组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:其他 难度:0.65 引用次数:211 题号:13947820

In some cases, it’s not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried; it’s the off-set training and living conditions that are raising concerns. And there are questions about the films made outside the States, which sometimes are not monitored as closely as productions filmed in the Sates.

What can we infer from the last paragraph about animal actors?
A.They may be badly treated.B.They should take further training.
C.They could be traded illegally.D.They would lose popularity.
2021高三上·全国·专题练习 查看更多[2]


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文章大意:本文是一片信息匹配题。文章以人物为线索展开, 讲述了作者收养了一只髦毛小狗, 取名Bailey, 这只狗给作者一家带来了欢乐并最终救下了他们一家人。
【推荐1】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项, 补全材料最后两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。选项中有两项为多余选项。

We met Bailey 5 years ago. He was a standard poodle (髦毛小狗) born on Valentine’s day in 2020, and came to us in a small blue box. His previous owner posted the news online and we adopted him. Our only request was that he behave calmly and be able to put up with the pushing and hugging of our eight-year-old daughter and six-year-old son.

We were a sweet family: me, my husband, our children Angela and Tony. But for years. I’d felt that we wouldn’t be truly whole if we didn’t have a dog. Also, my husband worked for a commercial company and traveled around 200 days a year. and I knew that having a large animal sleeping by the door made me feel safer.

The last piece of our purzle fell into place when we opened the box. With his dark hair and smart eyes, Bailey was beautiful. He was so small that he could fit in the palm of my hand, his big paws (爪子) resting at his sides. He was a little scared, too. As I pulled him close, I felt his heart racing, and 1 wondered if we had done the right thing by taking him away from his mother. But it was too late. Angela and Tony were already arguing about who would carry him and who had the right to bathe him.

Over the following months, we spent countless hours watching Bailey play with his toys or roll around on the living room floor. Like most poodles, he was smart. He quickly mastered house-training and never chewed (咀) on our furniture or shoes. He considered himself one of us.

One night we were sleeping in the bedroom when I heard some strange noise.     1    

At that time, Bailey ran towards me.     2    

A.I thought it was Bailey running and hitting something, so I kept lying in the bed and made an attempt to fall asleep again. However, the noise became louder and louder, which had already annoyed me. Quickly l got up from my bed. I opened the door and found Bailey running around the living room, trying to let all the things fall down. These abnormal behaviors really made me confused and a little afraid.
B.He firmly grabbed my trousers and pulled me to the kitchen. As I approached the kitchen could obviously smell a strong burning smell and immediately knew what had happened. When¹ aw the fierce fire in the kitchen, I dashed into my children’s room like an arrow(前), waking them up at my maximum voice. Rushing out of the house together with my family. I called 911 and asked our neighbors for help at the same time. Fortunately both my family and my house were saved Thanks to our smart Bailey, we did escape from death.
C.Angela and Tony completed the delicious breakfast and they could not wait to bring it to me who slept in the room. Their father praised their hard-earned work with his thumb up, informing them that I was sleeping on the second floor. To my surprise, their hand-made food was so delicious that l would never forget it. Obviously. what they had done for me would be rooted in memory.
D.I nodded with a smile and encouraged the children to get started. Quickly. Angela volunteered to get the big box of com and prepared to make popcorn. At the same time, Tony. my smart boy. went to buy some paper bags. I ran to Bailey’s home to invite him. Not surprisingly. Bailey was amazed at this great project and couldn’t wait to come. To our delight, the popcorn they made looked great and tasted delicious. Finally. they packed the sweet popcorn in the paper bags together. Laughter and happiness filled this house.
2024-02-28更新 | 11次组卷
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【推荐2】What are some threats to wildlife? Please list as many as you can.
2024-04-10更新 | 0次组卷
其他 | 适中 (0.65)


The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short hike from camp. To our left, snow­covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch. On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals. This is why we’re here—to observe Tibetan antelopes.

Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet, Xinjiang, and Qinghai. Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I’m struck by their beauty. I’m also reminded of the danger they were in. They were hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur.

My guide is Zhaxi, a villager from Changtang. He works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve. The reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet. To Zhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. “We’re not trying to save the animals,” he says. “Actually, we’re trying to save ourselves.”

The 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelope. The population dropped by more than 50 percent. Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits. Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built.

In order to save this species from extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.

The measures were effective. The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list. The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.

In the evening, I drink a cup of tea and watch the stars. I think about the antelopes and what Zhaxi told me. Much is being done to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life. Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.

1. Match the main idea of each paragraph.
A. We should learn to live in harmony with nature.
B. Measures were taken to save this species from extinction.
C. Tibetan antelopes are in danger.
D. The good effects the measures have had.
E. The guide, Zhaxi, and the Changtang National Nature Reserve.
F. The bad times for the Tibetan antelope.
G. The reason why we visit Tibet.
Para. 1________
Para. 2________
Para. 3________
Para. 4________
Para. 5________
Para. 6________
Para. 7________
2. Why did the writer visit Tibet?
A.To go camping alone.B.To enjoy snow­covered mountains.
C.To watch Tibetan antelopes.D.To meet a villager from Changtang.
3. Why are Tibetan antelopes being illegally hunted?
A.For their valuable meat.B.For their valuable fur.
C.For their habitats.D.For their bones.
4. What can we learn about Zhaxi?
A.He is the writer’s close friend.B.He is one of the local people.
C.He is a visitor from China.D.He often hunts the wildlife.
5. What do you think of the government’s measures?
A.They are very effective.B.They should be stopped.
C.They are too hard to carry out.D.They are not enough.
6. What type is the text?
A.A report.B.A travel journal.
C.An advertisement.D.A short story.
7. Complete the form according to the text.
antelopeswhat I see and hearFar away on the plain, I can ________ a herd of graceful animals. I am ________ by their beauty, which also ________ me of the danger they are in. They are ________ for their valuable fur. So a nature reserve was set up, serving as a ________ for the animals.
situation in the pastThere were bad times in the 1980sand 1990s. The population dropped by more than 50%. Hunters shot them for ________. Their habitats were becoming smaller ________ railways and roads were built.
the effect of the measuresThe measures were ________. The antelope population has recovered. The government doesn’t want to stop the protection of it though it was ________ from the ________ species list as the threats to them haven’t disappeared.
8. 标出句中含有环境描写的词汇。
(1) The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short hike from camp.
(2) To our left, snow­covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.
(3) On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.
(4) Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I’m struck by their beauty.
9. 在课文中找出表示环境描写的句子。
(1) ________________________________
(2) ________________________________
2023-12-22更新 | 15次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般