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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.4 引用次数:799 题号:14255833

Shyness is normal and it is not considered as a mental problem. All people have been shy at one time or another. Even the most confident people experienced being shy.     1    .

You probably are wondering why you are shy. It may be because of the environment you were used to or the way you were brought up. Certain events or incidents in the past may also lead to the reason why you are shy now.     2     Most shy people have shy parents and relatives and it is not surprising to find out that they too have become shy persons.

One of the negative sides of being shy is having the tendency to be passive. Most of the time shy people can’t stand up for themselves and what they believe is right.     3    This apparently influences their social life as well as work, family and other aspects of their life.

While shyness has negative aspects, it has positive sides. Shy people are usually good observers and do not get themselves into too much trouble because they try to observe their environment or any situation before they act.     4     They can also make great friends. Since they have difficulties in social scenes, making friends seems to be a must. Therefore, they value their friends wholeheartedly and have proven to be loyal and thoughtful friends.

    5     Some of them born with shy parents have successfully battled against being shy. This contributes to their constant self-improvement, developing self-esteem and trying to be exposed to new environments.

A.But in most cases, shyness proves to be genetic.
B.They are sensitive and accustomed to getting suspicious.
C.Because some people are born to be shy, they let it go hang.
D.So if you’re feeling shy, don’t worry because you are not alone.
E.They are not hot-headed and think twice before making any decisions.
F.Although shyness is something from birth, it can be improved over time.
G.They avoid crowds by nature and stay away from groups and social interactions.
【知识点】 情绪 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Imagine a friend has just asked how you’re feeling. “I’m fine,” you protest. You’re clearly anxious but respond in this way, unable to express how it is you really feel. Try as you might, you can’t quite understand your emotions, and truth to be told, you’re not sure whether you really want to.

Research shows that being aware of your emotions is hugely beneficial and people with high emotional awareness have better social and emotional functioning. “Emotional awareness is being able to identify and make sense of not only our own emotions but those of others, ”explains Rachel Vora, psychotherapist and founder of CYP Wellbeing. “It’s absolutely essential in maintaining good mental health. When we are able to identify and reflect on our emotional responses, we can understand how this influences our behaviours and in turn, change the way we respond to challenging situations.”

Of course, finding out how we feel can often prove difficult. It’s the very reason we turn to general phrases like ‘I feel blue’ or I’m not myself today’. It’s not always easy to put a finger on exactly what’s wrong, without digging a little deeper. Vora says this is often because on some level we don’t want to know how we really feel. “We can often try to numb or suppress because they feel overwhelming or distressing and this can often lead to a lack of emotional awareness as we feel disconnected from ourselves,” she explains.

Without emotional awareness, we can also develop emotional blind spots: unhealthy thoughts, behaviours and coping mechanisms that are hidden from our view. Perhaps you lash out or withdraw when you feel overwhelmed or go into criticism and self-doubt when you receive negative feedback. Unless you take time for self-reflection, you’ll remain unaware of these habits and continue to repeat the same destructive patterns again and again. Vora says tuning into your emotions and honestly reflecting on how you feel is the key. “When we do this, we are more able to work with our emotions and put strategies in place to improve our mood,” she points out. “By identifying our emotional blind spots, we can feel more in control of our emotions, and also how we respond in challenging situations.”

1. Why can’t you express your true feeling according to paragraph 1?
A.You want to keep it a secret.B.You are absent-minded at that time.
C.You are unable to grasp your feeling.D.You are unwilling to share it with your friend.
2. How does emotional awareness benefit us?
A.It’s easy for us to respond politely.B.It can identify our emotional responses.
C.It can contribute to our mental healthD.We can identify our emotions and those of others’.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.People tend to lie to their friends.
B.People often doubt about themselves.
C.People should communicate with each other frequently.
D.People sometimes avoid their true feelings consciously.
4. What is Vora’s suggestion according to the passage?
A.Thinking over what is your true feeling.B.Hiding you from the negative feedback.
C.Criticizing bravely when you are anxious.D.Remaining unaware of the destructive patterns.
2022-09-17更新 | 345次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】While socializing comes naturally for some, it can be a struggle for others. Shyness is a normal, common personality trait (特征).     1    . If you’re often hesitant to engage in social situations, you may interact with those around you in a more comfortable way. We outline four strategies for overcoming shyness in life.

Get Excited About A New Adventure

You may have been shy most of your life.     2    . Working through shyness and developing increased confidence may seem like a discouraging task for you, but viewing the journey as an exciting adventure to parts unknown can be exciting and, in turn, may boost your self-esteem.

