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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:111 题号:14200354

The sun was rising when Daryl’s delivery (递送) truck with goods reached the highway. This was the best time of day to drive, when the roads were wide open and empty. He felt sure he was going to make it to Los Angeles before midnight.

Then he saw it, a large lump in the middle of the road. He stopped and found the lump was a girl. He tried shaking her awake but she wouldn’t move, so he carried her to the side of the road. At least she wouldn’t be run over (辗过) there. Now she was someone else’s problem because he didn’t have time to be a hero. He climbed back into his truck but as he looked in his mirror and saw the girl still lying by the side of the road, he knew he couldn’t leave her. Daryl put her into his truck and drove to the next town.

An hour later he arrived at the police station. After explaining what had happened, he prepared to leave, but the policeman said he needed to make a report. Daryl knew it was impossible for him to get to Los Angeles on time now.

Three hours later the report was done and the girl had recovered somewhat. She explained that she had fallen on the highway, weak from hunger. She also thanked Daryl for saving her life. Daryl told her that he had been happy to help, but as he left the police station he knew his boss wouldn’t be happy.

Just as he was about to start the car, his mother called. “Have you seen?” she said, “a bridge collapsed two hours ago, the one that you drive over on the way to Los Angeles.”

Daryl’s blood ran cold. If he had been on time, he would have been on that fallen bridge. Daryl realized how lucky he was.

1. What did Daryl plan to do?
A.Go on holiday.B.Deliver some goods.
C.Visit his mum.D.Make a report.
2. Why did Daryl first leave the girl by the side of the road?
A.He didn’t want to be late.
B.He thought the girl would wake soon.
C.He was sure that someone else would help.
D.He worried the police would blame him.
3. How did Daryl feel as he left the police station?
A.Confident that he would be on time.
B.Angry that he had to make the report.
C.Proud that he had saved the girl’s life.
D.Worried that his boss would be angry.
4. What does the underlined expression “Daryl’s blood ran cold” in the last paragraph suggest?
A.Daryl was now feeling more relaxed.
B.Daryl thought he would be in trouble.
C.Daryl was greatly shocked by the news.
D.Daryl felt the sudden change in temperature.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在一场表演中了解到了年轻音乐家Patrick Henry Hughes的事迹。他出生就没有眼睛,也无法行走,但上天给了他音乐天赋,他很感激自己能凭借这个天赋来认识人。

【推荐1】Once, I was invited to see a performance by my friends. Little did I know that I was about to see something I would never forget.

After they introduced the young musician, Mr. Patrick Henry Hughes, he was rolled onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. His fingers danced across the keys as he made beautiful music. He then began to sing as he played, and it was even more beautiful. For some reason, however, I knew that I was seeing something special. About ten minutes into Patrick’s performance, someone came on the stage and said, “I’d like to share a seven-minute video.” Then the lights went dim.

Patrick Henry Hughes was born with no eyes and a tightening of the joints, which left him disabled for life. However, as a child, he was fitted with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair. Before his first birthday, he discovered the piano. His mom said, “I could hit any note on the piano, and within one or two tries, he’d get it.” By his second birthday, he could play simple songs as requested. His father was excited. “We might not play baseball, but we can play music together.”

Today, Patrick is a junior. His father attends classes with him and he’s made nearly all A’s. He’s also a part of the marching band. He and his father do it together. They attend all the band practices and performances. His father rolls his son around the field to the cheers of Patrick’s fans.

But it was Patrick’s “attitude of gratitude” that touched my soul deeper. On stage, between songs, he talked to the audience about his life and about how blessed he was. He said, “God made me blind and unable to walk. BIG DEAL! He gave me the ability, the musical gifts I have… the great opportunity to meet new people.”

When his performance was over, Patrick and his father were on the stage together. The crowd rose to their feet and cheered for over five minutes.

1. What can we know from the text?
A.Patrick is now in charge of a marching band.
B.My friends told me the performance would be very special.
C.Patrick showed a gift of music at an early age.
D.Patrick played the piano much better than he sang.
2. According to the text, Patrick’s father ________.
A.taught Patrick to sing and play the piano
B.accompanied him to attend classes and practices
C.expected his son to be a great musician and singer
D.has become the leader of the marching band
3. What made the author most impressed?
A.His attitude of gratitude.B.His working hard.
C.His wonderful performance.D.His unlucky fate.
4. The underlined word “blessed” in Paragraph 5 might be replaced by “________”.
5. The story of Patrick Henry Hughes teaches us to ________.
A.share our kindness with othersB.develop an interest in music
C.study hard and realize our dreamD.value what we have had
2024-05-17更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Marie Lantelme! The name struck me from somewhere in the back of my mind. Miss Lantelme, as I called her in my youth, worked as a librarian at the East Meadow Public Library when I was a pre-teen girl.

