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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:14186272

“My mom found a house for us to look at.” said my fiancé (未婚夫), Jon. “It’s in Richfield, not far from where I grew up.”

“Wow, that’s great!” I said. “Maybe this will be the one.”

Jon and I had been searching for our first home for months. Nothing seemed right. The listings in Richfield had been off the mark. But if my soon-to-be mother-in-law, Ruthann, had come across a house for us to look at. I was going to check it out.

I hadn’t known much about Ruthann. Her beloved grandmother, Nana, had recently passed away, and she was in grief(悲痛). Nana had been the heart of the family, and Ruthann had been especially close to her. I regretted not getting to meet Nana. I felt I was struggling to find my footing with my future in-laws. So, I would do whatever I could to draw us closer.

The next day, Jon and I drove over for the viewing. I was pleasantly surprised–the house Ruthann picked looked fantastic. My hopes rose as Jon and I walked into the dining room, which had an ivy(常春藤)wallpaper border, It perfectly matched the pretty set of ivy plates I’d been storing away. I knew we found our home.

We bought the house and got married. When it was time to move. both of our families helped out. I set a few things on the shelves in the dining room, leaving a large space in the center for my ivy plates. Ruthann walked in as I was carefully lifting the plates out.

“Where did you get those?” she asked.

“I bought them a long time ago,” I said proudly, happy that my mother-in-law seemed to like them.

Ruthann sat down, shaking her head in disbelief. “Sandy, you don’t understand…Those dishes have the same pattern as the dishes Nana had in her house. So many family gatherings and special occasions happened with those plates…” she smiled. “We sold them along with the other items in the house. Now here you are, with a matching set you bought years ago…”

I suddenly realized I needn’t have worried about fitting in with Jon’s family.

1. Why did Sandy decide to visit the house in Richfield?
A.It especially met her expectations.B.She desired to get close to Ruthann.
C.It was a listing in where Jon grew up.D.She wanted to get Ruthann out of grief.
2. What was Sandy's feeling during the viewing?
3. Why did Sandy’s plates draw Ruthann's attention?
A.They matched the wallpaper border.B.They reminded her of her own house.
C.They looked similar to Nana’s dishes.D.They were perfect for family gatherings.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Sold Ivy Plates Came Back Home.B.A New Couple Found Their Home
C.Three Women Were Matched WellD.Ivy Dishes Drew a Family Together


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个名叫Elexis Webster的少女,在残忍的家人和严重的健康问题的双重打击下,克服了这些困难,依然成为了她所在高中的佼佼者。

【推荐1】17-year-old Elexis Webster grew up homeless with cruel family members and serious health problems. But Webster has got over these difficulties to become an honor student at her high school.

The teen spent her childhood living in dug-outs (防空洞), cars, and any place where her family could find shelter. She was treated cruelly by her mother, a drug user, who left her and her sister alone without food for days. Her older brother disturbed her study too many tunes. Her poor living conditions led to her becoming extremely weak, which caused her to miss school often.

However, she got a 4.1 GPA in the exam, though many wouldn’t expect her to have such a hard life. Surviving in the family in an environment like that, she was able to come out of it, and she knew she had to make the best of what happened to her.

At 14, her mother was put in prison for leaving Webster and her sister in a car in the middle of a school day. The two girls were placed in foster care (寄养所) with a woman whom Webster still lives with. She calls her “Mema”.

“Mema”, who the teen sees as her mom, encouraged Webster as she returned school again. Even after missing three years of school, Webster was able to be excellent. Now Webster has planned to attend University of California at Los Angeles and study physics.

“I got to a place where I was able to keep going and push for higher than a 4.1 and push to get into a really great college or university. I see success. I see happiness and I see peace,” she told KPIX 5.

1. Where does Webster live now most probably?
A.In a car.B.In the dug-out.
C.In foster care.D.At the University of California.
2. Why was Webster’s mother put into prison?
A.She was always taking drugs.
B.She left her daughters alone in a car.
C.She stole food for her three children.
D.She didn’t let her children attend school.
3. What’s the future goal of Webster?
A.Becoming a physics teacher.
B.Earning enough money to buy a house.
C.Being admitted into a really good college.
D.Breaking away from her mother and brother.
4. What do we know about Webster?
A.She wouldn’t believe in anyone any longer.
B.She got a lot of help from her brother.
C.She was brought up in a warm family.
D.She got motherly love from Mema.
2017-07-10更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A minister was on a long flight from China to London. The first warning of the approaching problems came when the sign on the airplane flashed on: Fasten your seat belts. Then, after a while, a calm voice said, "We shall not be serving the drinks at this time as there is going to be something unexpected. Please be sure seat belt is fastened."

