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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:14040375
Dear Dr. Bob,

I was visiting my sister Mary, who has two boys, aged seven and five. They were throwing a ball around the living room. She asked them several times to stop, but they didn't listen to her. Finally, one of the boys threw the ball and knocked over a lamp. She shouted loudly at them for several minutes. Then, she sent them to their room. She looked at me and said, "They never listen to me."


Dear Carmen,

Your sister needs to be clear to her children what behavior she expects. She should tell her boys,   "Don't throw the ball in the house. If you throw the ball again, I'm going to take it." Then, she needs to do what she says. Her boys will soon learn to listen to her.

Dr. Bob

Dear Dr. Bob,

I walked into my two-year-old daughter's bedroom and found her coloring on the wall again with her crayons. I told her, "No! No! Never write on the wall with your crayons. You can only write on paper." My husband thought I was too easy on her and that she needed a spanking (打屁股). What is your opinion?


Dear Debbie,

You dealt with the situation well. Children this age are too little to understand the relationship between their actions and a spanking. Use this as a warning; it's time to babyproof your home. Now that your little one is more active and curious (好奇的), what else can she reach? Check her room and your home for crayons, paints, medicines, cleaning products, and other things that might interest her.


1. What was wrong with Mary's children?
A.They threw a ball at Carmen.
B.They often shouted loudly at her.
C.They had a fight over a ball.
D.They turned a deaf (聋的) ear to her words.
2. By saying "to babyproof your home", Dr. Bob means ________.
A.making your home safe for babies
B.giving your baby a spanking
C.getting crayons out of your home
D.teaching your baby to behave well
3. Both Mary and Debbie found it hard to ________.
A.stop their children from telling lies
B.ask their children to follow rules
C.get their children to go to bed on time
D.develop their children's interest in reading
4. Which saying agrees with Debbie's husband's attitude?
A.You can't judge a book by its cover.
B.The pot calling the kettle black.
C.Children are what the mothers are.
D.Spare the rod and spoil the child.
5. Where does this text probably come from?
A.A tourist brochure.B.A news report.
C.A parenting column.D.A science magazine.


阅读理解-任务型阅读(约670词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】请阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
Whatever your career, and whatever your goals in life are, ideas are going to matter to you. One great idea could change your life. The thing is, you probably don’t have as many great ideas as you’d like. Perhaps you feel unimaginative and unoriginal. You keep hoping that a really good idea will just pop into your head, but that never seems to happen. The good news? Ideas aren’t magic dust sprinkled by the Muses. There’s an awful lot you can do to generate ideas any time you want.
First, you need time to come up with ideas – and quality time, where you’re not worrying about the chores or your emails. Getting quality time ideally means taking a whole day away from your regular responsibilities. Go out to a coffee shop with a notebook, or shut yourself in a room at home without internet access. Get a zoomed-out view of your life: set aside worries about “but what would people think?” and “is it sensible?” and let yourself dream. You’ll be amazed what you come up with.
Ever had an idea which you immediately dismissed? You probably told yourself “That’s stupid,” or “It’s been done before.” When you’re generating ideas and thinking through possibilities, you’ll inevitably come up with a few false starts. Some ideas will be unoriginal, undesirable or unworkable. But that’s not a bad thing. One idea often leads to a whole train of thought – and you might end up with a really good idea from something which seemed, at first glance, unpromising.
Although I’m a bit of an introvert – I like to spend a fair amount of time on my own – I also get a great buzz from being with like-minded people and discussing ideas and projects with them. You’ve probably experienced something similar yourself – maybe in a brainstorming meeting at work, or maybe just at a bar with friends. The energy generated by several people together can spark some brilliant ideas – ones which you’d never have come up with alone. How do you find like-minded people to bounce ideas off? You could try: Local groups, such as evening classes; Getting together with a couple of friends who “get” your dreams; Finding an online forum of people with the same interest or goals as you.
Ideas don’t just appear in a vacuum. They’re formed from all the various input that you take in. Sometimes, a news story might give you the perfect idea for a Christmas present for your sister, or a book that you’re reading might get you thinking about a particular goal in your life.The more widely you read, the more open you’ll be to new ideas cropping up. That might mean reading a magazine or journal article that’s far outside your normal area of expertise, or turning to a biography of someone who you know almost nothing about. A great place to start is online: blogs, news sites, forums and even Twitter and Facebook are all a rich source of ideas, just waiting for you.
How do you come up with great ideas? And is there a particular area of your life where you feel like you’re lacking inspiration?
How to come up with great ideas—all the time

    1    quality time to think
Getting ideal quality time means    2    aside worries about your regular    3    such as the housework or your emails and letting yourself dream for some time.
You may come up with some    4    ideas.
Don’t judge your ideasA(n)    5    unimportant ideas might    6    out to be a really good one. So don’t dismiss any unoriginal, undesirable or unworkable ideas    7    .
Talk to other like-minded peopleTalking with people who    8    the same interest or goals with you can inspire some brilliant ideas. You can find such people at work, at a bar, in evening classes or on an online forum.
Read widelyReading widely helps you put forward new ideas and the Internet is a great place    9    in ideas.
ConclusionWhatever your career, and whatever your goals in life are, ideas are of    10    to you.
2016-12-13更新 | 144次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It’s a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply because their websites can all start to look and sound the same. Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually be like to live on a college campus like visiting and seeing for yourself, the dorms, classrooms and athletic equipment and, of course, the students. It seems a little crazy once senior year hits to find the time to visit college campuses, and it can also be pricey if the schools you are applying to happen to be more than a car ride away. But keep in mind that you are making a decision about the next four years of your life, and do all the research you can to make sure you are making the right one.

There’s no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area. In fact, a lot of college applications even ask if you have visited campus, and obviously, if you live across the country, that won’t be as much of a possibility, but if you live nearby, go check it out!

If campus visits aren’t going to happen before you apply, at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools you’d like to attend. It can save you a lot of heartache if you rule out (排除) now the things that you don’t like about certain campuses, things that you wouldn’t know unless you actually visit.

Now, if time and money are making it impossible, then check out the online college fairs at College Week Live. It’s a chance to chat online with admissions officers, students, and college advisers, and it won’t cost you a penny! You can register for its online college fair at collegeweeklive.com. While visiting an online college fair can’t take the place of an actual campus visit, it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed decision about which colleges or universities you’d like to attend.

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The necessity of visiting the colleges you like in advance.
B.The possibility of visiting the colleges you like in advance.
C.The ways of visiting the colleges you like in advance.
D.The information about how to visit colleges you like in advance.
2. Why do the students need to visit the colleges before they attend them?
A.To help them get familiar (熟悉) with the college.
B.To help them know the way to college.
C.To help them make a right decision.
D.To help them avoid meeting troublesome problems.
3. What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To show the importance of applying to colleges.
B.To encourage students to know more about the colleges in advance.
C.To inspire students to study much harder before going to colleges.
D.To guide students to choose an ideal college by themselves.
2022-10-10更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?     1     The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life. Make a plan for achieving goals that you believe will make you happy. Your moods will very likely increase(增加) if you are going after something you value.

Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively(消极的). When you are surrounded by people who think that way.     2    When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.

Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks 挫折 to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the things back to their favor.

    3     These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.

    4       Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few   extra minutes on your appearance, you will be   putting   yourself in a better mood.

Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.

Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.     5    

A.There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.
B.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself
C.On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be easily passed to you.
D.Being overweight or not eating foods containing nutrition have a negative effect on your mood.
E.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.
F.These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.
G.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.
2018-09-27更新 | 80次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般