On one occasion, in search of a book to read, I walked slowly over to the desk taken up by a librarian-Miss Lantelme. Serious, polite, and speaking with the voice of a professional(专业的) librarian, she asked what kind of book I liked to read. I thought about it for a few seconds and replied, “Mysteries(悬疑小说).” When I first learned to read, my grandfather gave me a book called The Smugglers of Sandy Bay. It was written by Ruth Holberg and still takes a place in my book collection. I sometimes hold it in my hand to reconnect with its mystical power.

Miss Lantelme told me to follow her, and she led me into the mystery part and pointed me in the direction of books written by Agatha Christie. Miss Lantelme handed me a book called The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. I will not tell the ending to anyone who has never read that book, but I loved the surprise that I never saw coming. Every week I dug deep into the works of that uncommon writer whose stories still attract me now.

On one occasion, Miss Lantelme handed me a book written by John le Carre. The title of the book is The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. For years, I waited for each new book by the recognized master of spy thrillers. Of course, I wished Miss Lantelme to hand the new mystery of John le Carre to me.

All these memories flashed through my mind while I sweated my way through my work—out of breath, giving thanks to the librarians of the world, like Miss Lantelme, who gave me a lifetime of joy, not only the stories.

1. What made the author interested in mysteries?
A.The book her grandfather gave to her.B.The unknown feeling of a pre-teen girl.
C.The professional service of Lantelme.D.The opinion her grandfather gave to her.
2. What can we infer about the author from paragraph 3?
A.She was interested in Agatha’s worksB.She took exercise around the library.
C.She bought a book from Lantelme.D.She went to Lantelme’s home.
3. Which is the best title for the text?
A.An Impressive BookB.Lifelong Joy from My Grandfather
C.A Happy Memory for the BooksD.Three Books the Author Wanted to Read
2023-01-24更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Marie Curie, born in Sklodovka, Poland in 1876, led a hard life as a girl. Her parents, both teachers, had small salaries and were quite poor, especially after her mother stopped teaching to raise five children and take care of her poor health. Marie's mother suffered from tuberculosis and died of it when Marie was ten.

When Marie was small, she showed great interest in science. She loved to study and hoped to become a scientist when she grew up. Her parents encouraged her interest in science. Excellent as she was in her studies, she couldn't go on with the advanced education she needed because Poland was then ruled by Russia and women were not permitted to go to college.

In order to continue her education, she smoothed away many difficulties and entered Paris University, where she lived a simple life and studied hard, so she graduated with the highest grades in her class.

After graduation she was engaged in scientific research in Paris University. There she met Pierre Curie, whom she married. Pierre joined her in her research into an unknown phenomenon “radiation”, which a certain scientist had declared that uranium gave off. The Curies spent several years trying their best to find the element that produced radiation. Finally they succeeded in 1902.

Marie Curie won two Nobel Prizes, one for physics in 1906, together with her husband and another scientist; the other for chemistry herself in 1911. Madame Curie was a scientist of great achievement, and the first woman ever to be honored in the Nobel Prize history.

1. When Marie was young, her family became poorer because ________.
A.the family had five childrenB.Marie's father had a small salary
C.Marie's mother gave up her jobD.the family was cruelly taxed by the Russians
2. Marie couldn't continue the advanced education because ________.
A.she wanted to help her father to support the family
B.her father couldn't afford to send her to college
C.her grades were very poor
D.colleges in Poland would not take women as students then
3. The fact that proves she was the best student in her class is that ________.
A.she smoothed away many difficulties and entered Paris University
B.her grades were the highest in her class
C.she did research work after her graduation
D.she won the Nobel Prize finally
4. The best title for this passage is ________.
A.A Brief Account of Madame Curie's LifeB.Madame Curie and Radium
C.Marie Curie's ChildhoodD.Madame Curie's Interest in Science
2021-08-21更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般