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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:56 题号:14084884

During an exhibition show the skills of disabled people, an armless man used his mouth and feet to repair a watch. He completed the task in just a few minutes at the show, which was held in Beijing last Saturday. Just imagine the tiny parts that make up a watch.You have to wonder how the disabled man developed such a skill.

It was reported that 28-year-old Wang Jianghai lost his arms in an accident when he was five and began learning to repair watches at the age of 17. He has repaired more than 10,000 watches in the past 11years.

What strong self-confidence he must have to overcome the difficulties in getting this skill! What optimism he must have to face the unfairness of his hard life! And what strong determination he must have to go through the hardship in his struggle for a normal life! Such confidence, optimism and willpower are exactly the qualities many physically healthy people lack nowadays. Wang has set a good example for young people.

But today's youth seem to be more interested with their TV stars and pop singers but less interested in learning from the examples of working and studying hard to achieve higher goals. That is undoubtedly the result of the influence of a changing social atmosphere. One must admit that there is a trend towards hedonism in our society. People are increasingly more concerned about material gains than about spiritual pursuits. While adults know they must work hard whatever way they choose to materialize the gains, the younger generation are more likely to seek ease and comforts of their senses.

This pleasure-seeking trend provides a huge market for the entertainment industry and the mass media. The media devote too much coverage to anecdotes of pop and TV stars, which in turn fans wider and stronger enthusiasm for entertainment among the public, especially young people.

Ours is a developing country. Global competition in the growth of national strength presents a demand for China to be quicker in its development. We cannot afford to lose time. We need to make our economy more powerful. To meet this need, all of us should keep our tradition of working hard and overcoming difficulties.

1. Wang Jianghai’s story in the first two paragraphs ________.
A.serves as a description of the trend today
B.serves as an introduction to the discussion
C.shows a disagreement of views
D.show the popularity of the TV stars and pop singers
2. Which of the following is the reason for young people’s increasing interest in entertainment?
A.Young people are taught by adults to seek pleasure of senses.
B.Young people have given up our traditional value of hard working completely
C.Young people are not interested in learning from the examples of hard working at all.
D.Young people are far too much influenced by too much entertainment news in media.
3. The underlined word “hedonism” (paragraph 4) means “________”.
A.a materialB.spiritual gains
C.thinking pleasure is the most importantD.amusement


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Mindfulness practice has exploded in popularity recently. Experimenters of a series of trials revealed mindfulness-based interventions had some benefits for a number of health outcomes. They said, the effects were smaller and less consistent when compared with those of other therapies, and some effects faded soon. Taken together, mindfulness-based interventions are better than nothing but more research is needed to compare them with other therapies.

All mindfulness-based interventions attempt to focus on the present moment. Though “to be present” has psychological benefits, in some circumstances it’s important to be mindless. That is, as you develop skill in new tasks, you can perform them with increasing facility until attention seems to be unnecessary. Everyday examples range from riding a bike to brushing your teeth.

Underlying this state of “automaticity” are mental processes that can be accomplished without paying attention to them. Research revealed paying much attention to what you’re doing can have damaging effects, particularly when you perform tasks that are not intricate at all for you.

In a study, scientist Sian Beilock and her colleagues had skilled golfers play golf under different experimental conditions. In one case, the golfers were simply asked to follow the swing of their club and say “stop” as a sign when they finished their swing. In the second condition, they were instructed to listen for a specific sound while ignoring other noises and say the word “tone” when they heard the target sound. The result showed the skilled golfers performed substantially worse when they zeroed in on their swing than when they concentrated on irrelevant sounds and even when they warmed up.

The important message from this research is that focusing too carefully on well-practiced things can cause mistakes. Of course, you should not resign yourself to going through life on automatic pilot. But there are situations where you should let automaticity take over. The next time you ride a bike, don’t overthink it.

1. What is the experimenters’ attitude to mindfulness?
2. What does the underlined word “intricate” mean in paragraph 3?
3. In which aspect are the two conditions of Beilock’s study different?
A.Words golfers should listen for.
B.Interventions golfers faced when playing.
C.Things golfers paid attention to.
D.Signals golfers gave after finishing swings.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Sometimes Mindlessness Is Better
B.Mindfulness Is a Double-edged Weapon
C.Automaticity Plays a Big Role Quietly
D.Relaxation Matters More than Attention
2022-12-05更新 | 217次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】After nearly half a century behind the wheel, Hisao Matsumoto, 85, is not ready to stop driving. “I’m not that old yet,” he says. “I still have 15 more years to go till I reach 100.” Mr.Matsumoto is one of more than 5 million drivers aged 75 or older. A million more will be on the roads by 2021.Worried, the police are trying to persuade many of them out of driving, because over­75s are twice as likely to cause a fatal (致命的) accident as younger drivers, according to the National Police Agency (NPA).

Nearly half of older drivers who caused fatal accidents had signs of cognitive impairment (认知障碍). Hundreds of older drivers turn the wrong way into motor ways every year. In January an 85­year­old man steered his vehicle into oncoming traffic on a country road, hitting a car and two schoolgirls. Police believe he mistook the accelerator for the brake. The man’s family said he had rejected their requests to hand over his keys many times.