Pay Attention To Your Words

    3    . Talking to yourself in a negative way when describing yourself can damage your self-confidence. Consider replacing phrases like “I am shy” with “I am learning to be more comfortable” in social situations. This can go a long way toward moving from shyness to confidence.

Practice Mindfulness (正念)

Mindfulness involves drawing your attention to the present and being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.     4    . In one study, participants in a mindfulness program experienced an improved view of their self-worth.

Take Small Steps

Getting started can be the hardest part of learning how to be more social for those who are shy.     5    . You can start out small. Try chatting with the teller at the bank or the person ahead of you in the checkout line. This can help you build confidence and work your way up to more difficult challenges.

A.If so, that’s a part of you that you’re used to
B.Sometimes the best path toward addressing a fear is exposure
C.Mindfulness can help reduce symptoms of social anxiety disorder
D.Taking time to tend to your appearance can make a big difference
E.How we communicate and characterize ourselves can be powerful
F.However, shyness can make it hard for people to connect with others and achieve their goals
G.But engaging with people doesn’t have to be practiced as an important work presentation
2024-03-19更新 | 297次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约520词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Mom was right! If you say thank you, for even the smallest gift or slightest show of kindness, you’ll feel happy.

Gratitude, says Robert A. Emmons, a professor or psychology at the University of California, is an important element of happiness. In his recent took,Thanks!, Emmons uses the first major study on gratitude to prove mom’s point. In acknowledging and developing this much-ignored expression of thankfulness, he explains how people have benefited---- even improved their health.

As one of the leading scholars of the positive psychology movement, he admits gratitude may be difficult to express. He advises you to begin by admitting that life is good and full of events and elements that make daily existence a wonder. Second, recognize that the source of life’s goodness is more than just you. That source may be your mom, a friend, partner, child, colleague at work or play, or any combination of these.

Gratitude is always other-directed, notes Emmons. You can be pleased or angry with yourself and feel guilty about doing something wrong, but you can never be grateful to or for yourself.

Expressing gratitude shouldn’t be a reaction; it should be a state of mind. To feel grateful when life is a breeze and you have more than you need is easy. To feel grateful in time of crisis---- anger, hatred and bitterness----is easier. Also, too many people are aware of life’s blessings only after these are lost.

It’s crisis and chaos ---- danger, disease, disability and death ---- that bring many individuals to realize just how dependent they are on others. Yet it’s the way each of us begins life and ends it. It’s too bad that so many people waste those decades in between labouring under the illusion they are self-sufficient, says Emmons.

The abundance of voices expressing gratitude from his studies of individuals with chronic health problems is many. But Emmons goes beyond his “groundbreaking” science to make his case for gratitude by including the inspirational writings of philosophers, novelists and saints, as well as the beliefs of various religions and their respective scriptures. Taken together, these observations are summed up quite nicely by famous humanist Albert Schweitzer, who said the secret of life is “giving thanks for everything.”

To enable and embrace gratitude, Emmons encourages the readers ofThanks! To keep a gratitude diary. He even provides easy-to-follow directions on how to practice and develop gratitude.

I’m not a reader or advocate of self-help books, but I am thankful for the reference I found in a newspaper article to the research Emmons was conducting on gratitude involving organ donors and recipients. The chance discovery led me to this book.

Mom implied that kindness seems to find its way back to the giver because life really is all about giving, receiving and repaying. So I’ll pay attention to her professional advice and say: Thank you, professor Emmons.

1. What is the text mainly discussed?
A.There are many ways of being thankful.
B.Gratitude is important to happiness.
C.Mom is great for her being thankful.
D.Being thankful will keep you fit.
2. The author mentions Robert A. Emmons’ bookThanks! In order to prove that ___.
A.Professor Emmons supports mom’s study on psychology.
B.mom is as great a psychologist as Professor Emmons.
C.Professor Emmons is a famous psychologist.
D.mom is right about her viewpoint on gratitude.
3. It will be easier for you to feel grateful when ___________.
A.you live a comfortable life
B.you receive gifts on your birthday
C.you get help during your hard times
D.you are congratulated on your success
4. What is the opinion of Professor Emmons?
A.It is enough to thank others orally.
B.Whether you are thankful is always up to you.
C.Remember to be thankful anytime and anywhere.
D.It is easier to be thankful for yourself than for others.
5. In the writer’s opinion, Emmons’ bookThanks! On gratitude is _______.
2012-11-01更新 | 368次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般