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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:131 题号:14437912

Rolling hills and endless green grasslands – those pictures often appear in our mind when we think of the country lifestyle. When outdoor activities were limited in many countries across the world during the pandemic (疫病), social media(媒体) seemed to be filled by pictures of village life. So, why is living in the countryside becoming increasingly popular – and is it really good to consider a slower life?

It is understandable that some people would want to give up the crowded and noisy city streets for the traditional country life – especially during a period like a pandemic. Having more time to stay indoors and the periods of working from home get people to think about what they want from life. But it's not just about having a greener place to look at out of your window.

It has been proved that living in the countryside does good to you. There's less air pollution in the countryside, which reduces the possibility of developing some diseases for breathing the polluted air. You also get more chances to take long walks and see the beautiful countryside, meaning you can get more exercise. Less noise, more walks and better air can also lead to less stress and a longer life, according to studies done by the British government in 2012.

However, there are some things that need to be considered. Living far from the city means that some people may feel lonely. And as people get older, life far from doctors or public transport could become a bit of a challenge. So, if you're considering a change of life and moving to a picturesque village, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider before taking action.

1. What did people like to share in their social media during the pandemic?
A.Pictures of life in the countryside.B.Pictures of their outdoor activities.
C.Pictures of life in cities.D.Pictures of working at home.
2. The writer lists the advantages of living in the countryside EXCEPT_________.
A.fresher airB.more chances of exercise
C.working at home.D.beautiful countryside views
3. According to the study in 2012, who will live a healthier and longer life?
A.A man who lives near a noisy factory.
B.A man who lives a busy life with no time to exercise.
C.A man who lives in a heavily polluted city.
D.A man who lives in a peaceful village, jogging every morning.
4. From the last paragraph, we can infer that_________.
A.living in the countryside is good for many old people.
B.people should think twice before moving to the countryside.
C.people feel lonely in cities so they want to move to the countryside.
D.there are more advantages than disadvantages in moving to the countryside.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A PhD student surnamed Sun is in the hot seat for occupying a woman's seat on a high - speed train on Aug 21.

In a video posted on Sina Weibo, the man can be seen sitting relaxedly in a seat. When the woman asked him to give her seat back, he refused and said, “You have three choices - stand, take my seat or go to the dining coach.”

A train attendant then came to try to ask him to give the seat back. Sun claimed he wasn't able to stand on his own and asked for a wheelchair. Left with no other way out, the staff led the female passenger to another seat, China Daily reported.

The video quickly lighted debate online Mary have expressed anger at the man’s behavior. Some people even dug up the man's name, as well as his education and work experience, and Put this information online.

Rumor had it that Sun works at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) However, CASS denied the rumor, saying, “Sun was a Master of Law student at the academy between 2013 and 2016. but never worked there.”

The Jinan Public Security Bureau handed down a punishment for Sun on Aug 24. He was fined 200 yuan and will not be allowed to buy train tickets for a set period of time. the People’s Daily reported.

However, some think the punishment was not strict enough, adding that those who act like Sun on airplanes can be found guilty (有罪的) China News Service noted.

Experts explained that the bureau could only punish Sun in this way according to present laws and regulations. But they added that such laws could be improved to stop train passengers from behaving poorly.

1. What does the underlined phrase “in the hot seat” in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?
A.sitting in the center of a roomB.becoming others' heated topic
C.sitting on an uncomfortable seatD.becoming popular with people
2. How did other people respond to Sun's behavior?
A.They showed their understandingB.They started to beat him
C.They felt angry about what he didD.They were afraid of his behavior
3. Which of he following statements is NOT true?
A.Sun was a student at CASS from 2013 to 2016
B.The female passenger got another seat with the help of passengers
C.Videos on Weibo can be seen by the public
D.People reacted differently to the punishment
4. What can be inferred from the story?
A.Sun's legs were seriously injured
B.It's fine to put others' personal information online
C.Bad behavior on planes is not punished
D.Laws that punish bad behavior on trains are not as strict as those for planes
2021-10-29更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to recent polls (民意调查), sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy. Psychologists have been studying the factors that contribute to happiness. It is not predictable, nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings.

A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. Though both may contribute, they are only chief factors if the person is seriously under-educated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs.

The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. People with college educations arc somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunities to control their lives. Yet people with a high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education.

Poor health does not rule out happiness except for the severely disabled or those in pain. Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness. Those who have good relationship with other family members are happier than those who live alone. Love has a higher correlation with happiness than any other factors.

It should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have, and they are happiest when they feel they are increasing their level no matter where it stands at a given time.

Children whose parents where happily married have happier childhoods, but are not necessarily happier adult.

The best formula (准则) for happiness is to be able to develop AQ (Adversity Quotient that can be of great benefit when running into trouble), to have a personal involvement and commitment, and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.happiness is neither predictable nor apparent.
B.a person in an apparently ideal situation must be happy
C.the rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group.
D.happiness is not necessarily connected to one’s situation in society.
2. According to the article, happiness is greatly dependent upon ______.
A.a happy childhood in which one can do whatever he likes.
B.great wealth with which one can buy anything.
C.a feeling that conditions are becoming for the better.
D.a college degree that can help one achieve great success.
3. The best title of this passage may be ______.
A.What Does Happiness Lie in
B.Happiness and Unhappiness
C.Different Kinds of Happiness
D.Causes of Happiness and Unhappiness
2022-03-13更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Richard is a very a successful businessman. It is common for him to work hard with a non-stop. He wasn’t aware that he might wear himself out or die an early death until he overslept one morning, which was a sort of alarm. And then what happened? He had a week’s leave during which time he read novels, listened to music and walked with his wife on a beach, which has enabled Richard to return to work again.

In our modern life, we have lost the rhythm between action and rest. Amazingly, within this world there is a universal but silly saying: “I am so busy.”

We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts, were a talent by nature and an ability to successfully deal with stress. The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others. To be unavailable to our friends and family, and to be unable to find time to relax — this has become the model of a successful life.

Because we do not rest, we lose our way. We miss the guide telling us where to go, the food providing us with strength, the quiet giving us wisdom.

How have we allowed this to happen? I believe it is this: we have forgotten the Sabbath, the day of the week — for followers of some religions — for rest and praying. It is a day when we are not supposed to work, a time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautiful. It is a good time to bless our children and loved ones, give thanks, share meals, walk and sleep. It is a time for us to take a rest, to put our work aside, trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world.

Rest is a spiritual and biological need; however, in our strong ambition to be successful and care for our many responsibilities, we may feel terribly guilty when we take time to rest. The Sabbath gives us permission to stop work. In fact, “Remember the Sabbath” is more than simply permission to rest; it is a rule to obey and a principle to follow.

1. What’s the function of the paragraph 1?
A.To tell us that Richard lives a healthy life
B.To give us a brief introduction of Richard
C.To bring up the topic of the passage.
D.To tell Richard is a successful businessman.
2. The “alarm” in the first paragraph refers to “_______”.
A.a signal of stressB.a warning of danger
C.a sign of ageD.a spread of disease
3. According to the passage during the Sabbath, what we should do except _______.
A.Enjoying delicious meal. B.Taking a good break.
C.Praying for our family. D.Only working for two hours.
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A.We should balance work with rest.
B.The Sabbath gives us permission to rest.
C.It is silly for anyone to say “I am busy”.
D.We should be available to our family and friends.
2022-08-13更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般