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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:14338567

Do you find it hard to go a day without updating your micro blog? Do you feel out of the loop if you are not chatting on QQ?

For many teenagers around the world, social media has become a big part of their lives. They constantly tell us that communication has never been easier and that you can connect to friends with the click of a button. But is this a good thing?

A recent survey done by Common Sense Media, a non-profit organization in the US, has found that as many as 79 percent of 13- to 17-year-old teenagers feel the need to disconnect from social media sometimes. Surprisingly 36 percent said they wish they could go back to a time before social media existed. Why do they feel this way?

Yahoo reported that scientists have found that social networking sites are a way in which youngsters isolate (孤立) themselves; they tend to use the Internet to avoid human contact and escape from real problems. And the study by Common Sense Media has confirmed (确认) this. According to the organization, many teenagers believe that using social media takes away the time they spend face-to-face with friends. One participant in the study said: “Technology and social networking have absorbed (影响) some of my close friendships, and they’ve dwindled. I miss the times where we could just go hang out and laugh.”

The organization also reports that more than a third of US teenagers want to unplug (关机) in order to avoid overexposure to negative information. The Washington Post reports that 90 percent of teenagers in the country say they have witnessed their peers being bullied (欺负) on social networking sites. According to the newspaper, some teenagers present their “ alter ego (个性的另一面)” on social media, engaging in (参与) conversations with more bravado (逞强) and taking more risks than they do in person.

And some teenagers want to disconnect to enjoy being alone. One teenager said they disliked social media because sometimes being alone is important— It’s nice to just sit back and relax with no possible way to communicate with anyone in any way.”

1. What did the recent survey done by Common Sense Media find out about the US teenagers?
A.Over 30 percent of the teens would rather have no social media around them.
B.90 percent of the teens said their peers were once bullied on social networking sites.
C.More than a third of the teens believe their use of social media affects how they feel about themselves.
D.About three-fourths of the teens wished they could disconnect themselves from the Internet completely.
2. According to the article, many teenagers want to unplug ________.
a. to protect their privacy
b. to have more alone time
c. to spend more time with their friends
d. to escape from their real problems
e. to reduce their exposure to negative information
A.a, b, cB.a, c, dC.b, c, eD.b, d,e
3. The underlined word “dwindled” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to have ________.
A.been in dangerB.become weakerC.been improvedD.remained firm
4. What can we infer from the fifth paragraph?
A.Some teenagers play a negative role in their real daily life.
B.Some teenagers admitted having bullied others on social networking sites.
C.Some teenagers tend to present a different personality on social networking sites.
D.Some teenagers agree that the advantages of social media outweigh their disadvantages.
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阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)


Yorkshire in England was the setting for two great novels of the 19th century.These were Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.The youngest sister,Anne,was also a gifted novelist,and her books have the same extraordinary quality as her sisters’.

Their father was Patrick Bronte,born in Ireland.He moved with his wife,Maria Bronte,and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in 1820. Soon after,Mrs Bronte and the two eldest children died, leaving the father to care for the remaining three girls and a boy.

Charlotte was born in 1816.Emily was born in 1818 and Anne in 1820.Their brother Branwell was born in 1817.Left to themselves,the children wrote and told stories and walked over the hills.They grew up largely self­educated.Branwell showed a great interest in drawing.The girls were determined to earn money for his art education.They took positions as teachers or taught children in their homes.

As children they had all written many stories.Charlotte,as a young girl, alone wrote 22 books,each with 60 to 100 pages of small handwriting.Therefore, they turned to writing for income.By 1847,Charlotte had written The Professor; Emily had written Wuthering Heights;and Anne had written Agnes Grey.After much difficulty Anne and Emily found a publisher,but there was no interest shown in Charlotte’s book.(It was not published until 1859.) However,one publisher expressed an interest in seeing more of her work.Jane Eyre was already started,and she hurriedly finished it.It was accepted at once;thus each of the sisters had a book published in 1847.

Jane Eyre was immediately successful;the other two,however,did not do so well.People did not like Wuthering Heights.They said it was too wild,too animal­like.But gradually it came to be considered one of the finest novels in the English language.Emily lived only a short while after the publication of the book and Anne died in 1849.

