组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:72 题号:14171249

My husband and I had just opened up a pet sitting business earlier that year. Our customers had slowly risen from three to thirty a month. We were busy through those hot summer months, driving between visits. Our work was strictly done at the pet owner’s home. It was almost too busy for the two of us, but we were making good money!

We asked pet owners new to our business to phone two weeks ahead so we had enough time to meet the owners and pets at their homes and make any following meetings before the owner leaves.

One day, we decided to take on a new customer just two days before they would leave. We met the family, filled in a form, and spent some time with their dog, Hercules. He playfully jumped on us and touched our hands and arms using his tongue. The family laughed as he did this, showing us that he was very loving.

Two days later I appeared at the house, alone. I came up to Hercules and said hello happily. I filled up his water bowl and cleaned any messes he made. Meanwhile, he was so lovely sitting beside. I thought this would be the good picture to send to the owners as usual. After the light and “click” sound went off, Hercules rushed at me. I didn’t know what had just happened until I noticed the drops of blood. I ran out and did the only thing — calling my husband.

Then I went to neighbors for help. My husband arrived after ten minutes. The helpful neighbor and my husband led Hercules back into his pen (圈). Then my husband and I took off to the hospital.

I must have looked like I was shot when I walked into the hospital. The nurses quickly moved me to a room. I asked the doctor in a weak but playful manner, “Am I going to die?” he replied, “Finally.”

1. According to the text, the author’s work was _________ .
A.tiring and dangerousB.easy and free
C.well paidD.done outdoors
2. What did the author often do during her work?
A.Cleaning the customers’ house.
B.Walking the pets outside.
C.Bringing the pets to her own house.
D.Sending a photo of pets to the owners.
3. It can be inferred from the text that the author was attacked because ________ .
A.Hercules feared the sound and the flash
B.the author attacked Hercules first
C.Hercules was very hungry then
D.the author treated Hercules badly
4. The doctor’s answer gave us a sense of _________ .
【知识点】 人与动植物 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Every year more people recognize that it is wrong to kill wildlife for “sport.” Progress in this direction is slow because shooting is not a sport for watching, and only those few who take part realize the cruelty and destruction.
The number of gunners, however, grows rapidly. Children too young to develop proper judgments through independent thought are led a long way away by their gunning parents. They are subjected to advertisements of gun producers who describe shooting as good for their health and guncarrying as a way of putting redder blood in the veins (血管). They are persuaded by gunner magazines with stories honoring the chase and the kill. In school they view motion pictures which are supposedly meant to teach them how to deal with arms safely but which are actually designed to stimulate (刺激) a desire to own a gun. Wildlife is disappearing because of shooting and because of the loss of wildland habitat (栖息地). Habitat loss will continue with our increasing population, but can we slow the loss of wildlife caused by shooting? There doesn’t seem to be any chance if the serious condition of our birds is not improved.
Wildlife belongs to everyone and not to the gunners alone. Although most people do not shoot, they seem to forgive shooting for sport because they know little or nothing about it. The only answer, then, is to bring the truth about sport shooting to the great majority of people.
Now, it is time to realize that animals have the same right to life as we do and that there is nothing fair or right about a person with a gun shooting the harmless and beautiful creatures. The gunners like to describe what they do as character-building, but we know that to wound an animal and watch it go through the agony of dying can make nobody happy. If, as they would have you believe, gun-carrying and killing improve human-character, then perhaps we should encourage war.
1. According to the text, most people do not seem to be against hunting because ________.
A.they have little knowledge of it
B.it helps to build human character
C.it is too costly to stop killing wildlife
D.they want to keep wildlife under control
2. The underlined word “agony” in the last paragraph probably means ________.
3. According to the text, the films children watch at school actually ________.
A.teach them how to deal with guns safely
B.praise hunting as character-building
C.describe hunting as an exercise
D.encourage them to have guns of their own
4. It can be inferred from the text that the author seems to ________.
A.blame the majority of people
B.worry about the existence of wildlife
C.be in favour of war
D.be in support of character-building
2017-03-09更新 | 163次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Since we’ve known about some cute animals, what about animals which aren’t so cute?

