组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:14181509

Every day in the United States animals are beaten, ignored, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in poor conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the mercy they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused(受虐待的) animals’ rights and seriously punish heartless owners.

One of the first steps in protecting animals and creating effective cruelty laws is to know what animal cruelty actually is. There are two categories: passive cruelty and active cruelty. The first involves acts of omission, meaning the abuse happens as a result of ignorance or lack of action. Passive cruelty might seem less serious, but that is not the case; it can lead to terrible pain and suffering, and finally death. Examples include starvation, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care. Passive cruelty is sometimes due to the owner's ignorance, so many animal control officers will first try to educate ignorant owners on how to properly care for animals before giving them a citation(传票) or putting them in prison.

Active cruelty, on the other hand, is more well-known and disturbing. Sometimes referred to as non-accidental injury, this type of abuse involves purposeful harm on an animal in order to feel more powerful or gain control. Active cruelty against animals should be taken very seriously, since it can be a sign that a person has serious psychological issues and may commit more acts of violence---possibly against humans.

It is hard to tell just what drives people to harm innocent animals. Most animal abusers find some sort of achievement or power in torturing a victim that they know can't fight back. While not all animal abusers become serial killers, it is important to take every case seriously.

As a nation we need to make it our right to come together and ensure the safety of our beloved pets. As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

1. What is the first step to do with the passive cruelty abusers?
A.To throw them into prison.B.To bring the case to the court.
C.To teach them how to treat animals.D.To give them a strong warning.
2. We can learn from Para.3 that active cruelty ______.
A.is actually a sign of power or control
B.has been taken seriously in the nation
C.may lead to serious psychological problems
D.may cause acts of violence against humans
3. What is the author’s attitude towards animal cruelty?
4. The author wrote this passage to ______.
A.warn those heartless pet owners
B.tell people the harm of animal cruelty
C.explain the reasons why people harm animals
D.call on people to fight for the abused animals


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Almost a decade ago, researchers at Yale University launched a global database called Map of Life to track biodiversity distributions across the planet. Now, the team added a new feature to the database that predicts where species currently unknown to scientists may be hiding.

In 2018, ecologist Mario Moura of the Federal University of Paraiba in Brazil teamed up with Yale ecologist Walter Jetz, who took the lead in the initial creation of the Map of Life. The pair set out to identify where 85 percent of Earth’s undiscovered species may be. For two years, the team collected information about 32,000 vertebrate (脊椎动物)species. Data on population size, geographical range, historical discovery dates and other biological characteristics were used to create a computer model that estimated where undescribed species might exist today.

The model found tropical environments in countries including Brazil, Indonesia, Madagascar, and Colombia house the most undiscovered species. Smaller animals have limited ranges that may be inaccessible, making their detection more difficult. In contrast, larger animals that occupy greater geographic ranges are more likely to be discovered, the researchers explain.

“It is striking to see the importance of tropical forests as the birthplace of discoveries, stressing the urgent need to protect tropical forests and address the need of controlling deforestation rate if we want a chance to truly discover our biodiversity,” said Moura.

The map comes at a crucial time when Earth is facing a biodiversity crisis. It was reported that there was a 68 percent decrease in vertebrate species populations between 1970 and 2006 and a 94 percent decline in animal populations in the America’s tropical subregions. “At the current pace of global environmental change, there is no doubt that many species will go extinct before we have ever learned about their existence and had the chance to consider their fate,”Jetz said.

1. What can be learned about the Map of Life?
A.It only tracks biodiversity distributions.
B.It was initially created by Mario Moura
C.It predicts where undiscovered species minht
D.It managed to locate 85% of the undiscovered specties.
2. Which factor makes animals easier to discover?
3. What does the underlined word “address” mean in paragraph 4?
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.Tropical animal populations have slightly declined.
B.The Map of life is significant to protecting biodiversity.
C.Tropical forests are the birthplace of many extinct species.
D.Many species will undoubtedly go extinct even if discovered.
2023-04-21更新 | 177次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Every year millions of breeding monarch butterflies in the US and southern Canada search for milkweed plants on which to lay their eggs. Concern over decreasing habitat has urged conservationists to create monarch-friendly spaces along roadsides, which are more than enough—within the butterflies’ range and usually publicly owned. But traffic noise stresses monarch caterpillars out, a new study finds. They eventually do become desensitized (使不再敏感) to it —but that might cause trouble to them later on, too.

Noise pollution is known to affect the lives of birds, whales and other creatures. But until recently, scientists have never tested whether it leads to a stress response in insects. When Andy Davis, a conservation physiologist at the University of Georgia, noticed online videos of roadside monarch caterpillars apparently moving with short quick movements from side to side or up and down as cars came by, he wondered how the constant noise might affect them. Davis built a special caterpillar heart monitor, fitting a small sensor into microscope to precisely measure monarch caterpillars’ heart rates as they listened to recordings of traffic sounds in the laboratory.

