组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 饮食 > 食物与饮料
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:77 题号:14426637

Many actions have been taken to fight food waste, but one young man is making a big difference with technology.

Liu Jichen, 23,     1     student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program    2     (call) “Clear Your Plate”. After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of     3     (they)empty plates. Once the image     4     (recognize) by the AI, students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or meals     5     children in poor areas.

Liu and his team, together with other     6    (organization), started the “Clear Your Plate" movement in November for the third year,     7     has swept over 1,017 universities across the country.

The one-month movement attracted almost 1.6 million people and     8     (reduce) food waste by 862 tons in total, The China Youth Daily reported.

Thanks to his creative actions on social issues, Liu was awarded(授奖) by the UN Office of the Secretary General's Envoy on Youth in September, 2020. “Through the movement, we hope to encourage everyone     9     (take) action against food waste and to offer Chinese     10     (wise) and solutions to global food challenges,” he said.


语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

Alcohol has a very long history in China. Some scholars believe that the technique for making Chinese alcohol     1     (exist) before the Shang dynasty.

In ancient China, alcohol was regarded as a sacred liquid, and it was often used     2     people made sacrificial (祭祀的) offerings to Heaven and the Earth or ancestors. Along with the development of the fermentation (发酵) technique, alcohol became     3     ordinary drink. Many customs concernging alcohol formed and evolved over time.

In the vicissitudes (变迁) of dynasties, wars followed all the way. Alcohol was used     4     a stimulant and reward for the army men. The stimulating drink could make cowards brave, encourage the exhausted and       5     (height) the moral (士气) of the army.

In history, alcohol had a greater impact on Chinese artists than any other social group, since many of them produced their peak-of-perfection masterpieces right after drinking.     6     (drink) and into the state of free production was an important tip Chinese artists turned to to free their       7     (art) creativity. Not only poems but also paintings and calligraphy     8     (raise) to a higher level by the aid of alcohol.

Chinese people make the       9     (assume) that moderate drinking of alcohol is good for one’s health and excessive drinking can hurt one’s body. Thus, many Chinese people sip a little alcohol at times to keep themselves fresh and healthy.

As the old saying goes, “Frequent drinking makes friends surrounding.” Since it shows one’s friendliness, Chinese people     10    (use) alcohol to relieve misunderstanding throughout history, however strong it is.

2023-11-17更新 | 67次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

Italian professor Livio Zanini     1    (devote) the last 30 years to spreading Chinese tea culture in Italy, starting a wave of enthusiasm for Chinese tea across the country.

Zanini, president of the Italian tea culture association, noted that it is his deep interest     2     Chinese culture     3     pushed him to learn Chinese language and tea culture, explaining that “Chinese tea is full of charm and has a     4    (magic) attraction.”

Over the past 30 years, tea culture has become Zanini’s main research topic. In 1990, he earned the chance to study in Beijing,     5     he visited various tea-houses.

In addition to drinking tea, he also began to study tea culture by carefully reading some famous Chinese works on tea,     6     The Classic of Tea and The Record of Tea.

During his long term research of Chinese tea culture,     7     he found is that the Ming Dynasty was a very important period in its development, witnessing many important stages in the evolution of tea culture.

In order to share the happiness he got from tea, Zanini also attended various tea parties     8    (hold) in Italy and has given many lectures about Chinese tea culture in Italian universities,     9     makes this profound culture popular in Rome, Venice, Milan and other famous cities in Italy.

Thanks to his hard work, the promotion and sales of Chinese tea have grown     10    (speed) in the past decade. There are now many premium tea shops in Rome, Milan and Naples.

2022-06-28更新 | 132次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

We all know that water is the source of life on Earth. No plant, insect, animal    1    human can survive without it. A new study from the National Institutes of Health highlights how important it is to our health. Researchers find that people    2    drink a lot of water everyday tend to stay     3    (fit) and live longer than those who don’t. The research team say drinking enough water is helpful to people     4    (affect) by illnesses related to ages, like heart and lung diseases. They add that it is more likely for adults    5    (poor) hydrated(补充水分) to show signs of ageing and even die at a younger age.

The researchers look at the health data from about 12, 000 adults over a 30-year period. They studied the information of patients who    6    (visit) a hospital five times in the past ten years. The first three times were when the patients were in    7    (they) 50s, and the last two times were when they were between 70 and 90. Dr. Natalia Dmitrieva, lead researcher of the study, said, “The    8    (result) suggest that proper hydration may slowdown ageing and make a disease-free life longer,” She calls    9    consuming more water, juice, fruit and vegetables with high water content. She said that half of the people worldwide didn’t drink enough in their daily life. According to her     10    (recommend), the average adult needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day.

2023-09-10更新 | 143次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般