Soon the storm broke out. One moment the airplane was lifted on terrific currents of air. The plane dropped as if it were about to crash.

The minister believed that he shared the discomfort and fear of those around him. As he looked around the plane, he could see that nearly all the passengers were upset and alarmed. The future seemed ominous and many were wondering if they would make it through the storm. Then he suddenly saw a little girl. Apparently the storm meant nothing to her. She was reading a book and everything within her small world was calm orderly. Sometimes she closed her eyes and then she would read again. Then she would straighten her legs, worry and fear were not in her world. The minister could hardly believe his eyes.

It was not surprising therefore that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers hurried to leave, the minister walked up to the girl he had watched for such a long time. Having commented about the storm and the behavior of the plane, he asked why she had not been afraid. The girl replied, "Because my dad is the pilot, and he's taking me home."

1. Why did the staff stop offering drinks?
A.The plane was just taking off.B.The plane might be out of control.
C.The plane was going to crash.D.The plane might run out of drinks.
2. When the plane flew through the storm,       .
A.everyone was extremely frightenedB.the minister felt fearful and upset
C.most of the passengers cried all the timeD.the little girl still drank and read
3. The underlined word "ominous" probably refers to        .
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.From China to LondonB.Ignorant, Fearless
C.Good Luck from Pilot DadD.Faith in Pilot Dad
2017-05-17更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My father Ed Kobbeman built his own house after he married my mother, so it wasn’t too surprising when he proudly showed me his latest creation—the outhouse (户外厕所). The traditional sun and moon were cut out of the front door. There was a fancy (精致的) seat inside. It was, indeed, a fine outhouse. Dad said he wanted to use his creation in the outhouse races, where teams must pull or push their homemade outhouse to compete. To be in this event, Dad found some old wheels in his storage area.

On the day of the race, Dad’s nephews and great-niece arrived. The four made up the outhouse racing team, along with one great-niece weighing a hundred pounds, chosen to ride on the seat inside.

In the sun of that hot day in June, the teams lined up. The starting shot rang out. The red-shirted Kobbeman team led the way and turned to make their way back to the start/ finish line.

Just then, disaster happened. The hard rubber on the wheels started peeling off (剥落). The nephews hung on for the last few meters, barely winning the first race by great strength of will and brute force (蛮力) as they lifted that outhouse off the ground across the start/finish line. But there was no hope for the second round. I stood there, ready to cry.

Ten minutes later I realized Dad was nowhere to be seen. How could he just leave like that? Soon the announcer was telling the participants (参赛者) to get ready. Just then Dad turned up with new wheels. We changed the wheels and won the next four races.

On the way home, I asked my dad, “Where did you go? And where did you get those new wheels?”

My father took a deep breath. “Well,” he said, “I ran two blocks to the car, unlocked it, drove home, ran into the house, got the key to the storage, ran out there, unlocked the garage, pulled my new lawnmower (割草机) out on the grass, took some tools, pulled off the wheels and threw them in the car.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. “Dad, why did you do that in this heat? You had a heart attack ten years ago. What if you couldn’t come back on time?”

He smiled, “Well, I just couldn’t let the boys down. They worked so hard. There was a problem, and it just needed to be fixed. That’s all.”

1. Why did the author’s father build the outhouse?
A.He wanted to take part in the outhouse races.B.He hoped to show off his artistic creativity.
C.He aimed to train his nephews and great-niece.D.He decided to make his family locally famous.
2. What was the disaster mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A.The Kobbeman team pushed the outhouse to the start line.
B.The Kobbeman team felt too weak to take part in the second round.
C.The outhouse’s wheels started to fall apart near the end of the first round.
D.The outhouse’s wheels couldn’t turn with a few meters left in the first round.
3. How did the author feel just when she learned what her father had done before the second round?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.An interesting story of my fatherB.What I learned in the outhouse races
C.An amazingly funny race in JuneD.What we should do in a disaster
2023-11-30更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般