Charlotte published Shirley in 1849,and Villette in 1853.In 1854 she married Arthur Bell Nicholls.But only a year later,she died of tuberculosis(肺结核) as her sisters had.

1. What did the Bronte sisters want to do for Branwell?
A.Help him write stories.B.Help him get trained in art.
C.Teach him how to draw well.D.Teach him how to educate himself.
2. We know from the text that ________.
A.Jane Eyre was published in 1847
B.Charlotte Bronte wrote 22 books in all
C.the Bronte sisters received a good education
D.Patrick Bronte helped his daughters with their writings
3. Which of the following was published after the death of its writer?
C.Agnes Grey.D.The Professor.
2019-08-24更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约130词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Everyone likes talking about weather. When people meet, they usually say something like “Isn't it a nice day?” or “Do you think it will rain?”

Different people often want different weather. When a farmer needs water, he hopes it will rain. When people want to take a trip, they hope it will be sunny soon.

How will be the weather? Many people think they can tell it. But they often have different ideas. Some may say, “It's cloudy in the east. It will rain tomorrow.” But others may say, “No, it will be sunny tomorrow.” So people like the weather report. It sometimes makes mistakes Still, it can tell many things about the weather.

1. When people meet, they usually say something about            .
A.their clothesB.foodC.their workD.weather
2. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that             .
A.different people often want different weatherB.farmers always want rain
C.sunny weather is good for a tripD.people like to take a trip
3. People often           .
A.don't know the weather tomorrowB.have different ideas about the weather
C.don't like the weather reportD.do different things in different weather
4. What does the writer think of the weather report?
A.People don't need it now.B.It's interesting to watch it.
C.It's still useful.D.It's not useful at all.
2020-12-20更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Many people have become accustomed to saying “bless you” or “gesundheit” when someone sneezes. No one says anything when someone coughs, blows their noses or burps (打嗝), so why do sneezes get special treatment? What do those phrases actually mean, anyway?

Wishing someone well after he sneezes probably originated thousands of years ago. The Romans would say “Jupiter preserve you!” or “Salve!” which meant “good health to you” and the Greeks would wish each other “long life”. The phrase “God bless you” is due to Pope Gregory the great, who spoke it out in the sixth century during a bubonic plague epidemic (黑死病) (sneezing is an obvious symptom of one form of the plague).

The alternative term “gesundheit” comes from Germany, and it literally means “health”. The idea is that a sneeze typically comes ahead of illness. It entered the English language in the early 20th century, brought to the United States by German-speaking immigrants.

Actually every country around the globe has its own way of wishing sneezers well. People in Arabic countries say “Alhamdulillah!” which means “praise be to God”. Hindus say “Livel” or “Live well!”. Some countries have special sneezing responses for children. In Russia, after children are given the traditional response, “bud zdorov (be healthy)”, they are also told “rosti Bolshoi (grow big)”. When a child sneezes in China, he or she will hear “bai sui” which means “may you live 100 years.”

For the most part, the various sneeze responses originated from ancient superstitions (迷信). Some people believed that a sneeze caused the soul to escape the body through the nose, Saying “bless you” would stop the devil from claiming the person’s freed soul. However, some people believed that those evil spirits used the sneeze as an opportunity to enter a person’s body. There was also the misconception that the heart temporarily stopped during a sneeze (it doesn’t), and that saying “bless you” was a way of welcoming the person back to life.

1. What’s the purpose of paragraph 1?
A.To lead in the topic of the text.B.To explain the definition of blessing.
C.To introduce the evidence of the text.D.To tell the cause of saying “bless you”.
2. Why do people say “bless you” to sneezers?
A.To avoid illness.B.To wish them health.
C.To comfort their family.D.To get a get-well card from others.
3. How does the author state people’s ideas in the last paragraph?
A.By raising questions.B.By analyzing data.
C.By making comparisons.D.By listing causes.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How “bless you” is introduced into English.
B.Why we wish sneezers health in various ways.
C.How people from various countries avoid sneezers.
D.Why people say the blessing when someone sneezes.
2020-10-14更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般