组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:173 题号:13939788

Mr Brown is a 40-year-old man. He had a son when he was thirty years old. However, when his son was six years old, he got lost. Though Mr. Brown looked for him everywhere, he just couldn't find him. Mr.Brown was extremely sad, but he didn't lose hope. He went into business and was engaged in business deals around the world in the hope that he might find his son someday.

One day, while he was having lunch at a restaurant. He saw a suitcase under his table. "Someone who was eating here must have forgotten to take it with him," he said to himself. Though he didn't know what was inside the suitcase, he thought it might be something important to its owner. Then he thought of his son. In the past years after losing his son, he missed him so much that he often had trouble falling asleep at night. He knew the pain brought by losing something important, so he decided to wait for the owner.

However, after he finished his lunch, he saw no one come back for it. Luckily, no one came to him to ask him to pay the bill, so he decided to stay there. But several hours later, a waitress came to him. "Sir, sorry to disturb you. But you finished your meal almost two hours ago. Have you forgotten to take your wallet? If so you don't have to pay today," said the waitress. Mr. Brown was a bit touched hearing that. He immediately said, "No, I have my wallet with me. I'll pay immediately. It's just that someone has left his suitcase here. I'm waiting for the owner. The waitress looked down and saw the suitcase by Mr. Brown.

"That' s very kind of you. But I think I can help. I know who ate here before you. I'll call the man and ask him to come back and get it," said the waitress.

Paragraph 1:

Mr. Brown thought it was a good idea and agreed.

Paragraph 2:

The man then invited Mr. Brown to his home to have some tea.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Zipping Out Of Fear

“Breakfast time!” I quickly put on my clothes and rushed down the stairs.

“Come on, we don't want to be late!” My mom said. The aroma of pancakes filled the kitchen, making the room warm. I looked out of the window. The sun was out, making a warm and brightmorning.

“Today's the day,zip lining” My dad said, sounding very enthusiastic early this morning.

Today we would go zip lining. Theexcitementbuilt up inside of me as breakfast went on. After breakfast, we set out in my dad's car. Half way through the ride, the sun grewhot, and the leather on the seats burned my legs. I thought about the trip, how myparentswent but not me. It was my first time experiencing something like this. I also thought about myfearof heights, one thing I tried to get rid of multiple times. It got in the way of so many fun activities, like roller coasters at Kings Island.

We were basically there by now, the sun still blazing hot. We pulled up to a big sign where ourinstructorwaited for us.

“Hi y'all!” said our instructor cheerfully.

“So, have y'all done this before?”

My parents nodded but I shook my head. Our instructor went over safety instructions while we each put on a safetyharness. I started to get nervous. A never ending roller coaster of excitement and anxiousness built inside of me. I looked down thecliff. My heart skipped a beat when thewindhowled, blowing leaves and twigs in the trees. My legs started to shake.

Paragraph 1:

“Alright y'all, time to hit the trails!” said the instructor with too much enthusiasm.


Paragraph 2:

My turn finally came.


2021-06-23更新 | 109次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Have you ever had to overcome an extreme challenge in your life?

Throughout my rushed teenage years I have been faced with many extreme challenges that have required extreme focus and hard work to overcome. If it hadn’t been for hard work, none of these challenges that I faced would have been conquered.

Two years ago, when I was a freshman in high school, I dealt with an extremely significant injury. It took place in my tennis tournament in January. In the climax of my match, I turned my back to the left and soon after felt a sharp, painful shock run through my spine (脊椎). I knew at that difficult moment I seriously injured my back. I was rushed off the court and my parents made an appointment with an orthopedist (矫形外科医生) for the next day.

I walked into the office extremely nervous and suffering from intense pain. My tennis season for school would start in three months and I absolutely needed to build up the strength.

After about twenty minutes of waiting in the office, which felt like a decade, the doctor walked in to examine my X-rays. With a sorrowful face, the doctor looked into mine and my mother’s eyes and said,“There is a 50/50 chance that Lucas will be able to participate in this year’s tennis season. Lucas broke his L5 spine in his lower back.”My heart dropped and I felt a sadness coming over me. The doctor said that I would be sitting out of physical activity for two and a half to three months.

Those three months were the longest three months of my life. I was so eager to get back to practice for the season. Every day, I would think about how it was going to be when I was fully healthy. I asked myself,“Am I going to be out of shape? Should I even play this year? Probably won’t have a successful season.”

From that terrible day on, I decided that I was going to work hard to be back in top form and have a successful season.

Paragraph 1:

After I got the “all clear” from my orthopedist, I was going to get to work.

Paragraph 2:

My hard work proved to be very effective.

2023-06-11更新 | 31次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The Freshest Bakery was in a small town called Balminster. It made bread for supermarkets in a nearby city. The bakery had been there for a long time and most of the machines were old. The factory engineer, Frank, was good at maintaining (维修) the machines and most of the time there were no problems.

One Tuesday, Frank was finishing work. The manager came out of his office.

“You have a day off tomorrow,” he said to Frank.

“Yes!” smiled Frank. “My son is graduating from university! Tomorrow I will go to the graduation ceremony!” He planned to leave at 6 am and had enough time to drive there.

At 4:30 am the next morning, Frank got a phone call from the factory, asking him to repair the broken oven at once.

Oh no! thought Frank. He hoped he could fix it quickly. He took his suit to the factory, so he could drive from there to the university.

When he arrived at the factory, all the workers and the manager were waiting for him. “Thank you, Frank,” said the manager. “I know this is a big day for you, but we must bake the bread.”

Frank went to look at the big bread oven. Then he went back to the manager. “I can fix it, but it will take a long time. I will be too late for the graduation ceremony.”

The manager felt very bad. But Frank knew they had to make bread and get it to the supermarkets today, or the supermarkets would turn to a newer bakery. All the workers would lose their jobs.

Frank worked hard to fix the bread oven. At 7:00 am he finished, and the loaves of bread started rolling into the oven to be baked.

“We will be on time for our supermarket deliveries!” The manager was very happy. “You can go now,” he said to Frank. “Enjoy your son’s graduation.”

“It’s too late,” said Frank sadly. “I cannot drive there in time.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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Paragraph 1:

Usually the workers talked a lot and laughed, but today, everyone was very quiet.

Paragraph 2:

“Fly to the university?” the manager remembered his old friend, a helicopter company manager.

2022-04-30更新 | 287次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般