My favourite is a little creature called the Tasmanian devil. If you are out camping in Tasmania and come across one, the experience might scare you! Tasmanian devils hunt at night, so you won’t usually see them, but you may hear their loud cries when they are fighting or eating. The noise they make could wake the dead. Frightening! They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats. They also have a terrible smell! Their diet is mostly dead animals. Fortunately, despite their name, they are generally not violent towards people.

Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of, for example, the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird? Not at all. While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird, it’s really a primitive mammal, with a unique biology. Its eggs hatch after about ten days, and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother like all other mammals. Its nose looks like a duck’s bill, and it has feet like a duck’s so it can dive under the water, but it’s covered in hair. Do you know what’s really strange about a platypus? The platypus doesn’t use its senses of sight or smell to find food. It has a capacity to find food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. There are only a small handful of animals in the world that can do that!

1. What two things about Tasmanian devils can bother people most?
A.Their diet and violent behaviors.
B.Their loud noise and terrible smell.
C.They like fighting and are hard to hunt.
D.Their ugly appearance and terrible smell.
2. What do Tasmanian devils like to eat?
A.Small dogsB.Large rats.C.Dead animals.D.Violent animals.
3. What makes the way duck-billed platypuses give birth so different from other mammals?
A.It lay eggs like a bird.B.It nurses from its mother.
C.It can dive under the water.D.Its eggs hatch after 10 days.
4. What is the unique way used by duck-billed platypuses to find food?
A.By using electrical sensors.B.By using its senses of sight.
C.By using its senses of smell.D.By hanging out in the water.
2024-05-19更新 | 21次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Killer whales, or orcas, are known for their severe attacks on sea animals but they have never posed a threat to humans. However, since late July, the normally social animals have been intentionally attacking sailboats off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.

The strange behavior first surfaced on July 29, 2020, when a 46-foot boat was repeatedly attacked for almost an hour by nine orcas, causing the boat to rotate(旋转) 180 degrees and having its engine switched off. Since then, over 30 more similar incidents have been reported. On September 23, 2020, Spain's government banned boats of less than 50 feet in length from sailing in the 60-mile stretch of the Atlantic coastline between Ferrol and the Estaca de Bares Cape, where the attacks have been occurring.

Researchers across the world are trying to explain the orcas' behavior. Some believe it could be a result of the overfishing of the bluefish tuna - the orcas' primary food source -which has left the area's killer whales starving and unable to feed their babies. "I saw them look at boats carrying fish. I think they know humans are somehow related to food shortages, "says Ken Balcomb, senior scientist at the Center for Whale Research in Washington, USA. The environmentalists believe the sudden increase in boat traffic and fishing activities, after months of absence due to restrictions on human activity last spring, could also be contributing to the agitation.

However, Alfredo López, a biology professor in Galicia, Spain, thinks the attacks are defensive measures the orcas adopted to protect themselves against boat injuries. The researcher came to this conclusion after looking at the of the videos of a few incidents and noticing that two of the young killer whales involved had serious injuries. Hopefully, the experts will be able to find a way to restore the harmony between the animals and the humans soon.

1. What do we know about orcas in paragraph 1?
A.They are friendly to humans.B.They have changed their behavior.
C.They are famous for hunting skillsD.They have met tough living conditions.
2. Who hold(s) the idea that fishing activities caused the incidents?
A.Ken Balcomb.B.The environmentalists.
C.Alfredo López.D.Spain's government.
3. What does the underlined word "the agitation" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The attacks.B.Food shortages.C.The overfishing.D.Human activities.
4. What might be a suitable title for this text?
A.How do killer whales attack humans?
B.Why Are Killer Whales attacking Boats?
C.How can we live in harmony with animals?
D.Why are boats banned from sailing on the sea?
2021-03-04更新 | 466次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般