The hearts of caterpillars exposed to highway noise for two hours beat 17 percent faster than those of caterpillars in a silent room. But the heart rates of the noise—exposed group returned to baseline levels after hearing the traffic sounds nonstop for their entire 12-day development period, Davis and his colleagues reported in May in Biology Letters. “This desensitization could be problematic when the caterpillars become adults,” says Davis. A rapid stress response is vital for monarch butterflies on their two-month journey to spend winters in Mexico, as they narrowly escape predators and fight wind currents.

Whether a noisy developmental period reduces monarchs’ survival rates remains unknown, notes Ryan Norris, an ecologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, who was not involved in the study. But in any case, he believes roadside habitats almost certainly drive up the butterflies’ death rates as a result of crashes with cars. “There are so many potential road habitats for monarchs and other insects—it would be such a nice thing to take advantage of,” Norris says. “But you just can’t get around the traffic. I think roads and monarchs just don’t mix.”

1. Why did conservationists create monarch-friendly spaces along roadsides?
A.Because they concerned over decreasing monarch habitat.
B.Because it was vital for the monarch to grow quickly.
C.Because they were urged to make an experiment.
D.Because it was good for the monarch to migrate.
2. What inspired Andy Davis to explore the effect of noise on monarch caterpillars?
A.There had been little research on monarch caterpillars.
B.Videos showed cars crashed into monarch caterpillars.
C.There was no such record of monarch caterpillars’ heart rates.
D.He found that monarch caterpillars shook with cars moving by.
3. According to Andy Davis, what might happen to monarch butterflies when exposed to traffic noise?
A.They are likely to need more time to develop.
B.They are likely to lose their way on their journey.
C.They are more likely to die before they become adults.
D.They are more likely to be killed and eaten in their migration.
4. Which of the following statements is Ryan Norris most likely to agree with?
A.Monarchs’ survival rates are decreasing each year.
B.People should avoid building roadside habitats for insects.
C.More capital is needed to study monarchs’ developmental periods.
D.Butterflies’ rising death rates have nothing to do with moving cars.
5. Which is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.The Relationships Between Monarch Butterflies and Highway
B.The Effects of Highway Noise on Monarch Butterflies
C.The Changes of Monarch Butterflies Along Highway
D.The Benefits of Protecting Monarch Butterflies
2023-05-12更新 | 200次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Sara Clemence和孩子们在圣伊格纳西奥湖的一段和鲸鱼互动的海上之旅,展现了人与自然的和谐共处。

【推荐3】“It’s a windy day in Laguna San Ignacio, and the waves seem to come from all directions,” said Sara Clemence in Bloomberg Businessweek. My children and I are riding on an 18-foot boat — small enough that we can reach down into the water if a gray whale swims up alongside. And then we see what we’ve come for: a heart-shaped shower of water and a dark mass rushing below it. As instructed, we splash (溅泼) the water strongly to signal the huge whale, which turns out to be a mother with her weeks-old baby. The baby soon swims beneath our boat, emerges to blow mist in my face, then “lies onto its side like a 2-ton puppy.” Leaning down, I touched its skin gently. “It feels electric. Also, a bit like petting a hard-boiled egg.”

San Ignacio is one of very few places where a person can pet a whale. The whales come each year to the coast of Baja California to give birth and to mate. If you’re lucky, you can “shake hands with a leathery fin (鳍)” or even “plant a kiss on a cold, salty cheek.” I usually worry about such interactions, because wild creatures can become deeply stressed by human contact. But boat numbers are strictly limited in these protected waters. And any whale that approaches a boat does so on its own terms. Like that baby whale: “We see him a few times, and he seems to like being petted and splashed.”

So we are two species, connecting through touch, but also through eye contact: “More than once, after nosing around our boat, a young gray whale turns on its side so one dark, baseball-size eye is looking up at us.” Whalers used to call gray whales “devil fish” because these magnificent creatures turn violent when threatened — “or, say, when their babies are harmed.” That makes it feel even more of a blessing when, on our third day there, a large mama whale approaches the boat. “I’m splashing when I feel her nose press up into my hand.” Though she’s “wiser and apparently more alert” than her child, “she still decides to trust us.”

1. According to the passage, people can NOT interact with a whale by ________.
A.splashing water to itB.gently touching its skin
C.swimming alongside itD.looking at it in the eye
2. The underlined phrase in paragraph 2 means that the whale ________.
A.is mad with too many visitors
B.is willing to be petted by people on the boat
C.can interact with people based on its likes
D.can decide its preferred swimming route
3. Why does the author consider it “a blessing” when a large mama whale approaches the boat?
A.Because she is smarter than her child and better at interacting with people.
B.Because she believes in people and will not turn violent if her baby is harmed.
C.Because a whale as large as this one is rare to see.
D.Because she trusts people despite her concerns about her child’s safety.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Preserving the Devil Fish in Laguna San Ignacio
B.A Beautiful Encounter with Gray Whales
C.A Risky but Exciting Whale-Watching Journey
D.Appropriate Ways to Interact with Gray Whales
2024-01-25更新 | 110次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般