone below, leaving his boat sailing along at 10 mph.

“Follow it, Jack,” Andrew said.

Jack hit the gas. “Hey! Hey!” the Shermans shouted. Nothing. A horrifying new thought took shape: The captain had gone below, all right—and suffered a heart attack.

Father and son switched places, and Andrew drove their boat alongside the other while Jack jumped onto the other boat’s deck, bringing the boat to a stop. Then he ventured down into the cabin. He came back up a moment later. “Empty,” he said.

“It’s a ghost boat!” said father and son nearly at the same time.

Andrew called the Coast Guard. “Man overboard,” he told them. The two men could have left it, but they were curious: What happened to the captain? The boat’s GPS system told them the missing captain had marked points along his route indicating good fishing spots. Then the points suddenly stopped a few miles back.

With Andrew driving the ghost boat and Jack driving their own craft, they headed for that last point. They were searching for what they feared would be a body.

What they didn’t know was that the ghost boat’s owner was alive in the water and growing worn out.

Two hours earlier, Sascha Scheller had been fishing when nature called. He leaned over to relieve himself, zipped up, turned back toward the helm (舵柄), and slipped.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly he was in the water.


Only when the boat approached did it dawn on Scheller: “That’s my boat!”

2022-05-25更新 | 156次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Never give up! Never give up!” shouted my young children Max and Charley, as they marched barefoot behind their grandmother Mimi.

Mimi was leading Max and Charley on yet another adventure, straight off the beach where they had spent the day building sand castles and splashing in the waves. This time, they were seeking the ice-cream truck that was difficult to catch.

Over the years, Mimi had become our family’s symbol of positively. It was a title she earned with a lot of efforts. Having been widowed (丧偶) at only forty years old and left to raise me and my ten-year-old brother alone, she faced heart-breaking tragedy powerful enough to cloud just about anyone’s optimistic outlook. She had been the one who had to make the decision to remove our dad from life support fourteen days after he was in a car accident.

She could have lived under a black cloud. Instead, she challenged herself to find joy every day. She was always up for a new challenge, whether that was hiking across the steep, rocky terrain of a mountaintop in Austria to get a better view of the breathtaking landscape, or signing up for tap-dancing classes at fifty. Leading by example, Mom taught us just how much one could accomplish with a positive attitude.

She has taken the same approach in her relationship with her grandchildren. She always encourages and pushes them through various “adventures”, from sand-castle building to ice-cream-truck catching. Before starting her adventure with Max and Charley on that hot July afternoon, Mimi heard the familiar clang of the ice-cream man’s bell from her beach chair. She turned and saw him briefly, spotting his green shirt and catching the light reflected from his waving bell before he turned and disappeared over the dunes. Happily, the ice-cream man’s visit is a daily occurrence at the beach, although the lag time between the sound of his bell and the departure of his truck is not long. One must be quick to catch him, or he will set off for the next stop.

注意:(1) 续写词数应为150左右;
(2) 开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:
Max and Charley were disappointed when they didn’t catch the ice-cream man in time.
Paragraph 2:
After about twenty minutes of walking, my kids’ faith in catching him began to weaken.
2023-05-05更新 | 148次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般