组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:79 题号:14309743

One day, I went out of my house and found a medium-sized dog sitting in my yard. The dog stood up and wagged(摇)his tail when he spotted me. I checked him for a collar or an ID tag. He had neither. "Where did you come from?" I asked. I lived in a small, rural town. I knew all the dogs in the neighborhood, but I’d never seen this fellow before.

Half-heartedly, I told him to sit. To my surprise, he sat as I said. "Stay," I said, as I made my way into the garage(车库)where we kept the dry dog food for our dog. I really didn’t expect the dog to stay. But when I returned, he was sitting in the exact spot where I had left him. "Wow! You sure are trained," I told him. I set out a bowl of food, and the dog started eating. I left him in the yard and went inside to read through the newspaper’s "Lost and Found" column. Unfortunately, nobody had reported a missing brown-and-white dog.

Later that afternoon, when my brother and I went out of the house the dog jumped to his feet and started wagging his tail. My brother threw a stick across the yard, and the dog raced after it. "Why don’t you play with him while I go to the store?" I suggested.

After I got back from the store, my brother called me out into the yard. "Watch this," he said. "The dog knows tricks." Sure enough, the dog would fetch, sit, stay, roll over, and lie down following the orders. He also loved jumping to catch a tennis ball in midair. I was impressed-and a little suspicious. This was no ordinary dog. Someone had trained him pretty well. So, I had to wonder: why weren’t his owners looking for him?

We gave him a comfortable place to sleep in the garage. The next day, I called the newspaper and ran a "Found" ad describing our new friend.


Several days later, we got a call from a woman.


When the woman’s pickup truck pulled into the driveway, the dog raced to greet her.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

There are too many treasures in life we take for granted, the worth of which we don’t fully realize until they’re pointed out to us in some unexpected way. So it was with Mama’s minestrone soup (意大利浓菜汤).

There was no recipe for her minestrone soup. For our large immigrant family, Mama’s soup guaranteed we would never go hungry. It was a symbol of security. Its recipe was created spontaneously (非计划安排地) from what was in the kitchen. And we could judge the state of our family economy by its contents. A hearty soup with tomatoes, pasta, beans, carrots, celery, onion, corn and meat indicated things were going well. A water y soup suggested hard times.

At one time, however, Mama’s soup pot became a source of embarrassment to me, for I feared it would cost me a new friend I had made at school. Sol was a thin, dark-haired boy, and an unusual pal for me because his father was a doctor and they lived in the best part of town. Often Sol invited me to his home for dinner. The family had a cook in a white uniform who worked in a kitchen with shining utensils (厨房用具). The food was good, but I found it bland (清淡的), lacking the heartiness of my home food served from flame-blackened pots. Moreover, the atmosphere matched the food. Everything was so formal. Sol’s mother and father were polite, but conversation around the table was subdued (克制的). And no one hugged! In our family, warm hugs were a constant and if you didn’t kiss your mother, she demanded: “What’s the matter, you sick?” But at that time in my life, all this was an embarrassment.

I had known Sol would like to eat dinner at our house, but that was the last thing I wanted. My family was so different.


Finally when Sol asked again if he could come to our house, I had to say yes.


But to my amazement, I noticed Sol took a spoonful of Mama’s minestrone soup.

2024-06-05更新 | 223次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Last Sunday, I went shopping eagerly at the largest shopping mall in my town. My elder sister was accompanying me. As the important Christmas Day was just around the comer the shopping mall was crowded with people.

There were many girls and ladies who were hanging their handbags loosely over their shoulders. I also did likewise. Although my mother always advised me not to bring a handbag, or if I wanted to bring it, I must hang it carefully over my shoulder, I refused to do so. Her advice always fell on deaf ears.

As the shopping mall was having a big sale, I was absorbed entirely in looking at the goods of low prices, especially the clothes with cute little blue ribbons (丝带) which I wanted to buy for a long time. They were offered at the discount of up to 70%! This made me not keep an eye on my loosely-hanging handbag. I was also not aware that it had attracted the attention of a potential thief.

He was creeping (蹑手蹑脚地走) towards me but my eyes were fixed on the clothes and I did not see him. Suddenly, there was a pull on my shoulder. It made me lose the balance of my body and my arms hit the banger of the clothes. Consequently, I had a bad cut. Blood was streaming down from my arm.

After waking up from my shock, I let out a loud scream. “Stop him! My handbag! Thief! Thief!” I shouted in panic and then. I could not even speak a sentence properly. A man heard my cry for help and made a beeline for the escaping thief. The thief quickly ran down the staircase.

The determined man, without thinking, aimed at the thief and jumped towards the thief from the staircase. At the same time the security guards came running and lent him a helping hand. They caught the thief and took him away.


The man, my hero, came towards me.

2022-05-17更新 | 106次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Mia and Max, who were raised alone by their mother Jennifer, were angels (天使), or so their neighbors called them.

Since Jennifer couldn’t afford a nanny (保姆), her neighbors always gladly stepped in to care for the brother and sister in her absence.

Mia and Max were absolute sweethearts. They would help the neighbors in the garden, walk their dogs, and carry groceries from their cars to their homes.

“Mom says we should always help others in need!” Mia would say, and Max would agree with her with a broad smile. “Because a little help goes a long way!” he would add.

The two lovely children warmed the entire neighborhood with their sweet smiles and kind hearts. Everything was all right until one day Max fell down on the playground and was rushed to hospital. Sadly, it turned out he was very sick and needed some specific medicines to keep him going. “That’s going to cost a lot of money!” Jennifer sighed. But she didn’t tell anyone that she was in trouble.

She began setting aside money each month for Max’s treatment. Obviously, with her poor pay as a waitress in a bar, she couldn’t save enough. She began cutting down on money for gas and even food. She would walk miles every day to and from work and go to the grocery stores as less often as possible.

One night, Jennifer came home and opened the fridge, only to find they had just one can of tomato soup left. “I’m a total failure as a mother,” she cried, blaming (责备) herself. “I can’t even feed my children!”

Finally, Jennifer added extra water to the soup and served it to her children, who enjoyed their dinner as happily as usual. As soon as her children left the table, Jennifer burst into tears again, little knowing a pleasant surprise was waving at her and her kids.

When Jennifer checked her mailbox the next day, she found an envelope.
2023-05-18更新 | 142次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般