Such stubbornness is common, notes Kazunori Iwakoshi, who heads an NGO that supports elderly drivers. Many drivers argue that they have never had an accident and it is unfair to do that, so they resent themselves being cast aside.

Since last March over­75s renewing their licenses must take cognitive tests to screen for dementia (老年痴呆). The NPA expects these changes to take 15,000 drivers off the road each year. Last year more than 250,000 over­75s gave up their licenses after their families’ constant stream of persuasion, says Mr.Iwakoshi. His organization publishes a check list for elderly drivers, aimed at getting them to assess their responses themselves.

Mr.Matsumoto is lucky. His city gives pensioners unlimited access to public transport. However, thousands of elderly people are stuck in rural communities with no buses.

1. Why do the police try to persuade elderly drivers to stop driving?
A.To encourage younger drivers to drive safely.
B.To reduce the number of deadly accidents.
C.To introduce the National Police Agency.
D.To stress the significance of safe driving.
2. Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “resent” in Paragraph 3?
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Tests to assess elderly drivers’ responses.
B.Families’ contributions to traffic safety.
C.Ways to renew licenses for elderly drivers.
D.Measures to control the number of elderly drivers.
4. What is implied about the limitation to elderly drivers in the last paragraph?
A.It can cause some new problems.
B.It is popular among elderly drivers.
C.It will do elderly drivers more harm than good.
D.It brings about easy access to public transport.
2021-12-02更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约590词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】As the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded, conspiracy (阴谋) theories about the virus have become an increasingly visible element of the timeline. Some conspiracy theorists combine their ideas with elements of pseudoscience (伪科学) which can result in unfounded beliefs—for example, that 5G technology, vaccines and genetically modified foods are part of a secret plan to spread the virus for purposes of controlling the public. Others point the finger at wealthy charitarians—Bill Gates, for example –accusing such individuals of having released the virus or of using the pandemic to test vaccines on poorer populations.

These theories have significant consequences for individuals and societies, especially when they are supported by political and business leaders, or other trusted members of the community. They can decrease people’s willingness to follow social distancing directives and negatively impact people’s views on scientific findings. A pandemic is an especially dangerous time for conspiracy theories.

So why, exactly, do these strange ideas spread, especially among our relatives, friends and neighbors who otherwise seem like reasonable citizens who take notice of scientific evidence and make sensible decisions about the health and safety of their families?

Belief in conspiracy theories has roots in a number of factors. For example, those who have suffered misfortune are more likely to support conspiracy theories as a means of explaining their undesirable lot in life. But when it comes to a global pandemic—and the deaths and collapsing economy that it has brought about—three factors are key: uncertainty, anxiety and powerlessness.

The less people feel in control of their world, the more likely they are to seek out ways to restore control—to fight their sense of powerlessness. When events are out of our control, the psychological burden can be relieved by turning to alternative explanations for these events. In this case, we might choose to believe that the novel coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, was created in a lab and intentionally spread to cause harm. Such conspiracy theories explain what has happened and why, and offer us psychological relief.

The story is similar for anxiety and uncertainty. The pandemic has increased people’s worries about their physical, mental and economic health both in the short term and in the distant future. Conspiracy theories cannot remedy these circumstances. However, they can provide peace of mind that these unpleasant consequences are no fault of one’s own. Choosing to believe that COVID-19 is a hoax can reduce anxiety by playing down the severity of the circumstances. It’s a purely psychological effect, to be sure—but, then again, we primarily live in our own heads.

To some extent, the object of the conspiracy theories –the virus –is itself the source of the undesirable psychological states that promote belief in such theories. But this is not to say that our minds, and the conspiracy theories they adhere to, are completely at the mercy of an unmanageable virus. Political and social leaders can ease pandemic-caused anxiety and uncertainty by visibly taking the threat seriously, including steps to promote public health and to reduce the negative economic impact on people. And avoiding engaging in conspiracy theories themselves could limit the likelihood of the public turning further toward conspiracy theories for relief.

1. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that __________.
A.conspiracy theories about coronavirus are not rare with the spread of COVID-19.
B.people are likely to be misguided by conspiracy theories based on pseudoscience.
C.charitarian as Bill Gates is, he purposely released the virus in order to test new vaccines.
D.the general public aren’t convinced that genetically modified foods help spread the coronavirus.
2. What may the spread of conspiracy theories directly cause?
A.Serious economic consequences.
B.Decreased faith in influential figures.
C.Increased support for public health orders.
D.Public suspicion over scientific findings.
3. According to the author, conspiracy theories spread because they have __________.
A.reduced the severity of the COVID-19 crisis
B.scientifically explained the origins of the coronavirus
C.offered psychological relief in the current circumstances
D.predicted the long-term economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis
4. In order to stop the spread of conspiracy theories, trusted members of the community can __________.
(1) avoid talking about conspiracy theories
(2) deal with the COVID-19 crisis seriously
(3) explain how ridiculous these theories are
(4) stress that everything will return to normal
2020-12-14更新 | 346次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般