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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:14207992

You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get on well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just don't like one of your classmates?

If you discover that you have problems getting on with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others. We cannot change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.

Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why he does things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep a temperate and open mind.

You need to remember an old saying, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” If you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.

It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyone's life easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.

1. This passage is trying to tell us ________.
A.what's important for a student
B.what students should do at school
C.how to treat people different from us
D.how to get others to do things in the right way
2. From the first paragraph we know that at school ________.
A.it's easier for someone to hate others
B.getting along with others is not difficult
C.most students are getting on well with each other
D.students are learning other things besides studying
3. What is tolerance according to the passage?
A.Accept people as they are.
B.Believe you are always right.
C.Expect everybody to be the same.
D.Change yourself to please other people.
4. The last paragraph suggests that ________.
A.tolerance can only be learnt at school
B.living with people of the same interests is easier
C.practicing tolerance at school can help make a better world
D.people in different countries have different interests and abilities


阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Are you preparing any gifts for your friends now?     1     , but choosing a right gift can be a big headache, because it takes a lot of time and effort to think of the right gift for someone. Before you finish your list, keep these dos and don't in mind.

◆ Do put thought into your gift.

If you like something, that doesn't mean that your friend is going to like it, too.     2    

Don't get him/her an ordinary gift, and think about the conversations you made before seeing if he/ she talked about a certain gift he/she had been wanting to get.

    3     .

Make sure the gift you're buying is proper for the person, For example, if you're buying a friend a gift, remember not to spend too much. Take a moment to think about how your relationship is with the person before getting him/her something.

◆ Do get a gift receipt (收据).

If you're buying something for your friend, make sure you ask the salesman to include a gift receipt. It's polite, and you know your money won't go to waste.     4     .

◆Don't leave the price tag (标签) on.

Make sure you don't leave the price tag on the gift and that you're giving a gift receipt and not the original bill.     5     , and it' s not important for him/her to know anyway.

A.Don't be afraid of spending money
B.Giving gifts has forever been so pleasant
C.Don't buy an inappropriate (不合适的) gift
D.If your friend doesn't like the gift, he/she can just exchange it
E.Take some time to really think about what he/she likes
F.It's not proper to let your friend know how much you spent on the gift
G.Giving someone who you care about a very special gift can be difficult
2021-10-25更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The science of setting goals.

It’s the time of year when we think to ourselves: our New Year’s resolutions will totally work out this time.     1    . But what if this year really could be different? Kelly McGonigal, a psychologist, shares four tips.            

Choose a goal that matters, not just an easy win. Our brains love rewards, so we often set simple goals that make it easy to check off boxes. But if that’s all are about, no wonder we end up abandoning them so quickly. A meaningful goal requires going deeper.     2    . For example, if you want to quit eating junk food, ask why you want to quit it. Then, if you want to quit it for your health, ask why you want good health.

    3    .When we set goals, it’s easy to focus on that magical ending. But we can’t control outcomes. We have to inch toward them, one choice at a time. Ask yourself, “What is the smallest thing I can do today that helps me reach my goal?” If you make daily choices that are consistent with your goal over and over again, you will eventually reach it.

Frame your goals positively. Focusing on what you want to bring into your life –not what you want to avoid — will make you more likely to actually pursue it. “Any sort of avoidance is going to trigger inhibition systems.     4    ,” says McGonigal.

Prepare for failure. Moments of failure are inevitable, but most of us abandon the goal entirely when minor failures and setbacks start piling up. Your task is not to avoid failures, but to plan for them. Ask yourself, “How am I likely to fail?” For example, if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack that can tide you over.     5    .

A.Focus on the process, not the outcome
B.Psychologists call this an emergency plan
C.It really drives home why that goal matters
D.Never mind that we abandoned them very quickly
E.How you describe your goal makes a big difference
F.Think about what you want, and then ask yourself why
G.But positive goals are going to trigger approach and reward motivation
2024-05-13更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Halloween is a great time in the lives of both children and adults. However,even the best Halloween can be ruined by trees filled with toilet paper and egg residues(残渣) that won’t wash off. How can you keep your home safe on Halloween?There are some measures you can take.

Make it known that you’re at home. Pranksters are less likely to play a trick if they know someone is at home. You may want to close the glass on your screen door and open your front door so that you can see everyone moving around outside. This also allows pranksters to see that you’re at home.

Turn on the lights inside your home and outside. Having all the lights on lets pranksters know that you’re not only at home,but you’re awake. If a prankster knows you’re awake,he’ll be more likely to skip your house and head for another one. Even if you need to get in bed early,keep all the lights on except in your bedroom. Pranksters aren’t going to know which room is your bedroom.

Ask the police to patrol the area. It’s a policeman’s job to keep citizens safe,especially on Halloween. In some cities the crime rate can increase fast on October 31.A polite call to your local police station should get you the service you need. Above all,no pranksters are going to throw eggs at your house when the policemen are patrolling the area.

Set up a neighborhood watch. One of the best ways to keep your home safe on Halloween is to get the neighbors involved. No one wants his trees covered with toilet paper. Ask your neighbors to keep their eyes open and to follow the same steps you’ve taken to help keep your home safe. If the entire neighborhood is lit up,pranksters are less likely to stop by

1. The underlined word “Pranksters” in Paragraph 2 probably means those who.
A.like Halloween very muchB.play practical jokes on people
C.often commit a crime at nightD.enter one’s house by force
2. How can you make pranksters know you are at home and skip(快速溜走) your house?
A.By moving around outside your house.B.By closing your front door.
C.By turning on inside and outside lights.D.By staying up and being awake.
3. According to the fourth paragraph,we can learn.
A.a policeman’s main task is to patrol the area
B.the crime rate increases fast in some cities
C.you have to pay for a policeman to patrol your area
D.the policemen can help a lot with your home safety on Halloween
4. The last paragraph stresses the importance of.
A.neighborhood teamworkB.keeping homes safe
C.being on one’s guardD.informing everyone of the danger
2020-10-06更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般